Versatile System Online

Chapter 333 Nia's Condition

The next few moments were the worst for the elven chief as various wounds piled up on his body while the previous ones opened up as well. However, that wasn't all as physical wounds were something the elven chief could heal from but from emotional scars; that was a hard thing to come out of and Ray exactly did this. He had called the elven chief's daughter and made her stand in front of him and allowed her to exact her revenge right as he had promised her.

At first, the elven chief thought that his daughter might weep or stop Ray and ask him to leave the elven chief but after a few moments, his daughter stood still with not a hint of remorse or guilt on her face. All there was on her face was a disgusted expression that showed how much she hated her father and then, her hand was raised and it fell as a loud scream echoed in the room.

The elven chief's eyes lost all fervor as he had finally lost his will to live. It was now that the consequences of his actions started to sink into his mind that the elven chief laid in his place as whips fell on his already battered body.

The elven princess didn't keep hitting her father for long, she hated the man in front of her and his sight made her stomach churn in anger and disgust. She handed the whip back to Ray and after a short conversation with him, she walked out to the other battlefield where the head nurse planned to lead an invasion into the forest.

The elven princess had also relayed information to Ray about the situation on the beasts and also about their peculiarities as they acted more matured and intelligent for beasts of their tier.

"Don't worry, tell the head nurse that the battle against the elves has ended and we will be ready to back her up if the situation arises," Ray told the elven princess while he himself looked at the chief and spoke in a loud voice,

"As for you, you have some valuable secrets to spill," Saying those words, Ray hit the chief on the nape of his head and the chief fainted. Ray would interrogate the chief but not now. The interrogation would happen when Ray would have sorted everything else first.

Walking outside, Ray started to go into the direction Sirius was heading to. Earlier, while he was catching up with the elven princess; Sirius had sent him a text along with a location stating,

"Please come here,"

Knowing his friend, Ray knew that it must be something important for him to call Ray and that too in such a way. As Ray walked to the location, he looked around himself and noticed how much of a wreck had been caused by the battles between humans and elves and even though the elves outnumbered the humans in age and experience, they still lost.

As for why? The reason was simple. The elves had greatly underestimated the humans and it led to their loss. Also, Ray noticed that most of the elves were alive, albeit seriously injured but they still breathed while captured in different type of cage sand prisons made from different abilities that he was familiar with.

As he reached a certain battlefield, he noticed the signs of a great fight that had taken place there. He noticed burn marks with ground scorched black while the air around him seemed to lack moisture.

Walking a couple of steps forward, he saw a lone figure standing in front of an ice cage. The figure had multiple shadows swirling around him as it seemed that light itself would bend around the man's shadow. The figure was none other than Sirius who currently stood in front of Reggie.

Ray walked up to Sirius as he put a hand on his friend's shoulder and asked, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good," Sirius answered calmly.

"Who is this guy? And why did you call me here? Knowing you, to must be something important to be discussed out here in the middle of a scorched battlefield,"

"Well, he is the one responsible for Nia's condition," Sirius spoke and as he did he could have sworn to feel something snap.

The air around him seemed to have changed as if the world had suddenly become a shade darker while an aura of death loomed in the surroundings. Glancing besides him, he saw Ray's eyes turn dark as a reddish gold hue shone in them. Noticing the faint scales appearing on his skin, Sirius put his hand on his friend's shoulder and spoke, "Ray calm down,"

"Why should i?" Ray asked in outrage as his hand trembled from anger. Ray's eyes were turning redder by the second while an ancient power different from any other was rising within his body. He had felt this once, this was the power he had felt when he was in the academy; fighting against the troll horde along with Kashish.

"Ray, listen to what he has to say," It was Aurora's voice that snapped his mind back to senses as the energy gathering around him started to die down bit by bit. Ray looked at the man inside the cage. The man had fainted long ago and seemed so weak and feeble that Ray could simply snap the man's neck using his bare hands.

"Sirius, you should give me a good reason not to raze this plain to the ground and to not torture this man till he begs me to kill him,"

Hearing those words, Sirius gulped and started recounting everything he had been told by Reggie. Since Sirius had been standing here for a long time, he had talked to Reggie to get his point of view as well.

Sirius told Ray about how Reggie had come here just to avenge his brother who was also a spy that used to roam around the periphery of the forest and that Sirius had captured him to gain more info out of.

"But the extent he injured Nia to?" Ray asked, his anger still twisting his thinking and not letting him think straight.

"It was Nia herself," Aurora shouted in his mind. Even Aurora was angry but she knew to look at the story from all scenarios. After all, she was his system and it was her job to guide Ray and not let him make decisions that he will come to regret later on.

"Ray, listen to me closely. Nia is okay, she is just suffering from a severe case of mana abuse while the rest of her injuries can be easily healed with the head nurse's help. Also, the man wasn't fighting for anything bad, but just came here for his brother. He isn't like the elven chief and at least listen what Sirius has to say,"

Listening to what Aurora had said, Ray calmed down by quite a bit and looked at Sirius as he motioned his friend to continue.

"I had talked to him and told him that his brother is alive and well and also told him about how the chief is captured and that the elven army has been defeated,"

"Then? What did he say?" Asked Ray, a bit skeptical of the the man's loyalty to the elven colony in the woods and if the man wasn't loyal to his own race, then he wasn't loyal to anyone; not even himself.

"Then he asked me what we will to do the elven colony in the forest. I told him that we will take over and do some changes but let them all be as they are and not cause any problems. That had calmed him down and he requested to meet his brother and volunteers to work for you. Apparently when he was defeated by Kid, it had quite an impact on him," Sirius ended his explanation and seeing Ray's skeptical expression he spoke further, "I know it is hard to trust him but give him a chance, he is strong and can be quite helpful in mediating between the elves and given he is more than 300 years old, we can learn some useful information from him,"

In the end, Sirius had convinced Ray as Ray simply nodded and asked Sirius to wake the man up. Sirius did as asked as he controlled the shadows around himself and lifted the man in the air and then, a huge shadow slap landed on the man's face as it jolted the man awake.

"Good progress with the shadows," Ray complimented over Sirius's control over shadows and then looked into the man's eyes.

Being woken up suddenly, Reggie found himself being stared at by a man whose eyes were as black as the night and as he looked back into those eyes, Reggie realized that the man wasn't just a simple man but a predator who seemed to be looking intently at his prey.

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