Unserious Beast Tamer

Chapter 395 - Chapter 395: Chapter 242 Evolution Law and Shining Holy Kingdom_2

Chapter 395: Chapter 242 Evolution Law and Shining Holy Kingdom_2

Here, there were no floating islands, the whole floor was underwater, only the paths and platforms in the water served as a sanctuary for researchers.

In the larger water area, pet beasts radiating formidable auras could be seen everywhere, mostly at the Leadership Stage and General Stage, with only a few at the King Stage.

“Generally, the weaker the pet beast, the higher the success rate of evolution,” Liu Yu, who was leading the way, walked smoothly toward a certain area while speaking in a composed voice, “Because the weaker it is, the more malleable it is.”

“When its power reaches the upper limit of the growth stage corresponding to its species stage, this pet beast is basically formed, and evolution will be more difficult.”

“But, other factors should also be considered.”

His words paused for a while, and without waiting for Xu Ran’s questions, he continued reluctantly, “First of all, the growth status.”

“A newly born pet beast, its power is too weak, and its control over its own power is insufficient. This is an important factor leading to evolution failure.” “So, we recommend that when pet beasts evolve, all skill proficiency exceeds their own stage by one. It is most suitable for Leader Species to evolve into King Species during the elite stage.”

Perhaps it felt that Xu Ran, who had managed to evolve three pet beasts, must have known these basic understandings. Without waiting for Xu Ran’s question, Liu Yu spoke them all out.

On the other hand, Xu Ran remained composed, but there was a sense of sudden realization in his heart.

The completion of evolution in the elite stage was consistent with what he had seen in the evolution conditions, which stated that one should not strive for leadership stage before it was reached.

The proficiency level corresponding to the elite stage was the Starlight Level, while the evolution conditions required all talents of the pet beast to reach the Waning Moon Level, which also aligned with Liu Yu’s words.

Previously, when Xu Ran saw the content in the evolution line, he summed up some patterns even though there was always a feeling of knowing what but not knowing why.

Now, combining Liu Yu’s words and his own understanding, he finally grasped a key point.

Being in a more malleable stage and having stronger control over one’s power could both effectively increase the success rate of evolution.

The former means that the pet beast should not reach the upper limit of the growth stage corresponding to the species stage. For instance, the Leader Species should not reach the Leadership Stage, and the King Species should not reach the King Stage, etc.

The latter refers to having a higher level of proficiency in their skills, especially talent skills.

Skill proficiency is equivalent to the pet beast’s development and control over its own power. The higher the proficiency, the better control the pet beast has over its power.

Facing the chaotic energy produced by absorbing a large amount of evolution resources in an instant, having a better control over one’s power means less likelihood of collapse, and a successful transformation.

Xu Ran’s eyes gradually lit up.

By this logic, the best growth stage for King Species to evolve into Emperor Species should be the General Stage!

Although the growth stages corresponding to the King Species only include the General Stage and the King Stage, it is because the best stage for the Leader Species to evolve into the King Species is not to exceed the Leadership Stage.

Therefore, while the Leadership Stage is the highest stage for the Leader Species, it can also be regarded as the beginning of the King Species.

The General Stage is the middle power stage.

When at the Leadership Stage, the newly evolved King Species needs to familiarify with the newfound power and gain better control. When it reaches the General Stage, it will have fully met the conditions for evolution.

As the fourth stage of the pet beast, the skill proficiency at the General Stage corresponds to the Full Moon Level, so…

“The best scenario for King Species to evolve into Emperor Species is to reach the General Stage with all skills at the Halo Level!”

Liu Yu: “…”

He, who had been acting superior and never looked back, now paused in disbelief and turned to look at Xu Ran.

Wait, why is he not playing by the script?!

He thought that after he briefly introduced some basic knowledge about Leader Species evolving into King Species, Xu Ran would naturally ask about King Species evolving into Emperor Species.

After all, due to the rarity of King Species evolving into Emperor Species, such content would no longer be considered as common knowledge.

