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Chapter 364 Emma Meets The World Spirit

"Ray, we have an issue," Flying through the air like cannonball, Ray really wasn't in the best of conditions. His bones were cracked and broken in multiple places and with what Elina had just told him; his mood was only getting sour.

"Damn that thing is strong," Ray thought, cursing the tree back to back.

"Told you not to underestimate it. Now suffer and hurry up. Your mother seems to be in a pickle," Aurora's concerned voice put Ray out of self loathing. Flapping his wings, the ball he was curled in unfurled as he flew straight up; pain radiated through his body but Ray still smiled. After all, what was some pain to him? He had been in worse and had suffered even worse.

"Let's see how long I can last against it," Ray thought. Then suddenly remembering something, he sent a telepathic message to Elina as he spoke, "Wait for further orders, they will be coming in from Emma," Saying that, he turned to Emma's channel and gave her some directives, telling her what to do to wake Aella up.

Hearing Emma's confirmation, Ray smiled as another problem was out of his way but the bigger one was glaring straight at him and Ray was more than happy to welcome it with open arms.

"Heheehe," Chuckling like a maniac, a huge fire engulfed his draconic form while the Void Shards turned into a whip that crackled with lightning.

"Here I come my darling," Like a fool who has lost his mind, Ray flew straight at the enemy, swinging his whip wherever he felt it right and smashed right into the whitish being.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Only to be sent flying once again and that was how it had been for the past half an hour or so. He attacked no was thrown off like a fly but he always came back. After all, if not for him interrupting the man for so long, Sirius would have been dealt with long ago while the pressure on his mother would have increase by a few times at least.


Emma was trying her best as waves of mana erupted out of her. Her body was glowing like a beacon, blueish flames of mana converging over her body as she broke through her own limits trying to contact Aella and wake her up.

"Damnnn!!! Aella wake up for God's sake," Saying those words, she screamed at the top of her lungs as something weird happened inside her body.

As if blooming, her mana core unfolded like the petals of a rose. Forming the shape of an intricately beautiful flower. As that happened, the mana coursing through the mana core suddenly erupted out. Like a sudden boost to her, Emma's eyes turned completely blue while the aura she held control of became more and more intricate.

A sudden surge of power coupled with the excessive clearing she just felt made her feel each and every atom around her. Like a being that had lived above everything, she felt one with the essence of the world itself.

It was this feeling and the very next moment she saw her consciousness being pulled out to somewhere. Unable to resist the pulling sensation, she was pulled in a green plain that extended as far as her eyes could look.

"Where am I?" She thought and looked at herself. Only to find her body different than before. Wearing a long summer dress, she looked all dandy and fine. Unlike the moment before she was pulled, it seemed as if she was on a picnic, visiting the plains on a nice sunny day.

"What the?" She thought, thinking where her armor and everything went.

Starting to panic, she tried feeling her connection to Ray and the rest but there was nothing, only an undefined static that made her feel more at unease.

"Come forward child," Said a voice out of nowhere.

"What? Who is it?" She suddenly shouted, taking a fighting stance; her fists in the air as a sharp gleam came over her eyes and she looked in her surroundings, only to find no one.

"Come out of hiding if you are not a damned coward," shouting in the air, she tried to feel some response but nothing. No one moved, nor did anything came in her vision.

"Child, calm down. I'm not here to harm you," The voice said again and this time, Emma focused more on the voice and realized.

The voice wasn't in her surroundings but in her head. Something was speaking directly into her mind and from how calm and sincere the voice seemed, Emma decided that it was best that she listened to what it had to say.

"Speak what you want to say," She spoke loudly, and decided to sit down calmly; hoping to find an answer to her strange situation.I think you should take a look at lightsnovel.cοm

"I know you have a lot of questions, so speak; I shall answer what i am able to," The voice came again as hearing the voice, Emma calmed down.

"At least I will get some answer," She thought to herself and then raised her voice and asked, "First of all, where am I?"

"You are in a pocket world. A world cut off from the real world but still intricately connected to it," Answered the voice.

"And who are you?" Emma asked again.

"I am someone very important to not only your fate and destiny but to everyone's linked to you. Specifically the Kid who is the herald of a new world. Instead it should've be like this. It is you all who are linked to his destiny and it is your destiny to be a part of his destiny," The voice answered, this time its tone more careful. As if treading on Avery thin line, Emma understood that whatever information the voice was giving to her was something very important and with the way it spoke, it was probably linked to subjects she couldn't dare touch upon.

"Okay, I wont lie and say that I understand but lets move to the next question, How did I get here?" Asked Emma as she regained her composure. Apparently she was getting used to the voice in her head.

"That's a simple one, I brought you here," The voice answered joyfully, as if very happy of its actions.

"And why did you bring me here?" Asked Emma in confusion.

"Oh, I guess I didn't tell you," The voice spoke as it suddenly went silent.

Observing this behavior, Emma felt even more confused as she thought, "Either it's a piece of work or its gone too far mad that it lives in delusions," While she was thinking this and contemplating her next course of actions, the voice returned as it spoke,

"Pardon for the sudden disappearance but as you know the situation on Earth isn't stable and with me being the Spirit Consciousness of the World, I have a few things I need to keep a check on,"

Hearing the voice speak, Emma had her eyes widened, "What did it say? Spirit Consciousness of Earth. What the heck is that?"

"No need to be surprised dear. It's very normal and don't worry, i will explain you everything," Saying those words, the voice started to speak. Explaining everything to Emma in explain detail and with a patience that even Ray would have praised for a being so high and mighty to show when dealing with a person as impatient as Emma.

"So that's how it is," The tree explained everything and waited for Emma to digest the information.

"What the f*ck," Emma only cursed as she felt her understanding of everything around her change drastically.

"So you are saying is that you are a consciousness spirit that belongs to the planet and that tree over there is your form," Said Emma pointing at the large tree, the only tree in the whole plain and seeing the tree that reached the skies, Emma wondered if it was all real or just an illusion.

"Yes you understood correct and don't worry, its as real as it can get," the spirit replied while Emma cut it again and spoke,

"And you are saying that you go by the name of the World Tree but isn't the legendary world tree the tree of Yagdrassil?"

hearing Emma's question, an audible sigh was heard as the sprit spoke again, "It's a legendary being that doesn't even look into the matters of such worlds. So who cares?" The spirit spoke while Emma just shook her head.

The spirit sure was strange and did what it liked but the fact that the tree in front of her resembled the sprit of the world made her want to atleast respect it. After all, from the information she gained, it was only because of the spirit and its efforts that the world wasn't run by swathes of monsters and instead the invasions and attacks were scattered and periodical.

"By the way why did you call me here?" Emma repeated her questions as the sprit then appeared right in front of her, shocking Emma to the bone as it spoke, "because you need my help and I yours'"


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