While he was on the way, Ye Chen was informed of the guardian of the Heavenly Moon Blossom, the Lunar Tiger.

It is a massive white tiger with black stripes that stands at over 20 feet tall, and possesses incredible strength, speed, and agility that far surpasses any other beast at the King Realm.

The Lunar Tiger is said to be able to move faster than the speed of sound, and its claws can cut through even the hardest of materials.

It is fiercely protective of the Heavenly Moon Blossom and will stop at nothing to ensure that no one else takes it. It is also highly intelligent and can communicate telepathically with those it deems worthy of its attention.

However, it is notoriously difficult to gain the Lunar Tiger's trust, as it is highly suspicious of outsiders.

Despite its fearsome reputation, the Lunar Tiger is also known for its sense of honor and loyalty. It will always keep its word and never back down from a challenge, making it a formidable opponent in any battle.

Ye Chen realized that triumphing over the Lunar Tiger would prove to be quite a formidable task.

In fact, he recognized that it was imperative to vanquish a few beasts beforehand and subsequently place their corpses into the Chaos Essence Bead, in order to reinvigorate the pure essence of the bead.

As the sun started to set, they arrived at the entrance of the cave, shrouded in darkness. Due to the lack of visibility, they decided to postpone exploring the cave until the next day.

The disciples of the Lotus Blossom Sect, relieved from their journey, gathered around a bonfire to chat with Ye Chen.

However, Elder Hua stood a little farther away with a watchful expression, disinterested in the small talk.

Although Ye Chen was eager to approach her and start a conversation, he knew that it would be inappropriate to do so in front of her disciples. He sensed that making a move at this point would only worsen his chances with her.

Ye Chen continued chatting with the disciples of the Lotus Blossom Sect, enjoying their lively banter as they sat around the crackling bonfire. However, as midnight approached, it was time to call it a night and retire to their tents.

Just as Ye Chen was about to turn in, Elder Hua approached him and offered to show him a spot to set up his tent.

Ye Chen was surprised, as he had been considering pitching his tent right there. However, it quickly became clear that Elder Hua had other ideas in mind.

Without showing any annoyance, Ye Chen followed Elder Hua to the spot she had chosen for him.

It was a peaceful area about half a mile away from the Lotus Blossom Sect's camp.

While Ye Chen felt a twinge of disappointment at being excluded from their group, he didn't let it dampen his enthusiasm for the expedition.

All of a sudden, Elder Hua's pupils dilated as she detected an unusual energy signature. She could feel a colossal spiritual power rapidly approaching their camp, and her expression turned grave.

"Quickly, follow me," she ordered Ye Chen urgently, her tone laced with anxiety. "The Lunar Tiger has sensed us and is on its way here!"

Ye Chen didn't waste a moment and immediately ran after her, their feet pounding the ground as they dashed towards the camp.

Fortunately, when they reached their destination, they found that the Lunar Tiger had not yet arrived.

Elder Hua's eyes widened in shock and alarm as she saw a massive burst of light-blue lunar energy hurtling towards them with tremendous force.

Reacting quickly, she stepped forward with a determined expression and conjured a powerful barrier imbued with the Laws of Wind to intercept the incoming attack.

However, the sheer power of the blast was overwhelming, and the barrier she had hastily formed was incomplete.

In a blinding flash, Elder Hua was thrown back by the explosive impact of the attack.

Meanwhile, Ye Chen was utterly taken aback as he witnessed the sheer force of the Lunar Tiger's attack.

He could hardly believe that a beast could possess such power! It was evident that the creature was far more formidable than a typical King Realm beast.

As they recovered from the shock, a thunderous voice echoed in their minds, sending shivers down their spines. It was the Lunar Tiger, and it was clearly not pleased with their presence.

"How dare you humans invade my territory?! You will all meet your demise!"

A majestic white tiger with black stripes emerged before them, standing over 20 feet tall. Its eyes held a peculiar calmness, belying the ferocity of its appearance.

Elder Hua stood firm, brandishing her sword with determination etched on her face.

"Respected Lunar Tiger, we humbly request a single petal of the Heavenly Moon Blossom Flower. We mean no harm and will leave immediately," she spoke with a composed and imploring tone.

The Lunar Tiger let out a disdainful sneer, its powerful voice echoing in everyone's minds. "The Heavenly Moon Blossom belongs to the Lunar Tigers. We have been its protectors for generations, and we alone are entitled to its benefits!"

Its words were laced with a fierce determination that made it clear it wasn't going to give up the prized plant without a fight.

"Then fight we shall!"

With a loud roar, Ye Chen leaped into action, unleashing his powerful Whirlwind Slash attack from a safe distance. The attack was a stunning display of swordsmanship that launched a deadly flurry of razor-sharp blades towards the Lunar Tiger.

But to Ye Chen's surprise, the Lunar Tiger effortlessly countered the attack with a blast of pure moon energy that obliterated the blades in an instant, leaving Ye Chen vulnerable to a deadly blow.

