Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 226 Manipulating The Church Followers Into Insulting Hong Meilin

An eruption of outrage surged through the ranks of the church's devoted followers as they beheld their esteemed Saintess, Hong Meilin, boldly seizing the initiative to bestow upon Wang Jian a passionate kiss.

The intensity of her embrace stoked an inferno of anger within them, as they struggled to reconcile their image of a virtuous and untainted Saintess with this audacious display of intimacy.

While the followers had grudgingly acknowledged Wang Jian's impressive martial prowess, the boundaries of acceptability were shattered by the sight before them.

Whispers and rumors of a burgeoning connection between the Saintess and Wang Jian had circulated amongst the factions of Wang Hao and Wang Ying the day before.

However, the church's faithful adherents staunchly denied these allegations, asserting with unwavering confidence that their revered Saintess would never engage in a relationship with Wang Jian.

Yet now, reality unfolded before their eyes, searing their retinas and stoking a torrent of unbridled fury.

Voices rose in protest, morphing into a chorus of incredulous outbursts and searing insults.

"What on earth is happening? Saintess, what have you done?!"

"Saintess, how could you taint your purity by engaging in such an intimate act with him?!"

"This shameless display from our once-virtuous Saintess is utterly disgraceful! She is behaving no better than a common harlot!"

The torrent of voices cascaded forth, their expressions of outrage growing in intensity, fueling the tempestuous atmosphere.

It was this cacophony of condemnation that jolted Hong Meilin back to reality, causing the euphoria that had clouded her mind to slowly dissipate. With clarity restored, she comprehended the gravity of her misstep.

She had succumbed to the enchanting allure of the blissful feeling, allowing it to guide her into passionately kissing Wang Jian.

Reluctantly, her lips parted from Wang Jian's, and she turned to face her indignant members of the church.

To her surprise, it wasn't the act of kissing Wang Jian that Hong Meilin deeply regretted, but rather the audacity of doing so in the presence of her loyal church members.

Even more astonishing was that Hong Meilin didn't place blame on Wang Jian for his whispered command.

She acknowledged that she was fully aware of her actions throughout and had willingly chosen to kiss him.

Therefore, she didn't find it justifiable to hold Wang Jian accountable for her own choices.

With Wang Jian's hand firmly resting on her waist, he confronted the enraged followers, his voice cutting through the tension like ice.

"Choose your words wisely," he warned, his tone tinged with menace. "If any of you dare to insult my woman, I will show no mercy. None of you will escape the consequences of your insolence!"

The pressure emitted by Wang Jian focused solely on the church members, causing them to feel as though the air had been sucked out of their surroundings. It was so intense that most of them, including the two bishops, found themselves forced to the ground, as if an immense aura was pressing them down.

In that moment, Wang Jian discreetly activated the low-intensity Blissful Touch technique through his hand firmly grasping Hong Meilin's waist, concealing it from her awareness.

Despite the hurt and anger she felt at the despicable insults hurled by her church followers, Hong Meilin couldn't help but experience a profound sense of bliss as she witnessed Wang Jian standing up for her, protecting her from her own comrades.

"Please let them go, Your Highness," Hong Meilin requested Wang Jian politely.

"Are you certain you wish to forgive them? I believe they have yet to learn their lesson," Wang Jian spoke icily, his gaze piercing through the church members.

"...No. The fault lies with me. They were entirely justified in admonishing me," Hong Meilin humbly and respectfully replied.

Though she spoke those words, not all of them reflected her true sentiments. She still carried the hurt and anger within her, but she chose not to prolong the matter, unwilling to see Wang Jian harm members of her beloved church.

"...I will release them at your request," Wang Jian said coldly, retracting his oppressive aura. As a result, the church members gradually rose to their feet, taking deep breaths to recover.

Yet, the fury in their eyes toward Hong Meilin remained. It was evident that this matter was far from concluded.

However, Wang Jian soon turned away and declared, "I shall take my leave now. Remember the dance and ensure your presence at tomorrow's ceremony."

His words hung in the air, leaving a sense of anticipation and unresolved tension among the church members as Wang Jian departed.

As Wang Jian prepared to depart, his keen ears caught a torrent of insults being hurled at Hong Meilin, even before he had left the vicinity.

A wicked smile played upon Wang Jian's lips, for his plan had executed flawlessly.

With each insult, Hong Meilin would feel a deepening sense of isolation from her comrades, gradually fostering a growing resentment within her.

In this bleak scenario, he would become her sole source of solace and support.

After returning to his faction's stronghold, Wang Jian resolved to meet Lady Zhuoran and dismantle any lingering reluctance that had dwelled within her.

Drawing upon his formidable repertoire of skills—Charismatic Magnetism, Enchanting Pheromones, and the fascinating power of the Blissful Touch—he embarked on a mission to conquer not only her body but her mind.

