Upgrade Specialist in Another World

Chapter 1133: The Blue-eyes White Dragon King and the Start of the Plan!

Three days later.

It was late in the afternoon in the Core World. Bai Yunfei was meditating by himself when he noticed a fluctuation in the air.

“Someone’s teleporting...senior Bloodhowl and the others are back!!”

Xiao Fang warned him. It was picking up a disturbance in the air that was normally seen when someone was teleporting in or out of the area.

Somebody was teleporting into the heart of the wolf clan’s territory!

In other words, someone from the outside was here!

“Is it that senior?! Teleporting from beyond even the Core Stone’s range...it has to be that late-stage class eight soulbeast!”

Curious about who it was, Bai Yunfei disappeared from the Core World to head out.

He reappeared within the residential hall of his moments later. Storing the Core Stone away, Bai Yunfei walked out from the hall to the outside only to meet Hong Yin near the entrance.

“Yunfei? Did you feel the disturbance too?”

“Is your father and the other seniors back?” Bai Yunfei nodded.

“They are. Father said to call you out, so I came...”

In the conference hall.

More soulbeasts were gathered within these halls compared to before Bai Yunfei left for the Tomb of the Emperor Beasts. He didn’t recognize some of them so they had to have come when he was gone.

Bai Yunfei’s eyes couldn’t help but look to the person seated at the head of the hall before they widened in surprise.

Seated there was not the Bloodhowl Wolf King, but someone else. An elderly figure dressed in white. The Bloodhowl Wolf King sat on the chair to his direct right.

This elder looked almost like an ordinary old man. Bai Yunfei couldn’t even sense any power coming from him.

At first.

The aura hit him shortly afterward. Heart coming to an immediate stop, Bai Yunfei began to feel a sense of foreboding the moment it happened!

While the elder didn’t generate any ‘pressure’ onto him, Bai Yunfei felt it impossible to ward off the intimidation he was feeling!

This was what it meant to be met with someone beyond your station. He’d never be able to bridge the gap with this elder even if he were to use every bit of strength he had!

Bai Yunfei’s first thought was to ‘resist’ the feeling, but the feeling was gone in an instant. Whether this senior was trying to test or intimidate him, Bai Yunfei felt like it wasn’t ‘necessary’. Considering who this senior was, respect was a given...

Feet pausing for just a brief second, Bai Yunfei stepped closer into the hall to bow to the white-robed elder.

“This junior Bai Yunfei pays his respects to senior White Dragon King.”

A faint smile graced the lips of the white-robed elder. “No need for that...A youngster who became a Soul Emperor...and one as modest as this...A rare sight indeed...”

The elder seemed to have a good impression of Bai Yunfei. He motioned for him to take a seat on the chair to his left, “Have a seat, my friend...”

Bai Yunfei was surprised. That seat was on the other side of the Bloodhowl Wolf King. Not even the other class eight soulbeasts were sitting there—was that chair left vacant for him then!?

He couldn’t refuse the chair no matter how surprised he was. Striding forward, Bai Yunfei moved to sit down in the chair offered.

This elder was a leader without a doubt. He had the attention of everyone when he spoke and most of the class seven soulbeasts looked like they could hardly even believe they were in the presence of a legendary figure like him. Bai Yunfei could even see some of them with reverent expressions...

This elder was the strongest within the dragon clan—the Blue-eyes White Dragon King!!

As the world’s only Blue-eyes White Dragon, this particular person was even more ‘noble’ than the Black Dragon King. He was a soulbeast of legends on par with the Immortal Iridescent Phoenix!

He was a legend in the dragon clan that first made an appearance in the soulbeast world over a thousand years ago. Appearing when the True Dragon Saint King disappeared, the Blue-eyes White Dragon King took the reins and lead the clan for another thousand years. Soon, he became the next hopeful True Dragon Saint King.

Known to most as the strongest clan in the soulbeast world, the dragon clan had very few enemies. Even then, the Blue-eyes White Dragon King was known for defeating two late-stage class eight soulbeasts in a dazzling battle. If he joined in this battle against the Beast Taming School, then no one would have to fear if the beast tamers had any late-stage class eight soulbeast puppets!

There was another class eight soulbeast here in addition to the Blue-eyes White Dragon King. It was an early-stage class eight Golden Python King.

The Blue-eyes White Dragon King, the Bloodhowl Wolf King, the Three-eyed Tiger King, the Ancient Crocodile King, the Golden-eyed Ape King, the Stegosaurus King, the Golden Python King, the Violet Spider King, the Violet Dragon King, Bai Yunfei and Xiao Qi...

Eleven Soul Emperors were gathered here!

And there was still plenty of late-stage class seven soulbeasts like the White-browed Hawk King and Golden Lion King—both of which were peak late-stage class seven soulbeasts. In total...there were over a hundred of them! And that wasn’t even including the people on Bai Yunfei’s side!

Whether it was Soul Emperors or Soul Kings...their numbers far exceeded the Beast Taming School!

The amount of class five or six soulbeasts didn’t even need to be counted...All they had to do was rush at the Soul Exalts of the Beast Taming School and destroy them under their feet!

The cumulative strength of the soulbeast world was probably comparable to the cumulative strength of the soul cultivator world. Gathering enough soulbeasts to deal with a single school wasn’t an issue if there was a push for it. The number of people the Bloodhowl Wolf King could bring in by himself could suppress even the Beast Taming School given enough time.

And from all the people gathered right now...it was now very likely that the battle with the Beast Taming School would be a very predictable one...

Since most of the newcomers—the Blue-eyes White Dragon King included—were quite curious about the soul rejuvenating pill, Bai Yunfei gave another demonstration of its effects and received plenty of joyous expressions from the viewers. Even the Blue-eyes White Dragon King looked surprised.

Bai Yunfei began to explain his plan for the Beast Taming School. It wasn’t a very complicated one.

Everyone would hide in the Core World until he could reach the Beast Taming School. When it came to waiting in the Core World, Bai Yunfei had to ensure he mentioned the Vow of Souls lest people start complaining. He also had to talk a bit about where in the Core World they’d be.

Bai Yunfei chose to bring the Beast Taming School’s attendant, Yang Lin into the hall so that they could learn more about the school. After a successful interrogation and discussion, the soulbeasts began to coordinate which clan would be responsible for attacking where and whom. It wasn’t possible to make too detailed of a plan since Yang Lin was only just a Soul Exalt; he didn’t know anything about the finer details of the school such as how many Soul Emperor they had. They could only wait and see for themselves when the time came...

Now that every detail was talked about, Bai Yunfei began the preparations to bring the entire soulbeast army into the Core World.

It was time...for the strike on the Beast Taming School!!

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