Versatile System Online

Chapter 126 The Rule Of The Magical World: "Kill Or Get Killed"

The Dean's Office,

"Where are the reports on the dungeon evolution?" The dean asked, worry evident on his face as he looked at the ever-changing situation of the dungeon.

"Sir, things don't seem well," An instructor came in and answered.

"I know it dammit, give me more information," The dean shouted in anger, his rage taking over as the mana around him became unstable.

Seeing the situation going out of hand, the instructor left the office and hurried to collect more data before the dean takes the matter into his hands.

,m Back at the office,

The dean controlled his anger and took out his phone as he dialed Old man Abraham's number,

"Tringg… tringg…"

"Yes Prometheus, what happened," The old man asked as he picked up the call.

"I want you to hurry to my office right now," the dean ordered, his voice calm and serene. Though it seemed like the dean's anger had vanished, it wasn't the case as the dean had just controlled his anger and it continuously bubbled within, ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice.

"What the hell, Prometheus! I am doing some serious business right now," Old Man Abraham cried out.

"What business is more important than the student's security," The dean asked as he ordered, "I want you here in 5 minutes and if you don't arrive on time, I will not let you see the end of today," the dean said and hung up.


Old Man Abraham looked at his phone as the call disconnected, his expression of helplessness as cried in anguish,

"What the hell Prometheus, I swear to God that I will kill you the next time we meet,"

With that, the Old Man hurried his business as he fought a great war against the morning pressure that had been piled up due to a week's worth of constipation.

Dungeon Instance,

"Who the hell is there," Ron screamed in pain as an arrow pierced through his stomach. Looking around everywhere, he frantically searched for the goblin that had sneaked up on him.

On the other hand, his teammates stood rooted to their places as they looked at Ron with weird looks in their eyes.

"Are you going to tell him or should I?" A teammate asked the other as he looked at the bow in his hand.

"If you want to die, then go ahead and tell him," the other one answered as he snatched the bow and stored it in his system storage.

"Then what should we do about him? We got to calm him down or else he won't move forward until he resolves the matter," The first one asked as he looked towards Ron who was still throwing a tantrum like a child.

"See and learn," The only second-year student said as he picked a goblin corpse from around him and walked forward.

Walking forward, the second-year student threw the goblin's corpse in front of Ron and spoke,

"Here you go captain, I caught this sneaky bastard running away after shooting you. Therefore, I killed it right away so it wouldn't sneak up on you anymore,"

"Good… Good, bring it here, I will not let this pesky bastard have peace even in death. Also, good work. You will be rewarded accordingly. Now go and prepare, we will leave this floor after I best this corpse into a mush," Ron said, his expression eased with an evil grin plastered all over his face. Rubbing his hands together, Ron walked forward and picked up the corpse as he started beating it mercilessly.

"Such a sadist," The other teammates thought as they looked in fear as Ron beat the corpse without any reservations.

On the other hand, the second-year student walked back with a content smile on his face and spoke,

"You see! That's how it's done. Not only that, now I am on his good side as well,"

Listening to the second-year student speak, the other members took note of this method as they knew that if they had to get more credit and better provisions while being with Ron, they had to suck up to him.

5 minutes later,

Ron had completely mutilated the goblin's corpse and was very satisfied with what he did. Therefore, in his good mood, he ordered the team to move forward to the next floor.

"Okay you all, we will do it just like before and then finish this floor before moving on to the next one," He said, activating his system ability, he buffed himself up as a red aura converged around him and strengthened his physical body.

Taking out a huge axe that had reddish-brown engravings on it, he infused his aura with it, causing the axe to glow red. Prepared for the upcoming battle, Ron moved forward while his team followed.

Unbeknownst to Ron, an entity was currently keeping an eye on him as she watched him from the tenth floor of another dungeon instance.

This entity was the same woman whose statue Ray destroyed. Currently sitting on a large throne that had skulls lying all around it, she kept an eye on Ron as he ventured forward in a bid to clear the dungeon.

"Keke… Disgusting Human, your power is quite handy and I will make sure to make it mine," She muttered, giggling evilly as she swiped her hand and another image appeared.

It was the image of a Black Haired teenage boy with a sharp facial outline and skin so smooth that many women would die for it. His deep black eyes were calm as a sea as they hid the turbulent waters deep within them. His smile was so mesmerizing that it captured hearts while his bearing was such that people would follow him unwillingly.

The image was of Ray as he fought against the strange boss on the fourth floor.

The goblin woman looked at Ray's photo and merely smirked as an evil plan formed in her mind. With that, she threw the crystal as it floated in the air and called a subordinate of her as she ordered in "Ghorkliak",

"Increase the spawn rate. The dungeon has gotten enough energy to increase it by twenty percent," [Translated from Ghorkliak]

The subordinate kneeled and nodded before going on his way to comply with the order given to him.

On the other hand,

Instance Dungeon,

Fifth Floor,

Ray and the others stood at the entrance of the fifth floor as they looked at the goblins that had swarmed them from everywhere.

"I guess this is where it gets harder. Let's finish them off before moving forward," Ray said, his expression carefree as he knew that this little amount of goblins wasn't going to cause any harm to the team. Instead, the increased number of goblins would increase efficiency and companionship between the team members as they would have to rely on each other to kill these goblins.

"Also, I won't be able to participate in the fight as my mana hasn't recovered yet. Just take it as a test to see how good you all could do without my help," Ray said and then sat on the ground and he rested his back against a wall.

"Yeah, we can do it without your help too," Aliya scorned as she took out her staff and got ready to battle.

Along with Aliya, the other teammates also took out their weapons as they got ready to battle while also defending Ray.

"Good idea Ray, this would allow us to know where we stand without your help," Sirius thought with a smile on his face as his body transformed from human to half-wolf.

"Why sit leisurely when you can help them to finish it off much faster and from what it seems, it's going to take forever if you don't help them," Aurora interjected, displeased by Ray's decision as she urged him to battle along with everyone else.

"It's okay, the more time they take the better it is. This way, they will be able to get stronger and know about their limits, some might even surpass their limits. Also, it would only hinder their potential if I fight alongside them every time we fight someone," Ray said as he continued,

"Another thing is that I want to see how much they have improved and I also have a question that I need to ask,"

"What question?" Aurora asked, letting the other matter go as she found the explanation to be reasonable enough while the question that Ray had to ask caught her attention.

"I simply want to ask about what you meant when you asked me to kill that strange goblin on the last floor. You even said that you would explain it to me later and that I should kill that goblin no matter what," Ray asked as he repeated every single word that Aurora spoke at that time. This put Aurora in a pinch as she reluctantly answered,

"Okay, I will tell you. I asked you to kill that goblin because that goblin was artificially created by fusing two different goblins through the use of forbidden magic. This caused two souls to inhabit one body. However, none of the souls were in control of the body as the body was being remotely controlled by the creator of that monstrosity," Aurora said and continued,

"Also, when I asked you to kill that goblin, it wasn't my wish. Rather, it was the souls inhabiting the body, requesting me to free them from their anguish. Therefore, I asked you to free those poor souls of the pain they suffered,"

Listening to Aurora, Ray's eyes opened up even more as he understood that it wasn't only the humans who were cruel, even other magical creatures were the same.

This made Ray understand one more thing, in the world where magic and abilities were reigned, only existed one rule and that rule was,

"Either Kill Or Get Killed"


A/N:- Sorry for the late chapter, I was very busy. Also, have fun reading the chapter and don't forget to gift the novel while also voting with pwoerstones and golden tickets.

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