The night unfolded in a symphony of passion, where Wang Jian's every move was an orchestrated rhythm designed to pound Lady Zhuoran into submission.

With calculated finesse, he unleashed his mastery, bewitching her senses and plunging her deeper into the abyss of insatiable desire.

Lost in a haze of lust and yearning, Lady Zhuoran discovered a truth that resonated within the depths of her being.

No longer could she resist the alluring call of Wang Jian. Her cravings intensified, an insatiable hunger that could only be sated by the touch of his very being.

Even the slightest graze of his pinky finger against her flesh ignited an inferno of heat, a primal longing that could only be quelled through an intense and intimate union with him.

In her mind, being with Wang Jian became the pinnacle of bliss, an intoxicating elixir she could not bear to relinquish. The depths of their connection beckoned her, promising a fulfillment that surpassed all boundaries.

With each resounding pound, Wang Jian cemented his dominance over Lady Zhuoran's body and soul. Their union was a tempestuous dance, where desire melded with surrender, leaving her utterly consumed by his touch.

The power of their connection reverberated through her being, echoing the raw intensity of their desires.

As their bodies entwined and their passions collided, Lady Zhuoran was enveloped in a whirlwind of ecstasy.

In the aftermath of their fervent and intoxicating liaison, Lady Zhuoran was consumed by a profound sense of fulfillment, her very core anchored to the all-encompassing bliss she had discovered in the arms of Wang Jian.

A whirlwind of sensations danced within her, mingling desire, satisfaction, and an insatiable hunger for more.

Yet, her astonishment knew no bounds when she awoke to the startling revelation that her cultivation realm had ascended to unprecedented heights.

Once confined to the stagnation of the Fifth Level of the King Realm, she now found herself elevated to the illustrious Seventh Level in a single night of passion.

It was a profound metamorphosis that defied logic and surpassed her wildest expectations.

As Lady Zhuoran absorbed the magnitude of this extraordinary leap, a radiant smile blossomed on her face.

In that moment, she discerned a glimmer of purpose beyond the immediate pleasures she had indulged in.

Embracing her role as the matriarch of her race, she carried the weighty responsibility of cultivating her own strength and guiding her clan to new heights of greatness.

And if surrendering herself to the magnetic allure of Wang Jian promised to unlock untapped reservoirs of power, she would seize that opportunity without hesitation.

Yet, deep down, Lady Zhuoran was aware that her noble justifications served a dual purpose.

They allowed her to cloak her true desires with a facade of duty and righteousness, providing a semblance of moral validation for her insatiable longing to be with Wang Jian.

In truth, her motives were driven not solely by the pursuit of power, but by a primal, unspoken craving that burned within her core.

Lady Zhuoran's smile, tinged with a trace of mischief, mirrored the complex interplay of her thoughts. With each passing moment, her desire for Wang Jian grew stronger, intertwining with her yearning for strength and supremacy.

In this intricate dance of power and passion, Lady Zhuoran was prepared to navigate the blurred lines between duty and desire, fully aware that her true motivations could not be easily disentangled from the web she had spun around herself.

After having successfully ensnared Lady Zhuoran in his web of desire and manipulation, Wang Jian's attention now turned towards his next target: Lady Zhuoran's beloved daughter, Bixi Shuyan.

His dark intentions were veiled behind a sinister smile that danced upon his lips as he rose from his reclined position.

Engaging a combination of elemental techniques, he purified his body and adorned himself in pristine white attire, a clear symbol of his royal status. With calculated steps, he made his way towards the designated location for the forthcoming ceremony.

Lady Zhuoran, despite her exhaustion, summoned the strength to rise from the bed. Employing her mastery over the water element, she cleansed herself, reveling in the soothing sensation of renewal.

She then adorned an elegant ensemble, carefully chosen to veil her seductive figure, before hastening to join Wang Jian outside the tent.

Meanwhile, Bixi Shuyan, unaware of the dark intentions lurking beneath Wang Jian's charismatic facade, prepared herself for the event.

As she approached him, her youthful innocence shone through, an unassuming presence amidst the tangled web of deceit.

The trio embarked on their journey towards the ceremony, their steps guided by a shared purpose, albeit concealed beneath their individual facades.

A sense of anticipation filled the air as their paths converged, and it was in this moment that Hong Meilin, bearing the weight of her sleepless nights, joined their entourage.

As Wang Jian's gaze fell upon Hong Meilin's countenance, a flicker of satisfaction danced in his heart.

He reveled in the sight of her weariness and the shadows that lingered beneath her eyes, for it signified the successful execution of his plan.

The outcome had surpassed even his lofty expectations, fueling his sinister satisfaction.

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