"Elder Hua, we have some inquiries pertaining to Ye Chen. Can you confirm whether it is true that he has the ability to multiply the exceedingly rare Heavenly Moon Blossom Flowers?" Wang Hao asked with utmost seriousness, cutting straight to the heart of the matter.

Elder Hua's gaze shifted from Wang Hao to Wang Ying, recognizing the gravity of the situation reflected in her eyes.

Wang Ying's voice carried a determined tone as she urged, "We implore you to speak candidly, for we are gathering all available knowledge regarding Ye Chen. As he has aligned himself with the demons, it is imperative that we eliminate this threat swiftly to safeguard our Empire."

Wang Ying furrowed her brows in confusion, her voice reflecting her perplexity. "What kind of treasure could grant such powers? I have never come across any information pertaining to such an artifact."

Her bewilderment was mirrored by Wang Hao and Wang Chen, who exchanged puzzled glances. The notion of an artifact capable of multiplying herbs, irrespective of their rarity, was entirely foreign to them.

Wang Jian's eyes widened slightly, a realization dawning upon him. He understood that this must be the fabled treasure that bestowed Ye Chen with his seemingly cheat-like abilities.

Adding to the discussion, Elder Hua divulged another piece of crucial information. "In addition to his herb-multiplication abilities, Ye Chen also employs Beast Corpses in some manner. Although I am uncertain of the specifics, it is evident that these Beast Corpses hold great importance to him."

The revelation sparked a profound sense of intrigue and curiosity among the group, their minds now consumed with unraveling the depths of Ye Chen's arsenal and the enigmatic secrets he held.

"Thank you for enlightening us and providing deeper insight into Ye Chen's abilities," Wang Ying expressed her gratitude with a courteous tone, her appreciation evident.

Elder Hua reciprocated the politeness, her response graceful. "It was my pleasure, Princess."

As Wang Ying and the others turned to make their way towards Wang Hao's camp to engage in discussions with the Heavenly Blade Sect members, Wang Jian's gaze lingered upon Elder Hua.

Seizing the opportunity, he addressed her with a request. "Elder Hua, I would be honored if you would spar with me. I've heard that you possess high-level insights into the Laws of Wind, and I would greatly appreciate the chance to refine my own understanding of this domain."

"You possess insights into the Laws of Wind?" Elder Hua couldn't help but be taken aback. Her surprise stemmed from witnessing Wang Jian's mastery of powerful flames on the battlefield, indicating a profound understanding of the Laws of Fire. This revelation left her curious about his prowess in the Laws of Wind.

Wang Jian wore a mischievous grin as he replied, "Indeed, I have gained insights into all the fundamental laws. Allow me to demonstrate."

Raising his hand, Wang Jian unleashed a calm breeze that gently struck Elder Hua.

The intensity of the Laws of Wind within the breeze caught her off guard, revealing an extraordinary strength that hinted at a high-level understanding of the Laws of Wind.

Wang Hao and Wang Ying exchanged cold glances as their eyes narrowed, keenly observing the scene unfolding before them.

Their astute intellects allowed them to discern that Wang Jian's strength had transcended its previous boundaries, ascending to new heights.

It became apparent that his remarkable advancement was likely a result of the coveted Elemental Sparks.

Unlike the others present, Wang Jian hadn't absorbed the essence of a single Elemental Spark; instead, he had harnessed the combined power of all five sparks simultaneously.

Wang Chen's countenance turned sour, a mask of envy plastered across his face. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of bitterness at witnessing his seventh brother's continuous growth, even within the confines of the King Realm.

As a stark contrast to his own struggle to break through to the same realm, Wang Jian seemed to effortlessly ascend to greater heights, fueling Wang Chen's deep-seated jealousy.

Elder Hua gracefully acknowledged Wang Jian's request, her words carrying a tinge of reverence, "I would be honored to engage in a spar with you, Your Highness. Please feel free to approach me whenever it suits you."

Wang Jian expressed his gratitude with a warm smile, appreciating Elder Hua's willingness to partake in the practice session.

The group then departed from their current location, making their way towards Wang Hao's faction's designated area within the camp.

After their discussion with the members of the Heavenly Blade Sect, the group's conversation extended longer than anticipated. Eventually, they dispersed, each member returning to their respective duties.

