Chapter 808 Love Between Vampires


Whatever these Ancient Enemies were, they were perhaps just as dangerous as demons. However, that there are little clues about what they were is the truly unnerving thing.

Perhaps the Ancient Gods and the Spirit Races managed to fend them off, but at the greater cost of their own tribes perishing one after another.

This world… although it seemed so simple at the beginning of my second life, has been slowly shaping into something much more complex.

However, if I ever want to find out about its secrets, I'll have to personally look for the clues myself, not even the Holy Spirits know as much as I would have hoped for them to know.

Well, there will be time for me to worry about those things later, right now, there were some more pressing issues at hand…

"Eleanora, I feel like you're trying to tell me something with your body language right now…"


Eleanora was currently cuddling with me on bed, sitting over my body, and tightly pressing her big thighs on my legs, her beautiful body literally stuck to mine, her large breasts pressing on my chest.

She was blushing and pouting… Something I've never seen her do before. Was she mad at me for something?

"Are you mad at me?" I asked her.

"M-Maybe…" She said, looking elsewhere, without desiring to look back into my eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "And if you're so mad, why would you be over my whole body? I can't even move…"

"T-That's because… well…" She didn't really knew what to say.


"I also love you, Eleanora. You're my first love. A love of thousands of years. You're my lady, my beautiful mistress." I smiled, caressing her hair.

"My lord…" She blushed, feeling more passionate, breathing heavily as her lips grew closer to mine. "I-Is that true?"

"Yes, and I'm very sorry for never realizing how perfect of a woman you were… You're everything I could ever ask out of one." I said. "So don't feel bad if our relationship has gone slowly, I've only done so because I love you so much I thought you needed more time and respect. I did not wish to upset your feelings."

"I-It's fine…" She smiled gently, her enamored eyes glistening like crimson stars among a night sky. "Now that I know your true feelings, I don't mind hastening things… I love you so much, my lord…"

She hugged me tightly, rubbing her nose on my neck adorably, I hugged her tightly too, giving her the warmth of my body to her slightly colder vampire body.

I caressed her back and her delicate shoulders, her long, silky hair, and loved her just like that…

Our lips grew closer as we fell silent, and we kissed for a couple of minutes. These weren't quick and embarrassed kisses that lasted only a second, they were long, passionate, and filled with love.

Her lips were so soft, her tongue so warm, her gaze so captivating. I couldn't help it, I embraced her with all the love she deserved, my most beautiful treasure was right in front of me.

I didn't wanted to lose her ever again… My dear, beloved Eleanora.

"I will love you and treasure for all those years I ignored you." I said, kissing her once more. "You're my most precious treasure, my dear Eleanora."

"You too, are my… most precious treasure." She smiled. "My lord…"

And then, I had an interesting idea.

I gently slipped off her vampiric grasp, standing in the floor, right behind me there was the moonlight coming from the night sky.

My body slowly changed appearance into my previous life self.

"How about this form, to relive old times?" I smiled gallantly.

"M-My Lord Asmodeus…?!" She cried in surprise, blushing. "Ahhh… Your appearance… How?!"

"It's a long story." I laughed. "This is a temporary form, so let us enjoy it."


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