Urban Most Awesome Dad

Chapter 109 - Chapter 109 Supreme Martial Contest _1

Chapter 109 Supreme Martial Contest _1

“You must never reveal this to Su Jingfeng and the others. I want to spend my last days working normally, completing the final journey of my life, okay?” Zhao Xiaoqing said to Xu Fan with a hint of pleading.

“Okay,” Xu Fan nodded and responded indifferently.

“Then I thank you.” Zhao Xiaoqing said, wiping her tears and feeling a bit grateful.

Xu Fan smiled slightly, but before he could reply, he saw Little Tongtong running over to Zhao Xiaoqing with Ben Ben.

“Pretty big sister, why are you crying? Mommy says crying will make you ugly. Can you please not cry, big sister?” Tongtong said adorably to Zhao Xiaoqing, stretching out a little hand to wipe away the teardrop at the corner of her eye.

“What a good baby, sister isn’t crying…” Seeing Tongtong, who looked like a little angel, Zhao Xiaoqing was immediately overwhelmed with tears again. She wished she could have such a lovely baby, but it was too late as she was about to leave this world and it seemed there would be no chance.

At this thought, Zhao Xiaoqing’s eyes reddened. She looked at the adorable Tongtong and gently squatted down, touching her little braids affectionately.

“Daddy, can you please help this big sister? She’s so pretty, she shouldn’t keep crying,” Tongtong said, her own mouth turning down as tears started to spill from her eyes uncontrollably.

Xu Fan, seeing the saddened face of Tongtong, crouched down, gently supported Little Tongtong’s body, and patted her little head: “Only you know how to feel pity for someone!”

“Daddy, please help this big sister,” Tongtong said, a bit coquettishly, throwing herself at Xu Fan and shaking his arm vigorously.

In Tongtong’s eyes, Daddy was a superhero, omnipotent. Not only that, Daddy was also a champion of justice on Earth, who would always stand up and help whenever he encountered injustice, defending the weak and supporting the righteous.

Xu Fan looked at Tongtong’s adorable little face and said fondly, “Alright, alright, since Tongtong likes this big sister so much, how can Daddy stand by and do nothing?”

“Daddy, what does ‘xiu xiu pan pan’ mean?” Tongtong asked Xu Fan with her bright, big eyes full of curiosity.

“Erm, erm, erm, erm, ‘xiu xiu pan pan’ means that Daddy will take good care of this sister and not let her cry anymore!” Xu Fan embraced Tongtong and hastily explained.

“Yay, Daddy is Tongtong’s superhero!” Tongtong clapped her hands and made a blooming flower expression at Zhao Xiaoqing, saying adorably, “Sister, don’t cry, Daddy will help you.”

“Instructor Xu, thank you. Your daughter is really so wonderful; it’s nice to have such a sweet daughter like her,” Zhao Xiaoqing said to Xu Fan with relief, a smile on her face. She thought of Tongtong as just a child, so she didn’t take her words seriously, seeing them as just a form of comfort.

“Of course! My daughter is my treasure!” Xu Fan boastfully kissed Tongtong’s rosy cheek and replied proudly.

“Instructor Xu, I should head upstairs then,” Zhao Xiaoqing said, calming herself and bidding farewell to Xu Fan.

“Wait a minute, you’re leaving without even mentioning the treatment?” Xu Fan called out to the turning Zhao Xiaoqing.

“Treatment? You mean… There’s still a cure for my illness?” Zhao Xiaoqing turned around in disbelief, her eyes lighting up with newfound radiance.

“There wasn’t one, but you’re in luck for having met me. In the entire world, perhaps only I can cure the Gu insect inside your body,” Xu Fan said nonchalantly.

“Really?” Zhao Xiaoqing asked, filled with anticipation.

“Hmm,” Xu Fan nodded.

“But we are strangers, and I even misunderstood you just now, why would you…”

“You’ve shown such concern for the members of War Wolf under my command. I should repay such kindness. Plus, my precious daughter likes you so much and spoke so well on your behalf. Therefore, consider your illness as good as taken care of by me!” Xu Fan said casually.

“Am I… Am I dreaming?” Zhao Xiaoqing’s eyes filled with tears once more, but this time, they were tears of hope.

“Don’t cry, Sister. You won’t look pretty with a runny nose,” Tongtong made a funny face at Zhao Xiaoqing.

