Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 180 Archana, The Ninja God

Ye Kai, Kirin, Miyu, Shao Ren, and Yang Guifei, these five finally got together and now they were on the way to get the hell out of this underground tunnel.

"Miyu, Miyu, Miyu, Miyu how does it feel to get knocked out and brought here, huh? Huh? How it was... say it say it," Kirin poked Miyu's hand as she kept on talking about this with a smile on her face.

Miyu walked ahead, mask on her face no one know what her expression was, but one thing everyone knew except Kirin was that Miyu would be going to

kill Kirin.

Ye Kai looked at this group and thought of joining them, since it seemed fun to watch Kirin making fun of Miyu and Miyu holding back, and who knows when she reached a point of no return, Miyu might kill Kirin.

Ye Kai would like to see that.

"Well... i don't see my girl,"

Ye Kai heard a voice and immediately he got alert, he got in the position of fighting, so did others and looked in front of them.

Ye Kai saw a beautiful little girl and beautiful woman on her fours with a fake tail plug in her ass and a dog collar on her neck, seeing this bizarre scene Ye Kai's mind fell into a state of shock.

"What it this?" Shao Ren's mind was also in shock as he looked at Lilly. The woman who knocked him out in a single punch was now in such a situation.

"Who is she?" Yang Guifei muttered as her eyes were on the little girl, and seeing this little girl's irritated expression, she felt something bad going to happen.

"Hey, all of you, tell me your guardian name right now," Alzaria loudly asked.

"Who is this li-" Kirin was about to speak more before she stopped by her instinct. Kirin gulped as she felt that she would die if she said the little girl.

Like Kirin everyone instinctively knew, they shouldn't mess with Alzaria, so everyone was silent before it was broken by Yang Guifei, "My guardian is Angel."

"Oh... Angel, great, your lucky girl, having Angel is guardian is something envious," Alzaria smiled and nodded.

"My guardian is strongest Ninja God, Archana," Miyu spoke.

"Archana..." Alzaria nodded, "You know she is true god..."

Alzaria was silent then she said, "Archana... hey Archana get hell out of her... you damn ninja, how did you came here?" Alzaria shouted.

"Shut up, you little octopus," A voiced sound from Miyu's body. Miyu was stunned as she felt her consciousness getting black, eventually, everything became black.

In the outer world, Miyu's body glowed and her eyes became white like the moon, as she looked at Alzaria


"Fuck you... how dare you call me little octopus, fuck... if it weren't for this weak island, I will bind this dog collar on you," Alzaria stomped her foot as she pulled Lilly's collar.

"If it weren't for weak island you will be one who is bound to dog collar," Miyu spoke but the one who was truly speaking was Archana.

"Like hell you have power to defeat me."

"There are more than many occasion where I sent you in bed for months,"

"Hateful woman," Alzaria glared at Archana, "Why are even here? In this tiny and weak island as guardian?"

"First tell me why are you here?"

"That is none of your business," Alzaria pouted and looked away.

"Then it is none of your business why I'm here," Archana also pout and looked away.

"I can't detect them though my scan skill, it means this three are existence that surpass Martial Art Emperor and become Spiritual Arts User, if they decide to kill me then i will definitely die, Unlimited Items Shop System have Items that can save me but those items are high level that I can't buy... so I can only hope they don't have any interest in me." Ye Kai thought as he looked at Alzaria and Archana.

They two were still pouting before Alzaria stomped her foot and said, "Okay, Okay I'm here to find my girl, she somehow lost her way to this island and then someone kidnapped her, and I think this are people who kidnapped her."

"I see," Archana nodded, "But you know, your girl is powerful enough to destroy this island, how could she can get kidnapped?"

Alzaria looked at Archana and blinked, Archana looked at Alzaria and blinked.

"Okay, I see," Alzaria nodded, "I been fooled by her."

"Again," Archana said.

"Okay, now that I told you why I'm here, tell me why are you here?"

"None of your business, just go and find your girl," Archana said and waved her hand.

"You hateful woman," Alzaria clenched her fist and glared at Archana.

"Hey, I just made you realize you got fooled by your girl, otherwise you might be going around this island for who know how long, wasting time and all of that, you should appreciate me," Archana said.

"Fuck you," Alzaria said and then she pulled the collar on Lilly, she turned and was about to go away when she heard Archana's voice.

"How about giving me that doggi- chan?"

"Ho oh, hehe," Alzaria giggled," If you want this doggie-chan then tell me why are you here as guardian?"

"To find X," Archana said, "Now give me Doggie-Chan," Archana stretched her hand.

"Why are you finding X? Answer the question or no doggie-chan," Alzaria pulled Liily behind her and said.

"I just want to kill him with own hands because he obstacle in God's Supreme Plan," Archana said.

"Hm... oh... yeah now that I'm thinking then X will be major obstacle in God's Supreme Plan," Alzaria nodded as she thought.

Alzaria quickly lifted her foot and with a powerful kick, Lilly flew through the air towards Archana. Lilly land near Archana her feet and Lilly fell to the ground with a loud thud as she gasped in pain as the force of the impact caused her organs to jolt and a trickle of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

"Just kill her after using her," Alzaria said and disappeared.

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