Versatile System Online

Chapter 400 An Ability Not Found Commonly

Note:- Dont buy yet. Gotta Edit it.

"Nicely Played," the Oracle commented as he took a sip from his glass of lemonade. As he did, he looked at the dean and noticed that the dean had an expression on intrigue on his face,

"So you noticed," the Oracle asked.

"Hmm," the dean nodded, "The head of disciplinary committee used something strange at that time. I noticed that the young man's will power was pretty strong and would have been able to resist any sort of pressure to fall upon him but the head of disciplinary committee was able to make him do as he asked as if he was controlling a puppet. Either he used some sort of hypnosis skill or the matter is entirely something else," as the dean mused over his findings, the Oracle's smile only grew wider a she spoke,

"You are a sharp kid," the Oracle said before asking, "Do you know about vampire subclasses?"

"Hmm, I do. The vampires have various subclasses that originate form their blood," the dean answered and then questioned back, "Why do you ask?"

"To tell you a secret only a few people know in the whole settlement," the Oracle replied. Shifting to face the dean directly, the Oracle spoke,

"This secret is only known by the Grand Elder, I , Loid and two more comrades of ours. Other than us, no one knows of it,"

"What secret is it? And why are you telling me?" The dean asked in confusion. Although he was happy that the Oracle was willing to let him in on important stuff, he knew that there was no such thing as free food anywhere and so, he wanted to know of the reasons before getting into something he couldn't possibly take care of.

"Simple, I am telling it to you as an insurance that in the future, you would help us. Whether its taking us to your home world or helping us defeat the vampires, I know that you have a lot of potential and also that you are clever enough to sort out a lot of important stuff yourself," As the Oracle said, he stopped for a few moments before asking,

"Tell me in detail what you know of the subclasses, that would be the cost of the secret I will tell you,"

"Hmmm, thats quite some information. Kid, are you sure you haven't lived with vampires before? Because the information you are giving me is very detailed, as if you have witnessed and experimented on these subclasses yourself," the Oracle spoke, a bit unwilling to believe that these were stories of fiction in the world of Dean.

"I truly don't know how these stories came to be but seeing the apocalypse and everything that had happened to me till now, I wont lie by saying that there can not be anything else that could surprise me. Im sure in the past, there must have been a time when my world had undergone such changes when such creatures of myths and legends must have roamed free," the dean answered, speaking in a frank and casual manner while the Oracle nodded.

He knew that the dean wasn't lying and wondered if there truly was a world that had undergone such things, "In such age and time, anything is possible," the Oracle muttered and then spoke,

"You have already given me enough info on the two subclasses you told me of. Lets hold that thought for now, I guess its time for me to hold up my part of the deal," Saying so, the Oracle turned to the screen, only to notice that the Grand Elder had given everyone a break to go through the events that had occurred.

"And so its like this," the Oracle said and then added,

"The head of disciplinary committee isn't exactly human and instead is someone that is wanted by the vampires even more than the humans. We don't know much of him but he is special, his father was a human and his mother a very strong vampire and when he was born, the vampires had hunted down his parents and since then, the Grand Elder had secretly looked after him,"

"Interesting, can you tell me a bit about his powers?" The dean asked, feeling intrigued about the head of disciplinary committee. After all, the man was a half blood with part vampire and part human blood coursing through his veins.

"He can feel whenever a vampire is around him and as many vampires are around him, the stronger he is. As if the vampires are his source of power. He doesn't require blood at all and can eat normal food as humans do but has all the abilities of a vampire. Almost like the perfect amalgamation of the two. Not just that, but there is one thing he loves and that is killing vampires. His body has these urges to kill Vampires and in the start, it did cause us some issues but now its all settled," the Oracle finished explaining and looked back at the dean, only to find the dean dumbfounded with his mouth open,

"Prometheus?" The Oracle called out as the dean muttered a single word,


Note:- It's Christmas Eve today and so, I have come up with a huge mass release of 6 chapters and this is the fifth chapter. I hope you all will enjoy the chapters and have a lot of fun. For me its been a good year and I hope with everyone's support, I would be able to make more content for everyone and write to the best of my ability.

Enjoy and don't forget to support the novel by gifting and voting.

Will Upload The Next Chapter in a few hours. Hope you all are enjoying.

Happy Holidays.

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