Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 235 Advancing To The Emperor Realm And Activating The World's Essence Completely

As Wang Jian returned to his faction, his eyes burned with a newfound fury at the sight of the devastation caused by the schemes and political machinations of the Crown Prince, Second Princess, and even the Third Prince.

Gathering his wives, Su Xian and Fen Shuying, Wang Jian's voice resonated with a chilling determination, "We shall not allow them to go unpunished for their audacity in targeting our faction!"

Yet, it wasn't only the princes that ignited the flames of anger within Wang Jian's heart, but also their conniving mothers who had played a part in orchestrating his mother's unjust punishment.

A dark glimmer appeared in his eyes as he contemplated a fitting retribution.

With a mixture of vindictiveness and a twisted desire, Wang Jian resolved to forcefully conquer the bodies of the queens and concubines of the Emperor.

While part of it was driven by his own depraved desires, the main motive was to administer a fitting punishment to those who had dared to act against his beloved mother.

In his eyes, this was the most appropriate course of action to ensure they faced the consequences they deserved.

Before embarking on his quest for vengeance, Wang Jian made a crucial decision to utilize his precious Destiny Points to enhance his combat prowess and skills to a whole new level.

With fortitude gleaming in his eyes, he commanded the system, "Utilize my Destiny Points to elevate my cultivation to the Emperor Realm."

The response from the system was swift and efficient.


Requirements for the Emperor Realm:

Attainment of Peak Level Elemental Insight – Confirmed.

(Optional) Mastery of a Domain - Confirmed.


While reaching the Emperor Realm only required the pinnacle of Elemental Insight, those who had unlocked a Domain could experience a significant boost in their power, as well as the authority over his chosen domain.

Wang Jian, however, sought to keep his breakthrough as discreet as possible, avoiding unnecessary attention.

Thus, he had chosen a secluded location, far away from his palace, protected by concealment talismans, where he could undergo this momentous breakthrough in secrecy.

As the mysterious energy merged with Wang Jian's dantian, his precious reservoir of Destiny Points rapidly depleted, fueling the extraordinary transformation unfolding within him.

A surge of exhilaration coursed through his being as his cultivation transcended the boundaries of the King Realm, ascending to the exalted Emperor Realm.

With this breakthrough, Wang Jian experienced a profound shift in his senses, elevating them to an unprecedented level.

His newfound sensory range expanded, enveloping half of the Empire with himself as the epicenter.

It was as if the world had opened its doors to him, granting him the ability to discern the elemental affinities of all the experts within his vast reach. This remarkable enhancement was a testament to his refined Spiritual Sensitivity Skill.

Moreover, Wang Jian could perceive the unmistakable amplification in the power and scope of his domain. The mastery and control over his domain seemed to have reached new heights, resonating harmoniously with the energies of an Emperor Realm expert. As the reverberations of his breakthrough settled, Wang Jian turned his attention to the notifications from the system. Nearly 1.6 Million Destiny Points had been consumed to reach the Emperor Realm

However, amidst the sea of notifications, a particular message stood out. It was no ordinary blue box but a blazing red one, signaling a grave warning.

[Warning! The Host's breakthrough to the Emperor Realm has activated the complete awakening of the World's Essence. A new Protagonist has emerged, designated to target the Host primarily! Moreover, Protagonist Ye Chen's luck has received a significant boost, enabling him to surpass the Host.]

The gravity of this warning caused Wang Jian's eyes to widen ever so slightly. He had long anticipated that his defiance of the prescribed destinies and his clash against the protagonists would eventually mark him as the primary adversary in the eyes of the World's Essence.

Now, the World's Essence had responded with a countermeasure—unleashing a new protagonist and empowering Ye Chen with unprecedented luck to overcome him.

Although Wang Jian couldn't deny feeling a tinge of apprehension, he understood the futility of excessive worry.

He knew that dwelling on the extent of the World's Essence's intervention or overthinking the challenges ahead would yield no fruitful outcome.

Instead, he resolved to confront the obstacles as they arose, tackling each problem head-on.

For the time being, Wang Jian would focus on fortifying his faction and embarking on the quest to uncover the identity of this new protagonist.

After attaining the Emperor Realm, Wang Jian exercised caution and refrained from immediately revealing his newfound cultivation throughout the entire Empire.

He understood the ensuing chaos that would ensue if all the Emperor Realm experts were to perceive him as a threat.

Their gaze would fixate upon him, seeking to ascertain his strength and unravel his plans.I think you should take a look at

Although Wang Jian possessed unwavering confidence in his ability to overpower them in sheer might, he recognized the potential harm this attention could inflict upon his faction.

Instead, he opted to keep his true strength as a last resort, utilizing it sparingly.

