Chapter 113

Naturally, the Primordial Holy Land could not be kept in the dark. Now, at the Banished Immortal Peak, everyone gathered, with Yan Yan Ruyu and Jing Muyu returning.

Mu Jianxue and Dongfang Mingyue together. However, due to their imposing presence, Yan Ruyu and Jing Muyu could only stand aside, cautiously. Especially Yan Ruyu.

To her, the Primordial Holy Master was like a mother-in-law, with her status and strength, making Yan Ruyu extremely cautious, worried about upsetting the other party over some matter!

“Is the True Dragon Clan behaving like a tortoise, hiding its head at such a time?” Dongfang Mingyue, lounging in her chair, her straight jade-like legs mesmerizing and blood-stirring, lamented weakly.

Though aware of the True Dragon Clan’s plight, she expected them to at least send some representatives to maintain their prestige. Their absence surprised her.

No matter how fallen they are, they should make their presence felt. Otherwise, their long-held prestige would crumble, inviting endless future troubles. freё

“They are not cowards! They simply lack the strength to act!” Jiang Chen, composed and serene, stated, “The True Dragon Clan is now in its most critical phase, unable to spare anyone. Even if they send out their people, it wouldn’t change anything, so they choose to do nothing!”

Jiang Chen was well aware of the True Dragon Clan’s current situation. Now, the clan’s powerhouses are few, and their realms are not high. Should they emerge now, not only would they fail to halt the chaos, but they would also fully expose themselves.

“Oh! So, you know something. What exactly is the True Dragon Clan doing? Even if they’ve declined, I can hardly believe they would continue hiding unless they are preparing something. Otherwise, it makes no sense!” Dongfang Mingyue spoke gravely.

She found the True Dragon Clan’s behavior too peculiar, not in line with their usual style. If she didn’t know how the True Dragon Clan usually operates, she might suspect they had been replaced by the Black Tortoise Clan.

“Master! What do you think is most important to maintain the status of a hegemonic power?” Jiang Chen didn’t answer directly, instead posing a question to Dongfang Mingyue.

“Strong ones, naturally! The stronger, the better. The greater the strength, the more it deters other forces, inducing fear in them!”

“Do you mean the True Dragon Clan is creating top-tier powerhouses?” Dongfang Mingyue immediately caught on.

“Exactly! The True Dragon Clan has great foresight. Thousands of years ago, they foresaw their gradual decline and the decreasing number of strong individuals able to walk in the outside world. So, they prepared a plan to forcibly create a decisive powerhouse!”

“If they could birth someone who could sweep across everything, suppress all, a powerhouse whose emergence could alter the entire Nine Heavens Realm’s balance, then they could fully reclaim what they’ve lost!” Jiang Chen, sipping tea, continued casually.

“Such a feat can only be achieved by an Emperor! Yet, cultivating an Emperor is incredibly difficult. If it were easy, the True Dragon Clan would have had more than just two Emperors!”

The True Dragon Clan, known for having produced two Emperors, is a rarity in the Nine Heavens Realm.

“Why must it be an Emperor? A quasi-Emperor of the seventh realm and above could achieve this!”

“In this era, quasi-Emperors are few and far between, each capable of dominating the world and sweeping across everything. Imagine the power of a quasi-Emperor of the seventh realm and above!”

“Reaching the seventh realm of a quasi-Emperor, they could fully recover what was lost!”

“To sculpt such a supreme being, the True Dragon Clan has made immense sacrifices! Now, as the end nears, naturally, they cannot let anyone emerge!”

Jiang Chen pondered for a moment and then added, “But it all depends on Huang Tian’s decision, whether he will seize this opportunity to suppress the True Dragon Clan, or fear them and not dare to act!”

“If he dares to act, then we are in for a grand spectacle! Once someone attacks their doorstep, no matter how much the True Dragon Clan endures, they won’t be able to withstand it any longer!”

“Watch, the coming time is sure to bring a grand drama!”

In the original story, the True Dragon Clan had great foresight. Predicting their own clan’s impending decline, they specifically prepared a plan.

That is, to cultivate an unparalleled powerhouse, one who could sweep across the entire Nine Heavens Realm. At present, the value of a quasi-Emperor is immense. Any quasi-Emperor represents unmatched combat power.

Of course, this is limited to this time period.

Later on, as various powerful beings resurface, powerhouses will sprout up like bamboo shoots after rain.

This left Jiang Chen quite speechless. What was once rare and highly regarded becomes common later on. Although not everyone could be trifled with, their influence was not as significant as now.

