Chapter 75: Chapter 75: Accepting the Task

Translator: 549690339

After returning to the Martial Academy, Lu Yun didn’t go anywhere else; he went straight back to his courtyard.

It was lunchtime, so Lu Yun first went to the cafeteria to satisfy his hunger.

He hadn’t eaten for several days, and after using a lot of energy, Lu Yun ate ferociously, devouring the portions of five people.

Upon returning to his courtyard, he read the Golden Sun Refining Technique twice, memorizing it word for word in his mind, and the Golden Sun Refining Technique also appeared on his panel afterwards.

Having done that, he headed straight to the Book Collection Pavilion.

Just before reaching the Book Collection Pavilion, Lu Yun stopped.

“Damn it, I think I’ve squandered all of my Contribution Points.”

Lu Yun touched his forehead, almost forgetting this in the midst of increasing his points these past few days.

“Should I go to the Myriad Phenomena Tower and give it a try? I can easily pass the ninth and tenth floors with my current strength.”

Shortly, Lu Yun killed this thought.

Just a while ago, he had passed the eighth floor of Myriad Phenomena Tower, which made his reputation spread throughout the ATartial Academy.

If he were to enter the ninth floor again in such a short time, it would not cause a sensation, but a shock instead.

Lu Yun deeply understood the principle of “a tall tree catches much wind” and naturally would not make such a rookie mistake.

“Even though I don’t have any Contribution Points, I still have to go to the Book Collection Pavilion.”

And so, Lu Yun went to the Book Collection Pavilion, returned the Gale Thunder Flash Step and Golden Sun Refining Technique he had exchanged last time, and then headed straight to the Internal Affairs Hall.

The Task Hall is a part of the Internal Affairs Hall and is divided into Demon Slaying, Demon Extermination, and general areas.

The Demon Slaying area is specifically for tasks related to hunting Demon Beasts.

The Demon Extermination area is specifically for tasks related to eliminating and dealing with Morigin sects.

The general area is for the general daily affairs within the Martial Academy.

Lu Yun’s target was set squarely on the Demon Slaying area.

The reason sects still exist within Morigin is that they receive help from aristocratic families or court forces.

Comparatively, he preferred dealing with Demon Beasts.

Demon Beasts were purer and the mortal enemy of humanity.

In the Demon Beast area, there were several divided windows for task assignment and completion.

Arriving at an unoccupied window, Lu Yun showed his identification token.

“Elite disciple Lu Yun, here to take a task. Please, Steward, introduce me to a suitable task.”


The steward inside the window was a middle-aged man, looking around forty years old, with gentle eyes.

He took Lu Yun’s token, looked at it closely for a few seconds, and a smile appeared on his face.

“At the peak of the Meridian Passage Realm, with a deep foundation, no wonder you passed the eighth level of the Myriad Phenomena Tower within three months of entering the Martial Academy.”

As he spoke, he registered Lu Yun’s name and casually returned the token to him.

“I have quite a few tasks suitable for you, but you’ll have to choose which one you want.”

While speaking, the middle-aged steward handed a book to Lu Yun.

Taking the book, Lu Yun began to browse.

Page one, it already had content on it.

Task One:

“In South Harvest Town of Green Cloud County, a Demon Beast has been causing havoc. More than a dozen Meridian Passage Realm martial artists have perished at the hands of the Demon Beast, as well as countless other martial artists and civilians.

It is predicted that this Demon Beast’s strength is at the peak of Second Rank.

Task level: Top Yellow-rank

Reward for completing the task: 800 Contribution Points.”

Turning to the second page.

Task Two:

“In North Field Town of Green Cloud County, a python has caused devastation, and two villages have been destroyed by it.

It is predicted that this Demon Beast’s strength is at the peak of Second Rank.

Task level: Top Yellow-rank.

Reward for completing the task: 800 Contribution Points.”

Turning to the third page, it still had detailed information about tasks, and it was also a top Yellow-rank task. Even the task reward was the same – 800 Contribution Points.

The fourth page remained the same.

After reading it, Lu Yun’s eyebrows slightly furrowed.

“What, you don’t like these tasks?”

The middle-aged steward smiled.

Seeing Lu Yun finish browsing the entire book but still not choosing a task, the steward guessed Lu Yun’s thoughts, as he had seen this scene more than once.

Those who had passed the seventh floor of the Myriad Phenomena Tower were disciples who had slain Second Rank peak Demon Beasts and not just one of them.

As a result, they naturally did not think highly of Second Rank peak Demon Beasts.

When picking tasks, they were not attracted by top Yellow-rank tasks.

In the eyes of the middle-aged steward, a genius like Lu Yun who had passed the eighth floor of Myriad Phenomena Tower must also look down on these Yellow-rank tasks.

His guess was not wrong, but this was not the primary reason Lu Yun frowned.

“Steward, are all the rewards for top Yellow-rank tasks 800 Contribution Points?”

Last time, when he and Xiao Chen carried out their task, the strongest was a Meridian Passage Realm peak martial artist – a top Yellow-rank task, but the reward for completing the task was 1,000 Contribution Points.

Later, because a Third Rank Demon Beast and two True Qi Realm martial artists appeared, the task level was raised to an ordinary Black-rank task, and Lu Yun and Xiao Chen each received another 1,000 Contribution Points.

Here, the task level was the same as a top Yellow-rank task, but the task reward was significantly lower.

The middle-aged steward was slightly startled, swallowing the prepared words and saying in an odd tone, “You could say yes, or you could say no!”

“Oh? What do you mean?”

“The reward for a top Yellow-rank task in the Demon Slaying area is 800 Contribution Points, but it’s different for the top Yellow-rank tasks in the Demon Extermination area. Rewards there range between 800 and 1,500.” “Why are the rewards for the same level of tasks different? Even if they were different, it should be the rewards for the tasks in the Demon Slaying area that are higher. After all, the strength of a Second Rank peak Demon Beast is far stronger than a Meridian Passage Realm peak martial artist.”

“In addition, why are the rewards for top Yellow-rank tasks in the Demon Slaying area the same, while those in the Demon Extermination area are different?”

Lu Yun asked the questions in his heart.

“By asking this, it shows that you’re a smart kid, but not much.”

The middle-aged steward put on a mysterious air, first criticizing Lu Yun and then patiently explaining.

“The reason the rewards for top Yellow-rank tasks in the Demon Slaying area are all 800 Contribution Points is that the strength and number of Demon Beasts have been investigated, and they are contained in a specific area, not allowed to roam and continue causing harm.”

“The tasks in the Demon Extermination area are different. Even the content of the tasks is only a rough idea. You need to find out for yourself, and the task level may change at any time during the journey, so the rewards are higher.” Upon hearing this, Lu Yun nodded seriously.

The tasks in the Demon Extermination area were as he had suspected, full of danger and uncertainty.

However, the tasks in the Demon Slaying area were somewhat unexpected to him.

“Since the Demon Beasts have already been investigated, why not directly eliminate them? Is it merely for the Martial Academy disciples to complete trial tasks?”

“You have potential.”

The middle-aged steward smiled slightly, very satisfied with Lu Yun.

However, Lu Yun’s next words once again caught him off guard..

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