This strategic approach allowed him to focus on the development and consolidation of his faction, ensuring its stability and resilience.

In pursuit of this goal, his first order of business was to convene a meeting with Su Xian and Fen Shuying, discussing ways to counter the onslaught of assassins and mercenaries targeting their faction.

These shadowy assailants had been employed by the factions aligned with Crown Prince Wang Hao, Second Princess Wang Ying, and Third Prince Wang Chen. Wang Jian resolved that the time had come to handpick their targets and eradicate them without mercy.

Though his faction may not have been vast in numbers, Wang Jian's mother, Bai Liqin, possessed significant influence.

Through her diligent efforts, she had managed to unearth the bases of three organizations and the mercenary groups implicated in the attacks against Wang Jian's faction.

Determined to make an example out of these three targets, Wang Jian assembled a formidable team of warriors hailing from diverse clans, including the Crimson Mammoth Tribe, the Night Dagger Clan, and the Sacred Crane Sect.

Leading this formidable force, he wasted no time in launching a lightning assault on the three bases, obliterating them with ruthless efficiency.

It became a veritable bloodbath, leaving only a handful of survivors.

The deliberate act of sparing these witnesses ensured that news of the merciless slaughter orchestrated by Wang Jian's faction would reverberate throughout the Empire.

Within a week of his return, this display of ruthless retribution sent shockwaves through the ranks of Wang Jian's enemies, who had recklessly targeted his faction during his absence.

Even Crown Prince Wang Hao, Second Princess Wang Ying, and Third Prince Wang Chen were taken aback by Wang Jian's unyielding actions.

Though they had anticipated a fierce response from him, the extent of his vengeance surpassed their expectations.

It became abundantly clear that Wang Jian was willing to defy even the wrath of the Emperor himself to exact his revenge, openly slaughtering his adversaries without fear of consequences.

Wang Jian possessed a keen understanding of the Emperor's response, fully confident that he would face no repercussions for his audacious acts. He recognized that the blame lay squarely upon the opposing factions, not himself.

With absolute conviction, he justified his actions as a rightful vengeance against these foolish adversaries who had dared to inflict harm upon his faction during his absence.

During that eventful week, a wave of transformative changes swept through the sects.

Internal rearrangements unfolded, propelling numerous disciples and even esteemed elders from secondary and local branches of the sects in the Kingdom to ascend to the prestigious main branches within the Empire.

This influx of fresh talent breathed new life into the sects, infusing them with a vigor and strength that had been momentarily depleted in the wake of the Butterfly Spirit Race's encroachment upon their sacred dominion.

While the Kingdom's sects bore the brunt of this shift, the sects within the Empire experienced a remarkable resurgence.

The halls of the sects buzzed with anticipation as new faces emerged, their talents shining brightly like stars in the night sky.

These promising disciples, along with the elevated elders, brought with them a wealth of expertise, fortifying the sects' foundations within the Empire.

Among the elders who ascended to the esteemed main branch, one individual stood out: Mei Yan.

Unbeknownst to the Celestial Dragon's Sect, which was affiliated with the Crown Prince Wang Hao, Mei Yan shared a complicated and ambiguous connection with Wang Jian.

If they had been aware of this association, they would never have granted her such a prominent position. Instead, they were captivated by Mei Yan's exceptional martial prowess and her impeccable record of managing her branch.

Despite her promotion, a chilling sense of fear gripped Mei Yan's heart. Her mind conjured images of Wang Jian's sinister visage and that twisted, wicked smile.

She knew all too well that upon her return to the Empire, Wang Jian would not simply leave her be. He would use her body to satiate his wicked and carnal desires, regardless of her consent.

Mei Yan found herself caught in a predicament, unable to confront Wang Jian or afford to offend him.

Her vulnerability stemmed from the fact that Wang Jian held leverage over her—a leverage embodied in the form of her disciple, Xiao Ling, who currently served as Wang Jian's maid.

After much deliberation and a heavy sigh, Mei Yan made her decision. Her voice, though laced with willpower, quivered ever so slightly with a tinge of desperation.

"Remaining here will only perpetuate our suffering," she whispered to herself, her words a solemn oath. "I must seize this chance and journey to the Empire, where I shall dedicate myself to breaking through the formidable barriers that separate me from the revered Emperor Realm. It is only through transcending these limits that I can safeguard myself and rescue Xiao Ling from this harrowing fate."

However, Mei Yan remained blissfully unaware of Wang Jian's recent ascension to the Emperor Realm. Her hopes rested on the misguided belief that attaining such extraordinary power would free her from his clutches.

Little did she know that even the lofty heights of the Emperor Realm would not grant her the liberation she sought from Wang Jian's oppressive grip.

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