Just before parting ways, Wang Jian approached Wang Hao with a request, his tone carrying a hint of curiosity, "May I attempt to engage Guan Yin in conversation? I believe she might share valuable insights about Ye Chen."

Wang Hao's response was cold and cautious, as he warned, "Certainly, but tread lightly. Do not provoke her."

Assuring Wang Hao of his caution, Wang Jian set off towards Guan Yin's tent.

Aware of his brother's potential for mischief, Wang Hao assigned some of his personal guards to discreetly monitor Wang Jian's actions. Their task was to ensure that Wang Jian only interacted with Guan Yin and refrained from approaching other members of the faction.

Should they witness any deviation from this plan, they were to intervene immediately.

Wang Hao's cautious approach stemmed from his knowledge that many warriors on the battlefield held a deep admiration for Wang Jian's exceptional combat prowess.

Although Wang Hao himself was no slouch in terms of fighting ability, he didn't want to take any chances when it came to allowing Wang Jian unrestricted access to his faction's members.

As for Guan Yin, Wang Hao reluctantly decided to grant Wang Jian the opportunity to approach her, fully confident that his brother's efforts would yield no fruitful response.

Within moments, Wang Jian found himself standing in front of Guan Yin's tent. He approached her quietly and whispered in a deliberate manner, his voice carrying a mix of familiarity and menace, "Greetings, Guan Yin. I'm certain you recognize my voice. Yes, it is I, Wang Jian, the Seventh Prince. I have come here to enlighten you on a rather intriguing fact: Ye Chen, your childhood friend, once attempted to assassinate me and even took the life of one of my dearest companions. Initially, I had planned to administer a fittingly cruel punishment for his transgressions. However, much to my surprise, he has now transformed into a demon."

"Now, I won't restrain myself any longer, and I shall extend my retribution to his family as well. You have until nightfall to convince me of his parents' innocence in this matter. Failure to do so will result in their eternal suffering—a lifetime of excruciating pain, tormented by the agonizing anticipation of a death that will never come."

Wang Jian paused, allowing his words to linger in the air, before concluding, "You may choose to believe that I am merely employing these words as a ploy to entice you into revealing information about Ye Chen and his abilities. But I implore you to take a moment and consider whether I am truly capable of such ruthless actions. The answer, I believe, will become clear to you."

With his acute awareness, Wang Jian sensed the subtle movements within the tent as his words sank in. He knew that Guan Yin had been affected by his calculated approach.

Wang Jian understood that a woman of Guan Yin's virtue and righteous character, chosen by the very essence of the world to play the role of a protagonist's heroine, could not remain indifferent to his declaration.

He knew that polite entreaties to coax her out of the tent would prove futile.

Guan Yin had already disregarded the face of Wang Hao, her faction's leader and the Crown Prince, and it was highly unlikely that she would give any consideration to Wang Jian.

Her perception of him as an evil individual worked in his favor, providing him with the opportunity to convince her that he was willing to inflict harm upon innocent individuals for the actions of their son.

As anticipated, it didn't take long before Guan Yin emerged from her tent, her countenance displaying a resolute determination.

Wang Jian's calculated strategy had succeeded in drawing her out, compelling her to face him and engage in what was to come.

Guan Yin's voice carried a weight of seriousness as she called out, "I am prepared to have a conversation with you. Come closer!"

However, Wang Jian remained unperturbed, his nonchalant demeanor unwavering as he continued walking without a care in the world. Though his actions appeared indifferent, inside, a mischievous smirk played upon his lips.

Observing Wang Jian's disregard, a furrow formed on Guan Yin's brow. She interpreted his behavior as an intentional act of elusiveness, adding to her growing frustration. Left with no other option, she hastened her steps, determined to intercept him and address him directly.

As she positioned herself in front of Wang Jian, her tone exuded a hint of heat, revealing her impatience. "As you wished, I am here, ready to engage in conversation."

Unfazed by her intensity, Wang Jian proposed a change of scenery with a touch of intrigue in his voice. "I prefer not to converse in this location. Let us adjourn to the nearby lake," he suggested, seamlessly continuing his stride towards the picturesque waters, inviting Guan Yin to join him.

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