"Over?" Haman asked as he looked at Rex then down at his spear.

His face twisted. "Over? Hahaha…, over?" He laughed like a maniac.

"It's never over for me, I will never surrender to you".

"You've angered the Axe Gang and the Gandalf Gang, there's no way on earth that you will survive the wrath of these 2".

"The Gundam Shelter since antiquity after its fall has always been significant with chaos. Young man, there's no order here".

"You trying to unite so many gangs is a sin to the natural order of the Gundam Shelter. If I can't stop you, another would definitely stop and kill you".

"As for me, I would rather die than surrender to you".

"Die!" Haman grabbed his spear and rushed towards Rex to attack.

Rex looked at him calmly. "As you wish".


[You have activated sword skill: Ghost in the Night!]


The Ghost in the Night sword skill was Rex's fastest skill by far.

Once he tapped into his shadow mystic ability energy and activated this skill, shadowy dust seemed to ooze out of his body as they soon engulfed him and his sword, completely coating Berserker in them.

Rex looked one last time at Haman, then he took a step.


He moved like the wind, like the shadow that could not be caught, like a ghost that could not be seen. Haman only saw a shadow passing by and a breeze blowing past him before he suddenly felt cold.

With his spear still raised up, Haman paused as all energy started fading out of his body. "I…, feel weak".

He said his last words before his body was divided in twain, he died tragically.

As blood gushed out of the dead body of their gang leader, horror gripped the hearts of every single Ape Ville gang warrior as they lost all motivation.

They simply didn't want to fight again since they stood no chance.

"Retreat!" "Run!" "Escape for your lives!"

They didn't know who yelled it first but once they heard it, it was like the straw that broke the camel's back as every single Ape Ville warrior went for it.

To your tents oh Israel, all of them ran for their lives without looking back.

They barely started escaping before they met a roadblock. Jacob's defensive army came in the thousands as they blocked the escape route of the Ape Ville warriors with their giant shields that hungered for blood.

The warriors of the Ape Ville gang panicked, they feared for their lives as the combined army converged, blocking the last free direction which they could escape in. Then the army started boxing them in.

They no longer fought, they just jampacked themselves in the middle as the combined army box them in. The next moment, they started falling on their knees.

If peace couldn't solve it, violence definitely could.

A convincing war was all it took for the Ape Ville Gang to succumb to Rex's Berserk Gang. With their leader dead, they all surrendered to preserve their lives.

About 2000 Ape Ville warriors died, leaving only a little over 4000 alive.

As the Berserk Army tried to calm the warriors of the Ape Ville gang down for Rex to address them, on Rex's orders, Erling and Jacob led their warriors to go pick the spoils of the just concluded battle.

Once they were ready, Rex addressed them.

"You are all on the verge of history".

"Today, the Berserk Gang will unite all the gangs of the Blood Market region".

"Today, we shall all be part of the rise of a new hegemon gang".

"Eat, rest, for in an hour, we will make history!"

Like he said, Rex gave all the soldiers an hour of rest.

During this hour, having given the order, Aragorn through his electronic transmissions sent texts to all the gangs in the Blood Market zone about Rex's ambitions that he intended to achieve today.

The sent texts did not explicitly say that they should surrender but the message was delivered.

Just 15 minutes later, armies from lesser gangs in the Blood Market zone started trooping towards the Spring Valley which was the meeting point.

There, the gang leaders pledged their allegiance to the new gang leader.

"From today, I, the gang leader of the Sneakerella gang pledge allegiance to you".

"I, the gang leader of the Nile Sword gang pledge allegiance to you".

"I, the gang leader of the Ancient Ones gang pledge allegiance to you".


After a long affair, all the available gang leaders finally finished pledging their allegiance. Of all the gangs in this region, 9 came to pledge their allegiance and surprisingly, 5 refused to accept the current reality and come.

Rex had no idea about their reasons but he did not care to know.

"Erling, lead the attack to the Smoove Gang".

"Jacob, lead the attack to the Oriental Blood Gang".

"Aragorn, lead the attack to the Death Climbers Gang".

"Ben, lead the attack to the Sniper Gang".

"As for me, I'll lead the attack to the Minotaurs Gang".

After designating tasks to the 4 leaders that were under him, Rex mounted Storm once again as like the wind, they rushed towards their new destination.

Dozens of military trucks followed him for this last battle.

On getting to the small territory of the Minotaurs Gang, Rex finally understood why they refused to surrender. They had a mythical treasure.

During a dangerous trip to the Great Dungeon Forest, the gang leader of the Minotaurs Gang discovered a tonic which he was instructed to pour in a pool as a reward for his achievements in a dungeon.

On returning to the Gundam Shelter and pouring it on a pool, the pool became a magical pool that could temporarily turn mystic warriors into powerful minotaurs once they drank its water.

After becoming minotaurs, the strength, defense, and vitality of these mystic warriors would increase to a ridiculous level with their intelligence as the sacrifice.

They became unstoppable physical monsters.

The gang leader of the Minotaurs gang didn't spread this news to the world yet because he was afraid of the powerful gangs out there that could take it from him. He was content with slowly building his power in the dark.

What he didn't plan for was Rex's sudden decision for expansion.

Secretly, they already amassed the power that made them as strong as any of the gangs of the average rank in the Red Zone despite not having a single Advanced mystic warrior but it was not enough.

With Rex leading the charge, the combined army swept through them like a plague, not stopping until thousands died and they finally surrendered.

The gang leader this time was wise. Seeing his impossible chances of victory and his great chances of death if the battle continued, he was the one who surrendered first to Rex to save his life.

With this victory, the Berserk Gang was finally able to unite the whole Blood Market territory. News of success already came from the other battlefields.

It was not yet the end of today for Rex. Once they regrouped in the Spring Valley, Rex left the combined army for Aragorn to escort back to the Berserk Mansion while he took all the other leaders with him.

"We are going to the Blood Market".

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