Versatile System Online

Chapter 398 Making A Move Against The Vampires

Note:- Dont buy yet, gotta edit it.

… "I understand, although I can't help him directly because I'm a bit busy over here, i can send him some stuff I found about," Saying so, the Oracle put down the communication tablet and turned to look at the dean.

Currently, the dean was already heavily drunk, his eyes droopy from the intoxication; he could barely keep his head straight and looking back at the Oracle, he asked in a slurry voice,

"Any work?"

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm "Ah yeah, we found quite a few vampires in the settlement and i was thinking if you have a way to identify them and their strength," the Oracle asked.

"Oh that, just throw some blood in front of them, the newly converted ones would go crazy," the dean mumbled, though the Oracle was an exceptional character and understood right away and forwarded the information to the Grand Elder.

He judged that this much was enough for now and got back to his seat. Picking his glass, the three cheered along and drank, not knowing the headache they had caused to the disciplinary committee and the Grand Elder as a whole. Only tomorrow when the Oracle would get past the hangover would he realize the hilarious stuff that happened.

On the other hand,

The Grand Elder and the head of the Disciplinary Committee looked through the hologram and stared at each other intently.

"We do know that they like blood but going crazy for it, but thats just for the newly converted ones," said the Grand Elder, appearing quite lost in thought.

"What happened?" Asked the head of the Disciplinary Committee.

"Its just that we haven't done much research on vampires because we hadn't caught any and since the world is in such conditions, things only go against us. I guess the Oracle has some ace up his sleeve, only he has been able to get such valuable information," Musing so, the two discussed with one another, guessing if it was either a person disguised as a vampire being a mole in the Vampire settlements or something else.

"We have researched and created a new device that allows us to display captured images on a larger without using the huge amounts of energy and instead requires just a bit of mana and some energy stones,"

The whitish screen suddenly had a dim light fall upon it before colors appeared over it. Seeing this, the others were awestruck as they curiously examined the whole thing but even after looking at the sheets whitish texture, they were unable to find out anything.

"No, its not the sheet but the device there," the head of defense smiled and pointed his finger attached to the ceiling. Looking up, everyone saw the device that looked quite similar to a projector on Earth but was fundamentally different.

Having compartments for energy stones and a few lenses joined together at a considerable distance like that of a telescope, it also had various runes engraved on it.

"A marvel of technology and magic working hand in hand, this shall be introduced throughout the settlements of vampires and eventually here as well, after we turn this settlement into one of vampires but before that we have a few problems to deal with," said the head of defense before flicking his finger that made the images on the screen change.

The image of the Grand Elder and a few others appeared, in the image was the Oracle, the head of disciplinary committee, a few loyal friends of the Grand Elder and in the very corner stood Loid.

The head of defense pointed at the image and spoke,

"We, the Vampires are the pinnacle of perfection and it is these people who stop us from ruling this city and right now, from what my sources have told us, these two have started to plan against us, trying to eliminate us or at least wash away our plans by disposing our secret to the public," The Head of Defense accused, his words harsh and his voice ruthless as his anger was clearly shown on his face.

His eyes turning crimson as the anger and hatred that burned deeply in his stone cold heart surfaced on his face.

On the other hand, the others were also worried. They knew the power the people shown on the screen held. They were the strongest and the most influential people in the whole settlement and this group of people were very tightly knit together, not being distrustful of one another; so it was almost impossible to turn them to the other side.

After all, amongst the various differences they had with each other, they had one similarity that held them together and that was their hatred for vampires.

"So what do we do?" Asked a relatively young vampire, it was the same associate who had earlier explained the head of defense's situation earlier during the meeting that the Grand Elder had called that day.

"We move forward with our plan and start recruiting more and turn more and more of them into vampires. After a certain number of civilians have turned to vampires, they would have no where to go and would willingly come to us and at that time, we will gain the majority of support and then push forward our narrative," Saying those words, he displayed his whole plan to everyone, not knowing that a few people had already begun their preparations to fight against them all and eradicate the vampires from the settlement.

Note:- It's Christmas Eve today and so, I have come up with a huge mass release of 6 chapters and this is the first chapter. I hope you all will enjoy the chapters and have a lot of fun. For me its been a good year and I hope with everyone's support, I would be able to make more content for everyone and write to the best of my ability.

Enjoy and don't forget to support the novel by gifting and voting.

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