“From your perspective, a battle between the two great clans is inevitable! If the True Dragon Clan succeeds, will the Undying Phoenix Clan be doomed?”

“If the Undying Phoenix Clan successfully thwarts them, will the True Dragon Clan completely fall?”

Dongfang Mingyue eyes sparkled as she stared at Jiang Chen.

“Not necessarily! The foundation of the Undying Phoenix Clan is still extremely strong. Even the emergence of a quasi-Emperor of the seventh realm and above might not pose a threat to them!”

“Unless the Emperor weapons fully awakens and the Emperor’s will returns to the mortal realm, it’s difficult for either side to completely annihilate the other!”

“But Huang Tian has taken the initiative. Whether he can grasp it or not is another matter!” Jiang Chen took another sip of tea, comfortably reclining in his chair with his hands behind his head.

“Which side do you hope will win? The True Dragon Clan or the Undying Phoenix Clan?”

Mu Jianxue suddenly asked.

“It doesn’t matter who wins, as long as they don’t fight to the death! The Ancient Desolate Demon Realm still exists, and it will inevitably break free from its seals one day.”

“To exterminate the Ancient Desolate Demon Race, relying solely on the human race’s power might not suffice. The strength of all races is needed, especially as these two clans are among the strongest in the foreign races!”

“If either is annihilated, the Nine Heavens Realm’s combat power will be significantly affected! So, it’s best if both sides cease hostilities and maintain a peaceful coexistence. But Huang Tian might not think so!”

“Perhaps the True Dragon Clan will dispatch an old monster to suppress the scene, making the Undying Phoenix Clan dare not act rashly!”

“Though there aren’t many powerful beings who can walk in the world, the True Dragon Clan’s long accumulation of old monsters is still quite substantial, enough to resist for some time!”

Jiang Chen spoke.

The Ancient Desolate Demon Realm.

Upon hearing this name, both Mu Jianxue and Dongfang Mingyue expressions soured. This had become a lingering shadow in their hearts.

Once the Ancient Desolate Demon Realm is unsealed, they cannot rest easy. The threat of the Ancient Desolate Demon Realm is too great. Once the eternal Emperor’s array fails, the entire Nine Heavens Realm will fall.

“The Ancient Desolate Demon Realm, ah! When will we be able to eliminate this worry in our hearts!” Dongfang Mingyue muttered.

The Ancient Desolate Demon Realm is a huge threat to the entire Nine Heavens Realm, like a ticking time bomb.

Everyone fears its explosion.

“Sooner or later!” Jiang Chen preferred not to say more.

Moreover, the Ancient Desolate Demon Realm is indeed difficult to resolve. For now, he’s doing his best to delay its eruption.


Faced with the joint forces of the four great ancient imperial clans. The Soaring Snake Clan ultimately couldn’t resist, and even the Emperor’s will was thoroughly annihilated.

With the collapse of the Emperor’s will, the Soaring Snake Clan’s annihilation was officially declared.

They no longer exist in the Nine Heavens Realm, and one of the primeval royal clans has been completely wiped out.

Of course, there are still Soaring Snakes in the outside world, just like the Gu family. Some disciples who weren’t in the main stronghold managed to escape the catastrophe.

However, these remaining beings no longer pose a significant threat. With only a few people, it’s difficult for their race to return to its peak in a short time. And their existence in the world is destined to be hunted down by countless people.

The True Dragon Clan.

Inside a resplendent golden hall. Several figures with profound and oceanic auras stood within. These were the current elites of the True Dragon Clan, and the few remaining strong ones.

For that plan, the True Dragon Clan suffered heavy losses, with many powerhouses falling.

“Clan Leader, the outside world is now aware of our situation!”

“Now that the Undying Phoenix Clan has annihilated the Azure Dragon Clan and the Soaring Snake Clan, they are issuing a warning to us and a reminder to the outside world. Next, they will likely take action against us!”

“If it were just the Undying Phoenix Clan, it would be manageable, but now that they have seized our momentum, they will lead other ancient imperial clans to attack us. How can we resist?” A True Dragon Clan elder spoke anxiously.

This was the most dangerous moment for the True Dragon Clan. The clan is weak, and the Undying Phoenix Clan’s onslaught is ferocious. The clan’s plan has reached its most critical juncture. If the plan is disrupted, their millennia of planning will be utterly wasted.

“The ancestral array is still active; the Undying Phoenix Clan won’t be able to invade for a while! Just wait a little longer, and our plan will be completely realized! When that time comes, it will be our turn to settle the score!” The True Dragon Clan leader, Ao Can, said resolutely!

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