As Wang Jian's faction steadily advanced towards the central region, his siblings' factions, led by Crown Prince Wang Hao and Second Princess Wang Ying, were also drawing near to the heart of the sacred dominion.

In contrast, Ye Chen and the Butterfly Spirit Queen's group encountered minimal resistance, effortlessly navigating their way to the central region without encountering any demons along their path.

The Butterfly Spirit Queen skillfully employed her superior spiritual and illusionary abilities, cloaking the entire group from the prying eyes of the demons as they silently observed their adversaries stationed within the area.

With a deliberate gesture, the Butterfly Spirit Queen pointed towards a specific direction and spoke in a voice laden with significance, "Just ten miles ahead in that very direction lies the seal-bound Elemental Sparks. It is a power that only I possess the ability to unlock."

Ye Chen, fully aware that liberating the area required assistance beyond their current means, inquired earnestly, "Is there anything else at our disposal? Any resources or allies we can leverage?"

A fleeting shadow of worry crossed the Butterfly Spirit Queen's countenance as she conveyed her troubling discovery, "I can sense the presence of my captive race members and other beasts, held captive nearly fourteen miles in the northwestern direction."

Pausing for a moment, she continued with a furrowed brow, her voice betraying a hint of trepidation, "...However, that particular region is teeming with demons. Their numbers are formidable, bolstered by the presence of nearly thirty King Realm experts. To further complicate matters, one among them possesses an aura so potent that it could rival even an Emperor Realm expert's might."

The weight of their predicament hung heavily in the air, casting a pall of tension over the group. The Butterfly Spirit Queen's distress was palpable, a testament to the daunting challenge they faced.

Rescuing her beast comrades from the clutches of the demons would demand careful planning, unwavering resolve, and a calculated strategy to overcome the overwhelming odds that stood in their way.

Ye Chen pondered for a moment, considering their options. "How close can we approach the location where the beasts are being held without alerting the demons?" he inquired.

The Butterfly Spirit Queen exuded confidence as she responded, "I can maintain our concealment outside of the five-mile radius of the demons. As long as we remain outside that distance, they won't be able to detect us."

Understanding their limitations, Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully. "In that case, we need to maneuver along the edges and stealthily make our way toward that area," he suggested, formulating a plan in his mind.

Eagerly, the Butterfly Spirit Queen asked, her eyes shining with hope, "Do you have a plan to save our comrades?"

With a self-assured smile, Ye Chen revealed his strategy, "As I mentioned earlier, I am affiliated with the Second Princess Wang Ying's faction. Once her faction arrives, the demons will undoubtedly shift their attention towards them. This will create a diversion, allowing us to infiltrate the demons' camp unnoticed and liberate our fellow beast comrades. Their release will significantly bolster our forces."

However, the Butterfly Spirit Queen's expression turned slightly distressed as she voiced her concern, "But my comrades... they are likely in no condition to fight. I sensed their auras were feeble and weakened, likely due to starvation and mistreatment."

Ye Chen's smile remained unwavering as he reassured her, "Fear not. I possess an array of rare exotic herbs with potent essence capable of instantly restoring their strength."

In truth, the Butterfly Spirit Queen and her comrades had once possessed such herbs, but they had all been seized by the demons, leaving them empty-handed.

Learning of Ye Chen's possession of these precious resources brought newfound joy to the Butterfly Spirit Queen's heart.

Finally, she could envision her comrades being freed from their plight and rising up to vanquish the demons that had tormented them.

With swift yet cautious steps, the entire group pressed forward, their determination driving them closer to the northwestern region where the demons' camp lay, a mere six miles away. Aware of the delicate nature of their mission, they chose to bide their time and wait for the opportune moment.

Their patience was soon rewarded as the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. Breaking through the barriers of the sacred dominion, a formidable faction emerged, led by none other than the Crown Prince Wang Hao himself.

Ye Chen's eyes gleamed with a mix of excitement and strategic calculation as he observed the unfolding scene.

"Let us be patient and keenly observe the unfolding battle," Ye Chen suggested, his voice laced with a strategic edge. "We must seize the opportune moment to charge forth and liberate our fellow beasts."

