Chapter 321: Shocked!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

They began to realize that the update would not only bring about changes in the game but also a complete change in the real world!

After the version update, the China company’s Mysterious Incident Handling Department was urgently mobilized. They immediately took action to publicize the inside truth of the version update to the entire country.

“Dear citizens, we need your cooperation and understanding. The impact of the version update is far greater than you can imagine.

An employee of the company announced loudly in the town square in the real world.

The onlookers were dumbfounded. Some of them took out their phones to take pictures. Some of them could not believe what was happening in front of them.

At the same time, the staff of the street office began to register everyone’s specific situation and personal information one by one. They needed to have as much information as possible to better control the situation.

“This… Could it be true?” An old woman looked at the staff member who was taking down the details in surprise.

“Looks like games aren’t just entertainment.” A young man muttered to himself with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

However, not everyone accepted this calmly.

Some players had some power in the game, but now they were trying to go against the game company, seeing this update as a sign of the beginning of chaos!

■’We can’t let them control us!” A player who used to be a high-ranking player in the game took charge and went against the company employee!

The game company’s employees responded calmly and displayed outstanding response skills, quickly controlling the situation.

They used special techniques to suppress the players who tried to cause trouble.

“The impact of this update is beyond our imagination,” said an employee with a solemn expression.

-They actually think that this is a sign that chaos is about to break out.” Another staff member sighed.

The Mysterious Incidents Handling Department had shown a very efficient response, but they also faced challenges.

The real world was affected by the game version update. This unprecedented situation made them need to quickly and effectively control the situation.

“We need to control this situation as soon as possible to ensure that the impact

of the update will not go out of control.”

A high-ranking employee of the game company said to his subordinate in a serious tone.

“At present, we can only control this part of the situation. There are still many people who don’t know. We need to tell them the truth.” Another employee added.

The impact of the update was both exciting and challenging.

The game company employees realized that this change could be a world-class challenge!

They needed to respond quickly to stabilize the order of the real world.

When Han Xing spoke, the entire guild channel exploded!

“Ah! Guild Master is here?”

“The big shot is here!”

“Guild Master, please tell us what happened!”

Han Xing realized that his words had caused a sensation.

He briefly explained the effects of the update and the connection between the real world and the game world.

“Guild Master, are you saying that the real world and the game world will be connected?!”

The channel was filled with exclamations and discussions.

“Yes, this is the result of the version update. But I promise that we will face this change together.”

“This is crazy!”

“No wonder we were suddenly kicked out of the game!

“Will this affect our game?”

Han Xing tried his best to give a short but encouraging answer to calm the players down.

He knew that this was an unprecedented situation that required a stable and rational response.

“Everyone, don’t panic. We will explore this new world together. The update has brought us new challenges and opportunities that we can overcome together.”

Han Xing’s words gradually calmed down the fanaticism in the chat. The players began to calm down. Although there were still many questions and uneasiness, at least there was a voice leading them.

“Guild Master, we believe in you!”

“That’s right, we will face it together!”

“The version update may bring about many changes, but if we work together, we will definitely be able to cope!”

The channel was filled with encouraging and united voices, and Han Xing heaved a sigh of relief.

He knew that the most important thing now was to maintain everyone s calmness and unity in the face of the unprecedented changes brought about by the version update.

At this moment, the players in the guild finally realized why the higher-ups of the guild had been urging them to increase their levels as soon as possible and reach level 8 and above.

Why did they need to level up their skills? Why did they need to improve their in-game abilities?

The current situation answered all those questions!

“D*mn, luckily Guild Master is here. Otherwise, many people wouldn’t even know about this!”

“Then we have to hurry up and continue leveling up! The version has been updated.. There are new levels, maps, and monsters!

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