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Chapter 284 Fighting A Calamity-Realm Boss (Part 2)

Ray stepped on the ground. His eyes were dark as electrical currents ran through them. His sword was being dragged through the ground as he left behind scotch marks produced by the immense heat his body gave off.

"Swoooshhh," The shadows moved as Sirius and Adrian surfaced out of them. The spear in Sirius's hand was darker and looked even more dangerous.

While Adrian on the other hand, was dressed in black as even light seemed to be absorbed by him. They both stood besides Ray.

Behind them, Elina, Tim and the others also came. They walked behind Ray and readied their weapons. The formation they had formed was spear headed formation that focused solely on assault.

Ray had informed them all that the boss in front of them was stronger than any they had ever faced and the best thing to do would be to attack as much as they can to defeat it faster.

Ray's eyes changed. A strange glint came over them as Ray scanned the boss. In the darkness, he could barely see the boss but his system could very well scan it.

[Scan complete:- Boss Identified],

[Boss Name:- Troll Lord,

Rarity:- Unique,

Race:- Troll

Description:- A troll that had ruled over all the trolls in the horde. It is usually a calamity ranked boss as above this, only true kings come. The troll lord is a physically strong boss that excels in short enhancement spells. It is resistant to various types of magic and it's thick physical body makes it harder for the enemy to damage it physically. However, light element and lighting element is very strong against it],

Reading the short description, Ray smiled. Lighting arcs coiled over his body as he flooded himself with mana. His sword whizzed as Ray lifted in the air.

He stopped and turned around. Seeing Nia walking behind him silently, he smiled and spoke, "Come at assault along with me. Your element will be very useful,"

"Okay," Nia nodded with a light smile. She had been feeling quite low the whole time as she needed a strong fight and all the opponents up till now were weak and due to her element, all she needed was a slash to kill any troll she faced.

Ray then turned to Elina and spoke, "Why don't you summon that mischief sitting inside you and lay a good trap in this whole place. It's a calamity ranked monster we are facing after all,"

"As you say," She replied with a light smile.

Ray then turned to Tim and the rest and commanded them to aid Sirius and Adrian.

Turning to Sirius, Ray spoke, "Trap it in the shadows and follow along with me," Saying that, he spoke to Adrian as well and said, "Your power is much more on the offensive side. So use it the way you like and cooperate with Hailey. She is strong with illusions and such things,"

With all that said, Ray got back to his work. He wanted to kill the troll but also knew that doing so alone wouldn't be easy. Last time, he had killed the goblin queen but that was easier as not only was Goblin Queen underestimating him but he also sacrificed his own body.

This time, Ray didn't want to hurt himself. He had a lot of things to do and getting hurt wasn't something he wanted to do.

He glanced at Nia and nodded at her. Just as he was about to kick the ground forward, a voice came from behind as Ray came to realization.

"Aren't you forgetting someone?" Kashish's voice sounded.

Ray turned around as he saw her standing by the wall that he had just blasted. Vines grew around her as they covered her body and formed a fitting armor for her.

Ray looked at her and smiled, "I guess I really did," He said in slight embarrassment. Due to the hectic situation and continuous fighting, he had forgotten about Kashish's existence.

"You…" Kashish fumed at him as her face turned red from anger, "I will see you later," She said and walked forward.

Standing besides Elina she raised her hand as the Vines around her slithered over the ground.

"Lets work together and trap this thing," She said with a smile.

"Okay," Elina nodded with a smile. She was more than happy to have a partner along with her. She raised her hands and formed some archaic hand seals as a darkness came over her eyes. Black marks appeared over her skin as the cursed energy around her grew stronger.

Elina suddenly took out a quill. The quill was old and had rusty patterns all over it. Looking at it, one would think of it as a quill taken out from a garbage can.

Elina closed her eyes and infused her cursed energy into the quill as it glowed a dark red light. Elina waved the quill in air as the reddish energy was projected out of it.

Elina's hands started moving as within seconds, a row of curses was written all over the air. Elina directed the curses and plastered then over the vines that Kashish controlled.

"What are you doing?" Confused, Kashish asked.

"Allowing you to work with me even better. Your bines now contain my curses so when you hit the enemy with them, the curses will be transferred to the enemy," Said Elina with a smile.

She put her quill back and then raised her hands again. Forming various hand signs, the darkness around her increased. An eerie aura crept over her as she was engulfed with the energy of death. Elina's eyes turned even darker as the marks over her skin formed strange archaic runes.

A cat appeared over her shoulder as Elina's hands changed. A strange substance started to ooze out of her hands as it condensed into a strange energy that floated in the air.

"Let's go now. I am ready," She spoke. Her voice had turned heavy and metallic as even Kashish felt strange after hearing her.

On the other hand,

Ray and Nia readied themselves. They kept on walking forward as they equipped their armors and pumped mana through their bodies. Ray had flooded himself fully with mana and only used his lighting element.

Due to this, the lighting over him had penetrated so deep into him as his bones had started to pop and crackle. Ray lifted his sword and held it in front of him. His eyes behind his word were filled with lighting and had turned dark blue.

Ray's sword was flooded with mana as well as Ray had also changed the structure of his sword. The Void Swords had popped outwards as various pointed edges had formed over the sword.

From the middle, the Void Shards separated and formed a two pointed blade. Ray held the sword tightly and kicked the ground.

The ground cracked from his pressure as he flew in the air like a bolt of lightning. Wings opened behind his back as he used his bloodline to strengthen his physical body. Flapping his wings, he flew forward and aimed at the troll lord in front of him.

Behind Ray, Nia also readied herself. A whitish yellow halo surrounded her body as she was bathed in the light it gave off. Nia looked at her wrists and the two bracelets she wore.

These were given to her by her father and were said to be strong weapons in the pseudo-calamity rank and could potentially rival with many weapons in the calamity ranked.

She poured her mana into the bracelets as they glowed slightly and then popped off her wrists. They floated in the air and morphed into two short swords that had various runic patterns over them. The blades were slightly curved from the top a were a pair that had impeccable balance.

Holding the blades in her hands, Nia felt connected to them as she swing them around with ease.

"I guess I will have to thank dad for these," She thought with a smile. Light surrounded her as she pumped her mana into the short swords. The swords glowed as they absorbed the mana and whizzed to show their delight.

A light armor covered her body as she prepared herself. Her feet tapped the ground as she turned into a blur and sped forward. Like a beacon of light, she moved silently and closed up with Ray.

Ray looked below and saw Nia running along with him as she matched with his speed.

"It's at the end of the halfway. I would say that it seems to be guarding something behind the hallway," Ray said.

"Okay," Nia nodded and decided to make the first move. She grabbed the swords tightly and jumped in the air. Doing a backward flip, she slashed her swords in an X as they left a whitish arc that travelled at lightning fast speed.

"Swoooshhh," The arc lit up the area around it as it hit the troll's legs. It went in deep as blood gushed out of the troll's legs.

"Srieekekkkkkkk," The troll roared in the air as pain hit it. The troll looked in front and locked onto Nia as it threw a strange ball of energy at her and started transforming.

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