The loyal beasts that stood behind him nodded in unanimous agreement, their eyes gleaming with a mixture of anticipation and determination.

| In the midst of their silent vigil, a thunderous uproar erupted from the demon camp.

A horde of demons surged forward, their frenzied charge led by none other than Tristan, a formidable heir of the Oceanic Tempest Storm Devil Clan. His name reverberated through the realms, a symbol of unparalleled power and authority among his peers.

Tristan, with his commanding presence and auras that rivalled even those of Emperor Realm experts, had earned his reputation as one of the most revered figures among the demon clans.

Only the Sinister Nether Curseweaver Devil Princess, an enigma in her own right, could match his stature.

Amidst the charged atmosphere, crackling with palpable tension, even the Crown Prince Wang Hao donned a grave expression as he sensed the overwhelming aura emanating from Tristan.

The weight of the impending battle settled heavily upon their shoulders, reminding them of the monumental challenge that awaited them.

"I shall be the one to face this formidable demon," declared Wang Hao, his voice resolute as he unsheathed his mighty Glaive.

His loyal subordinates nodded in silent accord, their eyes gleaming with unwavering determination.

Within their ranks, seven King Realm experts led their respective groups, their experience and prowess shining through.

The realization that the enemy forces boasted ten King Realm demons caused deep furrows to appear on the brows of Wang Hao's faction leaders. The odds seemed daunting, with their King Realm experts outnumbered.

However, unyielding in their resolve, they planned to stand united, fighting as a cohesive force while remaining vigilant against the relentless assault of the demons.

Fortune favored them, for the Crown Prince had diligently conducted rigorous teamwork exercises among his faction, constantly sharpening their combat skills as they clashed with the demonic forces, thereby bolstering their prestige.

Moreover, the Crown Prince Wang Hao's faction possessed considerable experience in battling against demons, further enhancing their chances of victory.

With these factors in their favor, they believed their odds stood at an even fifty-fifty.

Unbeknownst to them, a covert danger lurked within the enemy camp. Nearly twenty King Realm experts lay in wait, their presence concealed from the Crown Prince's faction.

The demons had a calculated reason for leaving behind this formidable force.

They prepared for the impending arrival of the Second Princess Wang Ying's faction, a formidable power comparable to that of the Crown Prince.

Caution dictated their actions, as they had gleaned information of Wang Ying's approach from a few demons who had managed to escape during her encounter with Ethan.

Unbeknownst to the demons, their focus on Wang Ying's faction left them oblivious to the stealthy movements of Wang Jian's faction.

Wang Jian left no room for demons to escape during his battles against Aiden and other demon groups, rendering his faction hidden from their watchful eyes.

As Ye Chen's gaze fixated upon the ranks of the Crown Prince's faction, his attention was captivated by the presence of Guan Yin amidst the battle against the demons. His eyes softened, a flicker of surprise mingling with a tinge of disbelief. He hadn't anticipated Guan Yin's participation in this perilous forest skirmish.

A fleeting conflict played out within Ye Chen's mind, a tumultuous battle of indecision and self-interest.

His eyes darted between the Butterfly Spirit Queen's group and Guan Yin, his heart torn between two distinct paths.

Moments stretched into an agonizing eternity as he wrestled with his own desires. His lips moved, muttering words of rationalization that rang hollow even in his own ears.

"Sister Yin is a resilient warrior. She knows how to avoid direct confrontation with these formidable King Realm demons," he whispered, trying to convince himself of his decision.

Deep down, however, Ye Chen was all too aware of the truth that lurked beneath his flimsy justifications.

Selfishness fueled his thoughts, and his true motives laid bare. He yearned for the Butterfly Spirit Queen's affections, craving the power and advantages that came with possessing her coveted Butterfly Spirit Queen's Mark.

In his relentless pursuit of personal gain, he had no qualms about forsaking Guan Yin, discarding her like a pawn on a chessboard.

As the cacophony of battle intensified around him, Ye Chen's face twisted into a cunning smile, betraying the darkness that resided within his soul.

The weight of his choice settled upon his shoulders, a burden that mingled with his ambition and lust for supremacy.

The thunderous battle between the demons and the Crown Prince's faction commenced soon.

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