Versatile System Online

Chapter 319 A Secret Guarded For Centuries

"Bangg!!" The shot served as the start of chaos. Right after a beast stepped forward, the survivors on top of the walls obliged with the orders given to them. They didn't hold back in the slightest and pulled the lever of their arms.

Though normal guns didn't have an ounce of effect on the weakest of the beasts, the weapons they were provided with weren't of that sort in the slightest. They were modified weapons that made use of spirit crystals and he mana of the user to build energy and fire pulses, rays or bullets of energy.

Some elemental weaponry was also present but Ray had kept them for the last. As for how Ray got his hands on such valuable weaponry, he had simply traded the blueprints for everything in System Online and then asked the survivors with compatible systems to get into action.

Due to time constraints and limitations imposed by material shortages, Ray had a couple dozen of these weapons but they were enough. After all, they weren't going to fight using guns. There were bows and arrows for ranged combat while a lot of melee combatants were also present.

Not to mention the five siege machines Nia had build using her light magic along with help from Kashish who used her Plant magic to build their bases and strengthen them even further.

Ray had hoped to stall the beasts long enough for his body to recover fully and for the few survivors he had appointed to gather their crystals. This way, he could prepare for their fight against the elves.

"Well, it's just the beginning. We have a whole forest to conquer," He thought with a smile as he looked at the energy blast piercing through the head of a beast, killing it on the spot.

Ray didn't mind killing one bit. He knew that if he wanted to get stronger and achieve his goal, he will have to walk on a pile of corpses and be bathed in blood. This was the cruelty of this world and he didn't shy away from it one bit.

"Onto the next step," He muttered as his expression turned somber. Taking out a small communicator from his system storage, he called for a meeting as it was time to disclose some important information to everyone. The information most have been waiting to know of for quite some time but Ray had to keep it to himself due to some unfortunate circumstances.

While Ray walked back into the walls of the mansion, the elven chief listened to news brought to him by the scouting team.

"So they have got some strange weaponry that works on spirit crystals," The elven chief muttered while scratching his chin. He knew that the presence of the mansion wasn't just any presence. He had felt a deep sense of unease coming off from the mansion.

Therefore, he was careful in attacking the mansion blindly. Not that he was afraid of but he didn't want to underestimate the enemy and therefore, trusted his instincts.

"Don't worry, we will tackle that weaponry with our own. Prepare, we will lay a siege in a couple of days," The chief gave the order as the scouts nodded and vanished.

As the scouts vanished, the chief turned around and looked at the woman behind him. The woman had silver hair and her ears were pointed sharp just like any elf. Though, her body radiated such an immense amount of charm that even the chief was careful with the woman.

Not daring to look at her for long, he simply turned away and asked, "I know that you also sensed various powerful presences over there. I am sure that I can hold off the two strongest but that kid. I feel something strange within him. You sure you can hold him back long enough for me to finish the two women and then help you finish him off,"

"My…my… chief. You just have to trust me," The woman spoke in soft silky voice, her body moved as she leaned onto the chief's ear and spoke, "Don't worry, if luck is on my side, he won't be able to resist me for long," The woman said, her breath brushing along the chief's ear as the chief tried hard to control his ever rising lust.

The woman was simply too dangerous to be around and unknowingly, the chief was slowly getting more and more closer to her. He didn't know that slowly, he was falling into the pit he avoided falling into so much. After all, the woman's charm wasn't so easy to escape. An enchantress, and an elf on top of that was simply a cause of destruction for many.

While the chief had his problems to tackle, the whole elven base was preparing for their upcoming battle.

"Hey Reggie, I heard some bastard took out three of our scouts in one week," A man asked. As for the person in question, he dismissed the man as he wrapped a cloth over his hands. The person was Reggie and he had been doing the same thing for the past hour or so.

Apparently, the last scout that Sirius had captured was none other than Reggie's younger brother and it was just an hour ago hat he was given the news about his brother's capture. The flame of hatred and anger burned fiercely in his heart and that propelled him to fight even more fiercely in the upcoming battle. So much so that he didn't hear the voice of his own friend calling out to him.

ραΠdαsΝοvεl ƈοm Seeing his current condition, Reggie's friend stopped calling out to him and let him be. After all, everyone knew that Reggie loved his brother to the max and since both brothers had no parents, they only had each other for support and with his brother now in enemy hands, Reggie was bound to be furious and a little out of his mind.

The same scenario played out in two more locations of the elven settlement. The pagodas were evidently large and accommodated hundreds and thousands of elves with thousands of warriors capable of taking on armadas.

After all, with their gifted combat acumen; the elves were bound to be a tough nut to crack. The air blew as the largest pagoda trembled slightly.

Within that pagoda, the chief walked to the top most floor and opened door. Behind the door was a small room with a magical circle in the middle. The chief looked at the magic circle and sighed, he closed both of his hands together and activated a spell only known by chiefs of every settlement,

[Elven Bind:- Unseal],

As he spoke, a greenish light enveloped his figure and spread out in the whole room. A few moments later, the whole room was filled with the greenish light and as the light decreased, the room had changed completely.

The empty room was now filled to the brim with different treasures. From weapons and armors to skill scrolls and mana crystals, the room was filled with everything. This was the hidden treasure of the elven settlement that they had gathered over a period of centuries.

Currently, the chief had come her for a single treasure that he needed desperately for the next battle.

Walking to the middle of the room, he reached out to the wooden stick that floated in the air effortlessly. The chief placed his hand over that stick as it seemed to vibrate lightly.

Feeling a connection with the stick, the chief sighed of relief. He was really scared of this process. If the ordinary looking stick had denied to form a connection with him, he would have had no choice but to sacrifice his life essence which was already on it's end.

The chief turned around and walked out of the room as he stored the wooden stick in his consciousness. The truth about this room and all the treasures were only known to the chiefs of every generation and their chosen successors. Since the chief's chosen successor was his daughter, she also knew a part of the truth and the location of the treasure room.

This was also a reason for the chief's distress and unease. He wanted to bring his daughter back before the enemy learned of this secret that had been guarded amongst the chiefs of every generation for centuries.

Little did the chief know that his daughter had already betrayed him and the enemy he would be facing would not only know about this secret of his but also how to counter it.

Also, as the chief walked out; in an inconspicuous corner, a woman watched over his every move. Her beauty was out of the world and to the point that it would be able to mesmerize armies and kingdoms. It was the same enchantress that had enchanted a part of the chief's heart and now, even she knew of this secret.

The woman giggled slightly as she vanished from her location, leaving behind a slight scent of roses that lingered in the air.


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