[You have sucked and drank the blood of an ancient bloodline carrier!]

[Through the stimulation of your fangs, Turan Elliot is now awakening the Ancient Golden Fire bloodline of the Ancient Elliot family!]

[For drinking a rare ancient bloodline: You have received 50 free stat points!]

[You have received the stimulation of the Golden Fire bloodline!]

[You have unlocked the Blackfire Mystic Ability!]

[Congratulations! You have received 50 mystic energy limits!]

"Ugh!" Rex growled in pain as he knelt inside the hole in the tree.

At this moment, his body also started convulsing as black and green lines started snaking through his body. At the same time that this happened, his red eyes turned pitch-black which matched those of the night.

Rex struggled hard not to scream in pain to not startle and wake Anna.

Currently, he felt like he was just placed in a furnace where he was left to burn to be refined and come back glittering like gold.

The reason for this pain was for a good cause, but it was unbearable.

The few series of system notifications revealed a lot of things.

Rumors said that the Elliot family of Obedin City was connected to the Ancient Elliot family of the Great Shelters, and with this Rex could finally confirm it.

The Ancient Elliot family was known for their Golden Fire bloodline, the only problem was that no Elliot in Obedin City had ever been rumored to awaken this ancient bloodline. Clearly, the bloodline had already grown too thin and diluted in them.

Elliot coincidentally awakening the bloodline now was related to his blood being sucked by Rex, this was kind of a symbiotic association.

As a vampire, once Rex sucked on Turan's blood, a connection was established between the both of them, a symbiotic connection.

This was what stimulated Turan to awaken the already faint bloodline in his blood. He was not the only one who benefited though, Rex benefited also.

Unlike an Elliot, vampires had a greater affinity for dark and shadow abilities. On establishing a connection with the Golden Fire bloodline, instead of suffering a backlash, a miraculous reaction was induced instead.

In physics, science said that negative pole magnets attract each other.

Something similar happened, when the Golden Fire bloodline and Vampire bloodline met, a strange reaction happened and Rex benefited as he was stimulated through the connection to awaken his 2nd mystic ability.

The Blackfire mystic ability was related to fire but dark fire, it dealt more ethereal and soul damage than it dealt physical damage.

Rex's change was faster, once he fully unlocked the Blackfire mystic ability, he recovered as he started taking note of the changes in his body.

There was not much change in his body nor his status yet. Awakening a mystic ability was one thing, he could use it in a base manner now but to unlock its full potential, Rex needed to access skills of the Blackfire mystic ability.

The only major change was in his consciousness and the 50 mystic energy limits that he gained. In his head where his mystic energy settled, Rex noticed that his mystic energy was no longer entirely golden.

Now, a part of it was golden while another part was filled with Blackfire.

Rex still could not fantom how he was able to unlock a 2nd mystic ability since he was never taught in school about mystic warriors awakening more than one mystic ability.

All that didn't matter though as after the last few minutes of transformation in his body both inward and outward, Turan finally woke up.

Once he caught sight of Rex, he scurried away to the side, grabbing his Triple Kill Sword in the process as he instinctively guarded Anna.

"Who are you?" Turan demanded.

"I'm Rex".

"What are you?"

"I'm…" Rex hesitated but knowing that Turan was not dumb, he decided to tell the truth. "I'm a Vampire".


It was a hard truth to accept but having awakened an ancient bloodline himself and the fact that his fortune was entirely due to Rex sucking on his blood, Turan felt nothing but gratitude.

Both of them thanked each other then this became their little secret.

After everything that happened, they were already tired. They decided to catch up on some sleep to recover their energy before leaving the next morning.

A few hours later when it was already morning, they left the Spider Swamp.


The ringing sounds of a sharp sword blade reverberated in the muddy swamp as a warrior lady cut her way through a group of Swamp Spiders.

Like most of her teammates, once she found a temporary safe haven during the night, Cassandra decided to rest to get back her strength for the next day.

The morning was not sunny like usual, it was gloomy with clouds.

Cassandra could have easily employed some of her trump cards to fight her way to safety during the night, but she remained adamant about protecting her real identity. Until she became strong enough, she needed to continue lying low.

By this time, she already discovered the anomaly in the swamp forest.

Unlike characteristic of the Spider Swamp where most mystic beasts here were content with staying in one place and laying ambush for their prey, this morning was very different as this swamp seemed to awaken from slumber.

Mud ants, mud Pythons, Swamp Spiders, and a lot of other mystic beasts that dominated the Spider Swamp became a lot more active this morning.

The most concerning factor about them was their organization. They all moved in the same direction like they were being directed by a sorcerer in the dark.

As Cassandra witnessed all these, her face turned grim. "History did not change; everything is still the same".

"It has finally begun!"

Once she confirmed what was already happening, she no longer followed the conventional way as she boycotted back into the forest to find her teammates.

Despite the circumstances, she stuck with her goal of keeping a low profile.

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