Just as the Lunar Tiger was about to strike Ye Chen and kill him, Elder Hua stepped forward and intercepted the attack with her sword, her eyes blazing with determination.

"I won't hold back then!" she declared, her spirit activated and ready for battle.

Her spirit was in the form of a Skyblade Wolf as it appeared with an intense blue light.

The Lunar Tiger roared and charged at Elder Hua, but she was prepared. She jumped out of the way and unleashed her first attack, "Thundering Fang Slash!"

Her sword glowed with lightning energy as she slashed at the Lunar Tiger.

The Lunar Tiger countered with "Moonlit Claw!" as its claws glowed with moon energy and slashed at Elder Hua.

But Skyblade Wolf leaped into action, attacking the Lunar Tiger with "Sky Shatter Bite!"

Its jaws glowed with blue energy as it bit into the Lunar Tiger's side.

The Lunar Tiger roared in pain and fury and retaliated with "Lunar Blast!"

A blast of pure moon energy shot out of its mouth, but Elder Hua was quick to dodge it.

Elder Hua and Skyblade Wolf worked together, executing "Windstorm Fang Slash!" and "Blade Hurricane!"

The combination of their attacks created a fierce windstorm that pushed the Lunar Tiger back.

But the Lunar Tiger was not deterred. It countered with "Moonlit Fury!"

A series of powerful slashes with its claws that glowed with a silver light.

Elder Hua and Skyblade Wolf leaped out of the way, avoiding the attack.

Elder Hua then charged forward with "Stormbreaker Slash!"

Her sword glowed with blue and white energy as she swung it towards the Lunar Tiger.

The Lunar Tiger responded with "Moon Shadow Dance!" and disappeared from sight.

Elder Hua and Skyblade Wolf searched for their opponent, but suddenly the Lunar Tiger reappeared with "Moonlight Pounce!"

A powerful attack that sent them both flying back.

As Elder Hua and Skyblade Wolf stood up, they realized the Lunar Tiger was preparing its most powerful attack, "Moon's Wrath!"

A massive blast of pure moon energy that could obliterate them both.

But they refused to give up. Elder Hua and Skyblade Wolf combined their spiritual energy to create the ultimate technique, "Skywolf's Fury!"

A powerful attack that created a massive storm of wind and lightning.

The attack collided with the Lunar Tiger's "Moon's Wrath," and a massive explosion erupted.

As the intense battle between the Lunar Tiger and Elder Hua's Skyblade Wolf raged on, the surrounding landscape was left in ruins. The ground was torn apart, and the air was filled with the sounds of clashing swords and roaring beasts.

In the midst of the chaos, Ye Chen led the other disciples of the Lotus Blossom Sect to a safe distance. He knew that they would be no match for the Lunar Tiger and Elder Hua's power.

But Ye Chen wasn't going to sit idly by and watch the battle unfold from afar. He had a plan, and he was determined to see it through.

With multiple talismans in hand, he rushed back to the battlefield, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As he approached, the Lunar Tiger's attention was solely focused on Elder Hua and her Skyblade Wolf. It was a fierce and unrelenting battle, with neither side gaining the upper hand.

But Ye Chen was not deterred. All he had to do was get close enough to use them.

Once he was close enough, Ye Chen unleashed a bunch of his talismans at the same time. These talismans included Death-Dealing Sword Talisman, Celestial Blade Talisman, and the Phantom Sword Talisman.

The Lunar Tiger was caught off guard as hundreds of shimmering swords suddenly materialized and raced towards it, glowing with an intense celestial energy. The Lunar Tiger reacted quickly, setting up a powerful lunar barrier to protect itself.

However, the swords effortlessly phased through the barrier, causing the Lunar Tiger to realize it had been deceived.

Meanwhile, Ye Chen had reached the Lunar Tiger and unleashed a fierce attack with his Heavy Sword. The blade, infused with the power of the Celestial Sword Talisman, sliced through the beast's flesh, causing it to roar in agony.

But the Lunar Tiger was not defeated yet. It shook its massive body, unleashing a tremendous burst of Lunar Qi that sent Ye Chen flying through the air, crashing to the ground several meters away.

Elder Hua's eyes gleamed as she saw an opportunity to end the battle. She swiftly moved towards the Lunar Tiger with Skyblade Wolf by her side.

With a fierce cry, she unleashed her most powerful attack, "The Storm Piercer!"

The Skyblade Wolf transformed into a stream of pure lightning and wind energy that enveloped Elder Hua's sword, imbuing it with incredible power.

The Lunar Tiger sensed the danger and launched a massive blast of lunar energy to block the attack.

However, to its surprise, the lightning and wind energies took the shape of a half-wolf, which effortlessly endured the attack and charged towards the Lunar Tiger with great speed.

The Lunar Tiger tried to evade the attack, but the half-wolf made of a mix of spiritual energy and qi was too fast.

It exploded upon the collision with the Lunar Tiger, causing a deafening explosion that shook the entire battlefield.

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