Vampire Lord's Demonic Wives

Chapter 44 Acknowledge Her Love

"See, this is why I was against her. Are you still unable to see that she is a potential threat to you? Hah! If you think I am a bad person then she is not any better!"

Hecate shouted at her as she pointed towards Devi while trying hard to expose her intentions.

How could she lose her son like that? If Zoravec was disappointed in his seemingly mother, then he should dislike Devi too. That was the notion Hecate was working upon, she did not want to be the only one to suffer. And definitely not when their lives had turned upside down because of Devi.

Zoravec could clearly see through Hecate's words and comprehended what she was trying to do. It agitated him regarding how both of the ladies had been using him for their own purposes. He exchanged glances at Hecate and then switched towards Devi, there was utter rage and disappointment over his face.

"Oh please, bitch. You are insulting me by comparing me to yourself."

Devi snapped at Hecate as she threw derogatory remarks at her. However she tried to calm down after realising that Hecate was sneakily trapping her and if she somehow ended up attacking Hecate things would go bad.

She knew that despite Zoravec being angry with Hecate he would not let any harm touch her. The demoness was sure that if she injured Hecate then Zoravec would turn against her. Devi was also aware of the blood bond between them and did not intend to force Zoravec to use it.

"I am not a sneaky thief like you. You know old hag, you are the worst because not only you stole him you even kept the truth from him ever since."

Devi knew what words to choose so they would hurt Hecate and make her guilty immediately. The demoness was witty enough to hit the iron while it was hot.

"At least, I have been clear about everything since the beginning. Hah! You claim you are worried about him, but did you even think for a moment that what if those dhampir squad members had sensed his blood?"

Yes! The particular words made Hecate widen her eyes because in actuality she had no clue about it. Hecate did not think about that since she had no clue whether dhampirs could sense him or not. Ever since Zoravec was brought into the human world by her, there was not a single moment when any vampire or dhampir could figure out his origin.

Zoravec was neither a full blood noble vampire nor a dhampir, he had no bloodline which was why nobody could sense his vampiric aura. His awakening was even more peculiar, vampires were not used to dual cultivation methods to level up. It was a way exclusively for humans to get stronger but the effects were temporary.

However in Zoravec's case the outcome was the same but the lustful mana merging provided him some space for permanent storage. It was unusual because of his no bloodline and peculiar powers. In easy words, unlike humans who lost all their obtained energy from dual cultivation, Zoravec could store a small chunk of it permanently.

That was exactly what happened with Lyra, as soon as Zoravec drank her blood and deprived her from the lust-mana she died. He had no clue what happened back there but now Devi could comprehend when she mutually shared her energy with him during the recent intimate encounter.

Nonetheless, it was still a question regarding how the special squad members did not come to know about his vampiric blood. Even Devi had no clue about it and Hecate had no idea how that shit even worked. She had never thought about it because she was not a vampire herself.

Although Hecate once used the vampiric venom to become a dhampir, the effects had faded evidently. She had remnants of what was once called strength, because of that Hecate was still functioning as good as a horse. It was just one week after her return to the human realm that the vampires invaded.

"I don't…I did not even know it was possible."

Hecate tried to reason out, the woman placed her right hand over her chest. She took one step forward towards Zoravec as Hecate explained to him. Considering all the things she told to them it was possible that she had no awareness about how vampiric aura worked.

"Believe me Zoravec, please."

Devi rolled her eyes over the situation since she assumed that Hecate was again playing some victim card.

"I would never risk your life, you know that. Right? Remember how I have always been by your side and protected you?"

Zoravec's expressions softened a bit as he looked at Hecate. She was right about whatever she said, despite everything he knew Hecate would never put him in danger. Devi on the other hand grew irritated and annoyed over the drama once again.

The demoness put her both hands, which had already returned normal, over her navel as she glared at Zoravec with disappointment.

"Come on! Don't tell me you believe in her!?"

Devi's annoyed expressions made Zoravec clear that she was expecting some kind of reply from him.

On the other hand Hecate believed or hoped that Zoravec would not say anything against her in this regard. At least. She wished that he would recognise and acknowledge her efforts and love. The old woman stood there in front of Zoravec with worry creased expressions.

He was silent and trying to comprehend whether he should think with brain or his heart. Zoravec could clearly see how devastated Hecate was and the desperation was utterly visible on her face that he would remember her love.

"Oh please! Think about it, Zoravec. I mean it's ridiculous, she lived with you for fucking 19 years. And even visited the vampire realm as she claims, then how come she did not know about this?"

Devi tried to reason out.


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