“Okay, Sister won’t cry,” Zhao Xiaoqing wiped away her tears, stopped crying, and said excitedly to Xu Fan, “Instructor Xu, I really don’t know how to thank you. Just tell me what you need for the treatment, and if my family has it, I’ll give you anything.”

“All you have to do is keep a good mood every day. Pretend that nothing has happened. I’ll come to you before the night of the full moon next month,” Xu Fan said gently.

“Yes,” Zhao Xiaoqing bowed deeply to Xu Fan, who had suddenly grown in stature in her heart.

“Alright, you go on with your business. They won’t be in any trouble with me here,” Xu Fan said with a slight smile.

“Sure!” Zhao Xiaoqing responded crisply, waved at Tongtong and said, “Goodbye, little beauty.”

“Daddy, I want to go play with big sister!” Tongtong struggled to climb out of Xu Fan’s arms and grabbed Zhao Xiaoqing’s white, soft hand.

“Okay, then please take care of Tongtong for a while,” Xu Fan said to Zhao Xiaoqing.

“No problem, I will treat her as if she were my own daughter,” Zhao Xiaoqing said lovingly as she looked at Tongtong.

“Good!” Xu Fan replied, waved at Tongtong, and turned to walk toward the members of the War Wolf Squad.

The members of the War Wolf Squad had just seen the instructor holding the beautiful nurse’s hand, causing Zhao Xiaoqing to cry a river of tears, nearly causing a collective rebellion to confront Xu Fan. But under Su Jingfeng’s order, they managed to suppress their anger.

Zhao Xiaoqing was the most beautiful flower in their training ground, and not a single one of the dozens of War Wolf members didn’t want to marry her. Unfortunately, Zhao Xiaoqing, knowing her days were numbered, turned a blind eye to their pursuits, resulting in not a single one of the more than thirty men being able to catch up with her.

When they saw the instructor who had just arrived one day behaving frivolously with Zhao Xiaoqing, how could they not be furious? If it weren’t for Xu Fan’s overwhelming strength, even with Su Jingfeng’s restraint, they would have charged forward and taught Xu Fan a lesson.

But as they watched, after Xu Fan had dealt with Zhao Xiaoqing, his cute daughter appeared and instantly made Zhao Xiaoqing laugh. Not only that, but Zhao Xiaoqing even bowed to Xu Fan and then left joyously with Xu Fan’s daughter, hopping and skipping away.

The crowd was really puzzled, not understanding what kind of magic Xu Fan had worked to make the usually unapproachable Zhao Xiaoqing oscillate between tears and laughter and then leave happily in the end.

“This Instructor Xu, not only has powerful martial arts and medical skills but apparently is also amazing at charming women,” the members of the War Wolf Squad lamented enviously. What kind of monster is this, leaving us ordinary people with no place to stand?

Xu Fan, however, was unaware of the thoughts of the War Wolf Squad. Seeing them distracted and slacking off in training, he raised his eyebrows angrily and shouted, “Do you think five rounds of frog jumps are too few? Add five more rounds for each person. If you don’t finish them, you won’t get any rest.”

“Ah!!!!” Groans of despair from the War Wolf Squad members echoed throughout the training ground.

Xu Fan watched as the War Wolf Squad spent half an hour to finally complete the frog jump training, with the members exhausted and sprawled on the ground, too weary to move even a finger.

Only Xiao Bei and Su Jingfeng were in better shape, not lying on the ground, but standing and slowly catching their breath.

“Everyone stand up; we’re going to start learning now!” Xu Fan shouted at the people on the ground.

The members of the War Wolf Squad, who had been like mud just moments ago, sprang to their feet with carp flips and lazy donkey rolls. Some stood on shaky legs, but none dared defy Xu Fan’s command to remain on the ground.

“Now I’ll teach you a set of Martial Arts Techniques. This technique is extremely forceful and dominates with yang energy. Once you’ve learned it, you’ll be able to defeat opponents who are twice as strong as you are in normal conditions,” Xu Fan explained slowly.

“Wow!” Everyone exclaimed in amazement, forgetting their fatigue and staring unblinkingly at Xu Fan’s silhouette.

“Remember, the Martial Arts Techniques I’m teaching you is called Martial Supreme Combat Skill!” After Xu Fan finished speaking, his body slowly made a circle, demonstrating to everyone.

“I will only perform this set of moves three times: the first time as a demonstration, the second time to lead you through it, and the third to break it down. Everyone must concentrate fully and learn!”

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