As Rain observed the ant colony from behind the boulder, he marveled at its complexity. The intricate tunnels crisscrossed the ground, leading to different chambers and sections.

He noticed the distinct types of mutated ants bustling about, each with their specific roles and appearances.

The entrance of the ant colony was guarded by a swarm of lower-grade ants, scurrying around in search of food or tending to their duties.

Rain knew that these ants posed no significant threat to him, considering their low grade.

However, he couldn't resist the urge to test his newfound power after drinking the Growth Elixir.

Carefully retrieving his Thunder Eagle gun from his space ring, Rain felt the weight of the weapon in his hand.

Aiming carefully, Rain squeezed the trigger, sending a crackling bolt of energy toward the unsuspecting lower-grade ants. 

The enhanced bullet tore through their bodies with ease, causing immediate and devastating damage. The ants crumbled under the impact, their chitinous exoskeletons no match for Rain's empowered ammunition.

However, the commotion didn't go unnoticed.

The nearby ant guards, whose heightened senses detected the abnormality, swiftly abandoned their posts and swarmed towards the source of the disturbance.

Rain quickly realized that he had drawn their attention and would soon face close combat.

With a quick motion, Rain reached into his space ring once again, pulling out a small vial filled with a glowing liquid.

It was a flask of his specially crafted Energy Potion, a concoction that temporarily boosted his physical abilities and augmented his combat skills. He swiftly uncorked the vial and gulped down the liquid, feeling an immediate surge of energy coursing through his veins.

As the ant guards closed in, Rain's reflexes sharpened, his muscles tense and ready for action. He drew his dual blades from their sheaths, their gleaming edges reflecting the surrounding sunlight.

Rain's combat instincts kicked in, honed through countless battles and harrowing encounters.

Leaping into the fray, Rain engaged the ant guards in a dance of deadly precision. His blades sliced through the air, expertly parrying their mandibles and delivering precise strikes.

His enhanced strength and agility allowed him to move with unparalleled speed, dodging their attacks and countering with lethal precision.

Each swing of his blades was a testament to his years of training and dedication. Rain seamlessly transitioned from one guard to another, swiftly dispatching them with calculated strikes.

The mutated ants, although fierce and formidable, proved no match for Rain's superior combat skills and augmented physical prowess.

As the last ant guard fell, Rain stood amidst the carnage, his chest heaving with exertion and his blades stained with ant ichor.

The entrance to the ant colony lay open before him, beckoning him to venture deeper into the complex network of tunnels.

With his newfound power and the taste of victory still fresh, Rain steeled himself for the challenges that awaited him in the heart of the mutated ant colony.


[Stun Bomb]

- Rarity: Rare-high tier 

- Description: When thrown, the Stun Bomb emits a blinding flash of light and a deafening noise that confuses and disorients nearby enemies, rendering them unable to move or attack for 2 seconds.

- Effectiveness: The Stun Bomb's effectiveness may vary depending on the strength of the enemy. While it can be highly effective against lower-tier enemies, high-tier enemies may have a higher resistance to its effects, making it less effective or completely ineffective against them.

- Price: 50pts 


Rain was holding stun Bomb in his hand.

Despite having lost points to the system for the mermaid stone, Rain has been hunting relentlessly and streaming his exploits to earn more points.

In addition, he also received a bonus of 100 points for making progress in the game's plot.

With the points he had earned, Rain decided to invest in some stun bombs, which he believed would be useful in his upcoming battles.

Using his quick reflexes, Rain threw a stun bomb at the area where the guards were gathering, causing them to become disorientated and stunned for a brief period of time.

He then unsheathed his sword and launched into battle, utilizing his Shadow walk and Shadow Sword Art techniques to quickly dispatch the guards.

Shadow Sword Art enabled him to move like a shadow, almost imperceptible to the naked eye, making it nearly impossible for the ant guards to anticipate his movements.

On the other hand, Sword of Recognition allowed him to channel his mana into his sword, imbuing it with incredible power and accuracy.

With that, he could strike his opponents with pinpoint accuracy, even in the heat of battle.

As the stun effect wore off, the guards regained their senses and began attacking Rain, spouting acid from their mouths.

However, Rain was quick on his feet and adeptly dodged their attacks while slashing back with his sword, using his Sword of Recognition technique to land precise and powerful blows.

In the end, Rain emerged victorious, having successfully defeated the ant guards.

As Rain stood victorious over the defeated ant guards, he took a moment to assess his surroundings.

The ant colony stretched out before him, its dark and labyrinthine tunnels branching off in multiple directions.

The air was filled with an acrid scent, a mix of damp earth and the pungent odor emanating from the mutated ants.

Rain knew that venturing deeper into the ant colony would pose greater challenges, as more powerful mutated ants awaited him.

Determined to overcome any obstacles, he focused his attention on his arsenal of weapons, items, and skills that would aid him in his exploration.

Aside from his Thunder Eagle gun and dual blades, Rain possessed an array of specialized equipment.

From his space ring, he retrieved a set of throwing knives, their razor-sharp edges glinting in the dim light.

These knives proved invaluable in dispatching enemies from a distance or silently eliminating targets with precision.

Additionally, Rain had equipped himself with a set of enchanted armor that provided both protection and enhanced mobility. The armor, crafted from a combination of reinforced leather and magical alloys, granted him increased resistance against the mutated ants' attacks while allowing him to maneuver swiftly through the narrow tunnels.

Rain's combat skills were not limited to his blades and firearms. He had trained extensively in martial arts, mastering various techniques that blended seamlessly with his weapon proficiency. His agile movements, combined with his innate mana manipulation abilities, allowed him to unleash devastating elemental attacks.

One such technique was "Whirlwind Slash," a skill that Rain had honed over time. With a swift spin, he could generate a cyclonic force around him, slicing through enemies within a close radius. This skill proved particularly effective against groups of smaller mutated ants, allowing Rain to clear his immediate surroundings quickly.

In addition to his physical prowess, Rain possessed a repertoire of elemental spells. He was proficient in casting lightning-based magic, harnessing the power of thunderstorms to devastating effect. With a simple gesture and a surge of mana, he could conjure bolts of lightning, electrifying his enemies and inflicting significant damage.

Rain's magical proficiency also extended to defensive spells. He could create a protective shield of mana, deflecting incoming attacks and reducing their impact. This shield, known as the "Arcane Barrier," served as an additional layer of defense, providing him with a brief respite to plan his next move or create an opening for a counterattack.

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