But… how did this guy figure it out so directly?

Looking at Xu Ran, who seemed suddenly enlightened, Liu Yu couldn’t help feeling regretful inside.

Did I say too much?

Damn, I thought of throwing a stone to get a gem, but as it turns out, I tossed out a stone and found a gem hidden inside it!

This is a massive loss!

Taking a deep breath, Liu Yu cleared his throat, “Beast experiments involving the evolution of King Species are relatively rare and harder to control. Each experiment requires at least one Overlord Level Beast Master to be present.” “So, there’s no experimentation today, but I will show you a video recording of a previous evolution experiment.” Liu Yu paused for a moment, “though it’s just a video recording, its value is not insignificant.”

I’ve already tossed out so many bricks, you better be appreciative, kid!

“Alright.” Xu Ran nodded slightly, his expectation visibly growing more intense.

Coming to the Transcendent Evolution Department today was the right decision.

The only thing to be aware of is not to ask questions actively.

He’d noticed that as long as he didn’t ask a question, Liu Yu would start spilling new information to prompt him to ask.

He really loved such seniors.

Time flew by, with Liu Yu leading the way and Fang Yuling accompanying them, the trio, along with their pets, visited the entire Transcendent Evolution Department from the first to the twentieth floor.

Having observed various attribute beast evolution experiments and records, Xu Ran felt he understood better about the evolution of pet beasts, and wasn’t limited to following the preordained evolutionary path anymore.

Meanwhile, Liu Yu was consistently provoked by Xu Ran’s grit in this process. Because, from start to finish, Xu Ran hadn’t asked him a single question.

Even when he took Xu Ran to the experimental zones for Thunder, Fighting, Dark, and Earth attributes that correspond to his pet beasts, even when they saw a record of a King Species of corresponding attribute evolving into an Emperor Species, this tricky kid didn’t ask any questions.

However, Liu Yu was itching to know about how Xu Ran managed to add a new attribute to a pet beast during its evolution.

“Let’s go up to the next level!” Liu Yu decided to pull out his trump card.

You look down on the evolution of the Leader Species, and you figure out the evolution of the King Species on your own.

So what if I show the record of an Emperor Species evolving into a Holy Spirit Species, what will you do then?!

“Okay.” Xu Ran nodded heavily, the excitement on his face growing even more intense.

Holy Spirit Species.

If it could be said that Xu Ran had already seen the Emperor Species in Xieyun City a few times and had some initial impressions, then the Holy Spirit Species belonged to a legendary level he had never ever experienced before.

In the system’s lottery, the Holy Spirit Species evolution path is a gold item. Xu Ran was confident that he definitely wouldn’t draw it in a short time.

So, if he could get a glimpse of the elegance of the Holy Spirit Species, his visit to the Transcendent Evolution Department would be completely worthwhile.

” In our territory of Xieyun City, there has never been a successful case of the evolution of the Holy Spirit Species.” In the elevator, Liu Yu started to explain, “However, we do have some records of the evolution to a Holy Spirit Species.” “These records are not ours, they leaked from Broken Abyss City.” As he said this, Liu Yu’s eyes couldn’t help but reveal longing and frenzy, “That’s the only first-level capital of the Shining Holy Kingdom.”

“That place, is every Beast Master’s ideal Holy Land!”

Shining Holy Kingdom…

A chill ran down Xu Ran’s spine.

Embarrassingly, up until today, he only knew that different human cities were somehow centrally controlled, and thus the Beast Master Association points from different cities were interchangeable, but he had no idea about the governing cities.

This cluelessness was not just on his part; many people in the third level towns and even in the second level towns were equally in the dark.

This was the first time he had heard the name of his own country.

Almost the moment he heard the name, the silhouette of the Shining Holy Kingdom, vaguely divided into ten zones on the map when he had initiated the system transmission function, started to take shape in Xu Ran’s mind.

The contours of Shining Holy Kingdom were gradually becoming clearer in his head.

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