Versatile System Online

Chapter 124 Fighting Against An Amalgation Of Two Goblins (Part 2)

"Hey kid, let's dance a bit with that thing," Sirius looked at kid and spoke while he motioned Ray to step back for a moment.

During all the fights they had been through, Ray had understood how Sirius was and even if he spoke less, Ray knew what he meant. Therefore, Ray took a step back and recovered his energy as he let Sirius and kid take the assault.

As for the rest of the team, they didn't stay idle either. Noah stepped forward and activated a spirit attack,

[Spirit Needle Dance]

With this attack, all the Spirit Needles in his possession floated around him and attacked the enemy at his command. Using his spirit attack, Noah pressured the strange goblin as he pushed it back by timing the attacks with Sirius's and kid's attacks as he closed the possible retreat paths for the goblin.

Not only Noah, but Tim stepped forward as well. He ran forward and joined Sirius as he became the tank for the team by using his shield to block the goblin's attacks.

As for Aliya, Elina, Emma, and Aella, they all aided in the battle too. Aliya, used her healing magic to continuously heal everyone while Elina used her curse magic to set up traps along the goblin's way. As for Aella, she used her bow to continuously attack the goblin from a far distance.

Lastly, Emma used her aura ability to sense the movements of the goblin and aided Elina in setting the traps in the best positions to confuse the goblin and injure it the most.

A content smile appeared on Ray's face as he saw the whole team working together and aiding each other as they all fought against an enemy stronger than they were.

Using the moment of respite he got, Ray asked Aurora a question,

"Aurora, that goblin is very strong. Strong enough to be in the pseudo-magical Realm. However, the dungeon is in the Mortal Realm and has 10 floors in total. So what would happen on the next floors if we have to face such a strong opponent on the fourth floor already,"

"You are right, and from what I understand. The dungeon has evolved and is not in the Mortal Realm anymore and is a dungeon ranked in the early stages of the Magical Realm," Aurora answered, her voice grave as she became the bringer of bad news.

"What? So does that mean that the boss might be in the magical Realm?" Ray asked in panic as his worry grew further.

"Yes, the boss might be in the Early stages of the Magical Realm, also said as, Basic Tier of the Magical Realm,"

Ray didn't ask further as he knew that whatever he would ask, it would get back to the same topic. Now, what he had to think about was how to tackle the next floors, most importantly, the boss floor.


The rest of the continued with their attacks as they injured the strange goblin and forced it into retreating.

"You aren't that hard to defeat. Just some strange-looking thing who was good at first but look at you now, you can't even attack us," Tim taunted the goblin as he slammed his shield into it while Sirius slashed it from behind.

This pincer attack took all of the goblin's concentration and the goblin's perception dropped a little. This allowed Kid to attack as Kid used his mana to build an ice dagger and slid forward on the ice ramp he created. With that, Kid closed in on the goblin and delivered a series of slashes as he mutilated the goblin's back and retreated within a second.

This was the strategy that Tim, Sirius, and Kid used as they forced the goblin to retreat more and more.

Slowly, the multiple attacks started to take a toll on the goblin's body as the goblin started to slow down and the intensity of its attacks also decreased by a lot.

Seeing this, the whole team increased their attack rate as they pushed in for more attacks and pushed back it back.

However, they didn't account for one thing. As the whole team concentrated their focus on the goblin, they forgot to look at the statue situated in the middle of the hall.

As the goblin reached the point where only 20 percent of its health remained, it looked at the statue and raised its hands in the air as it recited a strange prayer,

[Okl… Okl… Ka…Ka…ka… Ti…Ti…Pu…Ssy… Bo…Obs]

As the goblin recited the prayer in "Ghokliak"( Ancient Goblin Language), the area around the statue lit up as a greenish light enveloped the goblin.

Enveloped by the strange greenish light, the goblin smiled evilly as it closed its eyes.

Confused by the goblin's actions, Sirius and the others didn't stop attacking as they sent out their strongest attacks.

On the other hand, Ray's attention was on the statue that was glowing with the same greenish light that enveloped the goblin. Looking at the statue, he noticed a strange energy forming a link between the goblin and the statue.

Confused by what he saw, Ray focused on the link formed between the statue and the goblin when Aurora screamed in his consciousness,

"Get out of here, the goblin is self-destructing the whole statue. The statue has enough power stored in it to reduce this hall to nothing,"

Listening to Aurora, Ray's expression changed drastically as he turned to his teammates that were in the process of attacking the goblin.

"Everyone, retreat immediately," Ray shouted out loud, his voice reverberating through the whole hall as he simultaneously activated his barrier ability.

"That won't work, the attack isn't magically-oriented. This attack can only be initiated by the use of forbidden magic and is made up of forbidden magic. It would disintegrate your barrier within seconds," Aurora cautioned Ray as she stopped him from using his barrier ability.

"Then what should I do?" Ray asked in a hurry as he realized that the light enveloping the statue and the goblin increasing in intensity.

During this time, Sirius and the others also heard Ray's command and ditched their efforts to attack and retreated at a moment's notice.

"What happened Ray," Sirius asked as he came back by Ray's side.

"You won't be able to harm it. That goblin has used forbidden magic and the light that envelops him, grants him immunity from all types of attacks, whether magical or physical," Ray said as he waited for Aurora's reply.

"Ray, do one thing. Use that fusion attack of yours but this time, pour all your mana into it along with a little bit of your bloodline energy," Aurora answered, her voice confident of what she said as Ray understood what she was implying.

"Okay, I will do it," Ray affirmed as he turned to his teammates and spoke, " Everyone, I want you to activate all of your defensive spells and stay behind me at all costs. That is if you don't want to die. If you want to die, then do whatever you want," Ray said as he took a step forward and raised his hand.

Raising his right hand, the mana inside his body churned furiously as Ray used all of his mana for his next attack. Using all of the mana, he activated his spell,

[Inferno Thunder],

Activating the spell, the mana surged out of his whole body into the spell as a thunderbolt, larger and more majestic than before appeared in front of Ray.

The thunderbolt radiated with immense energy as all of the mana inside Ray's body got used to casting it.

Using such amounts of mana, Ray started to feel dizzy as his head started spinning while his vision blurred. However, Ray held on as he had one more job to do.

As the spell was about to be completed and in its last phases of activation, Ray used a little bit of his bloodline energy and poured it into the thunderbolt.

With the inclusion of his bloodline energy, the thunderbolt started to change, as a faint layer of spatial energy enveloped the thunderbolt as its edges turned black.

With such change, the thunderbolt spell changed into another spell altogether as a new spell got created in Ray's system,

[Spatial Inferno Thunder],

With the completion of the spell, Ray's energy got used up to a point that he fainted right after while the thunderbolt was thrust forward.

On the other hand, as the thunderbolt manifested completely, the goblin's energy also reached alarming levels as cracks appeared on the statue while the greenish light intensified even more until it intensified to the point that it got blindingly bright.

And just as the goblin and the statue were about to self-destruct, Ray's attack hit them as a loud explosion occurred,



On the tenth floor of the dungeon,

A woman with a similar appearance, stature, and aura as the statue that self-destructed sat on a magnificent throne as a crystal floated in front of her. Looking into the crystal, she saw the events that currently occurred on the fourth floor.

Looking at Ray's attack and the explosion created by it, she grinned evilly as her eyes flashed with malice.


A/N:- Hope you all enjoy and give in your input. Also, I am waiting for those gifts, power stones and golden tickets.

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