Versatile System Online

Chapter 348 Wreaking Havoc In The Forest

The forest,

The moon illuminated the sky as quietness of the night spread in the forest. As unnerving as it seemed, the forest was unrecognizable. Ray had stepped into the forest many times and many times during the night as well but there was always some sort of noise in there or some semblance of light and not this eerie silence that was made worse by the ever increasing silence.

There was no denying it that the world was changing. The mana was getting denser and denser while the whole Earth changed. Different portals were opening up in different parts and various different things were popping into existence.

From treasures to natural crystal and whatnot, the whole world was subjected to this change and with such change came disasters. Disasters that normal humans would die at the hands of without posing any resistance and it were only the System Users who had some strength to resist these disasters and these disasters weren't only in the shape of beasts and evolved monsters but also natural calamities.

Tokyo, Japan,

The country which had advanced the most and had stood atop the economy once was in shambles. Strange beings flooded the streets as a huge wave of water washed the shore.

On the shore, stood a hooded person in black. His eyes were crimson as he gazed at the shore, seemingly searching for something. He stood there for a few minutes as he finally saw what he was looking for. Hundreds and hundreds of meters away from the shore, a wave had rose. It did so slowly and gained momentum and height as it came in closer to the shore.

Seeing the wave approach the shore, the person smirked as a devilish glint shone in his crimson eyes, "So it begins officially," the man murmured in a low voice as he was not there anymore and the shore was empty.

Only this time, the wave was nearer to the shore and would hit it soon enough.

Downtown Tokyo,

A Japanese teenager looked out from his window. Seeing the birds flying in the opposite direction, he looked at the shoreline as something blueish approached the city rapidly.

"What could it be?" The man thought as his eyes suddenly flashed. His vision changed as he saw water approaching everywhere and people slowly drowning.

As his vision turned normal, he realized what it was. The shore was coming closer and they had to run. Turning around, he rushed out of his room and got into his car.

"I need to go as higher as high can. The best will be that old man's house," the boy thought as he started his car and started driving. His car rushed down the roads as he bumped into those strange monsters on the streets but he didn't car. Those people were long dead and couldn't harm him, much less stop him from driving.

Looking back at the rear view mirror, he noticed a few more cars. They were also rushing out of the city as their drivers seemed to be driving in panic.

"The world is ending," it was the thought in his mind as he kept on rushing. If he stopped or delayed here, he knew he would be done for.


At the same time in China,

The biggest city of this once mega empire was in chaos. The Shanghai Medical University was also the same. People ran from one place to another as a horde of zombies chased behind them. Albeit strange, it was very true. The zombies were the very strange creatures that people had read in many books and all but right now, the same creatures were chasing them.

Amongst those people was a middle aged man as he used his System to fight of the zombies and run to his safety. His System wasn't too strong but his ability was pretty useful in the situation. With an agility based ability, he used his fast agility to boost not only his attack speed but also dodged attacks easily and ran at a faster pace than most.

Many people like this middle aged man were using their abilities and strengths to fight against the horde but various still succumbed to the unrelenting onslaught of the dead.

At the roof of the university, a man and a woman both around twenty years of age looked down at the carnage happening below them as they gulped audibly.

"Let's close the door and wait here. We are safe over here," the man suggested as they both ran to the entrance and blocked it. As they waited for the situation down below to calm down, a bit far from them; a portal opened up as small particles of dense demonic mana started to pour out of them. Unbeknownst to the students and residents of the university, they were going to be in more trouble than ever.

Far away from them,

In the vast deserts of Central Egypt, a man looked at the oasis before him. His cracked lips slowly curving into a smile as he slowly made his way towards the oasis.

Undoing the scarf that covered his face, he bent down to have a sip of water. Satiating his thirst, the man splashed a bit of water and washed his face as he felt tiredness of the desert coming over to him.

Thinking of resting a bit, the man laid down under a couple of trees and closed his eyes. However his rest was short lived as an hour later, he felt something moving close to him. Its pace being slow but the sound of bones clattering against one another woke him up as his eyes snapped wide open.

Looking up, he saw a strange skeleton in front of him as it slowly walked towards him, "fucking bastards, wont even let me rest," shouting, he took the whip on his waist and swung it hard. The skeleton clattering as the bone wrapped itself around it's leg and the man forcefully pulled it back.

Looking up, he saw not just more skeletons coming up at him but behind them was a whole army of undead. Their eyes were alight with a green flame as they marched towards him.

"An army of undead against a single weak man," the man snorted as he turned around and dipped his flasks in the pond and hurriedly filled them. As he did, a few skeletons had caught up to him as he snapped them apart with his whip.

After that, he made a run for it. He couldn't fight the army alone and this vast desert, he would have to run for a long time before he found any respite but it was what it was. He had to live. For not just himself but the future of mankind and find the person he had been asked to find.

Back in the forest,

Ray felt a tug at his heart. As if various different destinies were aligning with him but right now, he didn't know and rarely did Ray believe in such things and hence ignored this feeling as well.

It was time to put his plan into fruition and for this he had to be present here. Looking at his friend in front of him, he nodded as Sirius pulled out a spear from his shadows.

"Nice weapon there dude," Ray commented as he felt Sirius's essence run through the weapon, confirming his thoughts about the fact that his friend owned a blood weapon.

Sirius smiled wryly. Only he knew about the complications with the weapon and the amount of pain wielding it caused but Sirius endured it all. The power it brought to him was much more than the pain it caused and according to Sirius, it was an equivalent exchange.

"Rise, my companions of night," Sirius called upon as his spear turned pitch black along with his eyes. His shadow spread out as it covered the area around him to the point that even Ray stood on the shadow as he felt various presences lurking inside the shadows.

Then from the shadows rose wolves, then felines and then came various other monsters that Ray had seen Sirius slay.

"Don't tell me," Ray thought as a dreaded thought came to him.

"Yes, I can now turn the shadows of those I kill into my servants and add them to my strengths," Sirius's answer was short and didn't come with any explanations but it was enough for Ray to understand the whole thing as he gulped.

Sirius was surely a hard one to fight with. The guy was basically a one man army and with his own personal strength, Ray was sure that even he would have a hard time if he ever fought against his friend.

Ray watched as the shadowy monsters spread out and rushed into the forest. Their dark figures blending into the shadows around them as Sirius had ordered them to rush to the core and every corner of the forest and wreak as much havoc as they could.

With that, their first phase was done. Now came the second phase of their plan as Ray turned around and looked at Emma as she nodded and opened her arms as after that it was all blue.

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