Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 99 - Stubborn Pregnant Woman

Luna turned to look at Shandra and responded, "but he plans to divorce me, Sis. You were never in my position. It hurts so much to hear this fact." Luna hugged the pillow again and cried.

"Luna, don't keep remembering what that crazy girl said. She could just be jealous of the harmony in your marriage with Ethan. So she slandered Ethan."

"How could someone strangers suddenly be jealous? It must be Ethan being the bastard!" Luna hated Ethan even more. It seems that the pregnant woman's stubbornness cannot be calmed by her sister because she still believes Edward's fabricated evidence.

"Don't say that. Ethan loves you, gives everything for you, how could he hide another girl?" said Shandra as she looked at Luna, who had her back to her. " It could be that the girl was ordered by someone who didn't like Ethan. That's why she slandered Ethan."

"Who do you mean to order that girl?" asked Luna, turning her head to look at Shandra, who began to have candidates to be accused.

"Edward maybe," answered Shandra.

Luna sighed, then looked away again. "Again, you associate my problem with Edward. He's even happy with his wife. there's no way he slandered Ethan. What else is the goal? I don't think there's any good reason to accuse him."

"Okay. Then what do you want, if you insist on justifying the words of that crazy girl?" Shandra asked as she got out of bed.

"I don't know, I need to think," replied Luna.

"Don't ask for a divorce! Wait for Ethan to prove that girl is just lying," Shandra exclaimed firmly. Then she immediately left Luna in solitude.

"What if she's not lying?" asked Luna while turning her head to look at Shandra who was walking towards the door.

Shandra turned and replied, "just don't ask for a divorce!"

Luna immediately fell silent and let her sister go. She wiped her tears roughly, then got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. the woman wanted to wash her face because it felt sticky and dull from crying all the time.


When she left Luna's room, Shandra went down the stairs and saw Arsha had come to pick her up. The husband was sitting on the living room sofa and chatting with Ethan.

Shandra immediately went to Arsha and sat beside him. Meanwhile, Ethan leaned back and massaged his forehead because he was dizzy at the thought of Luna not believing him.

"It's best to let Luna calm down until you can get proof that the crazy girl is lying because Luna is very stubborn and already believes in that crazy girl," said Shandra grumpily remembering Sarah messing up her sister's mind.

"I'll help, don't be too dizzy," said Arsha.

"Thanks for you have trusted me because I didn't recognize her," Ethan replied sadly.

"How did you meet her?" asked Shandra. Because she also wondered why Ethan was carrying Sarah.

"When I came home from the office, I saw her limping while dragging a suitcase. Because I was sorry, I helped her."Ethan began to tell, remembering the night that had been unlucky for his marriage.

"Then why did you carry her inside the house?" asked Shandra.

"At first I was going straight home but when I brought her suitcase into the house, she was already lying on the floor. So, I took the initiative to carry her to the sofa," explained Ethan.

Shandra nodded in understanding, while Arsha just didn't flinch thinking about what happened to Ethan.

"Looks like she set you up because there must be someone hiding to take your picture in the house," said Arsha.

"I don't know, I didn't think I had to go that way. Because my only intention was to help her," Ethan replied with all regret at having been trapped by Sarah's trick.


Elsewhere, Edward and Sarah have arrived at the apartment. They immediately got out of the car and walked into the apartment.

"The apartment is yours?" Sarah asked as she looked up at the skyscraper which consisted of many elite apartments.

"Yes, one of them," Edward replied as he continued to walk down the corridor side by side with Sarah, who never let go of his hand.

The two of them took the elevator to the ninth floor. Incidentally in the elevator, there were only the two of them. mischievously and aggressively, Sarah pulled Edward's tie over so that it leaned over. She immediately kissed the lips of her dream man until the elevator door opened.

"You're so aggressive," Edward muttered with a smile glancing at Sarah. indeed he did not love her, but her naughty and aggressive attitude made him irritated, and wanted to touch her all the time.

"Because I like you," Sarah replied.

They immediately got out of the elevator and walked toward the door of Edward's apartment. the man immediately took out the key from his pants pocket and opened the door.

"You come in alone because I have to go home," said Edward, glancing at his watch, which it was seven o'clock in the evening.

"Go home?"

"Yes." Edward briefly, then took Sarah's shoulders in both his hands. "You have to Understood, I'm still Viona's husband. If I always come home late at night, she will be suspicious and can do something detrimental to me."

Sarah sighed and pursed her lips. she wanted Edward to stay with her tonight, but she couldn't force him either.

"This is my credit card. Use it if you want to buy something." Edward handed over his credit card.

Sarah was unmoved for a moment, then took the credit card and asked, "can I still go to the office because your wife is still my boss, "

"Yes," Edward briefly said, "but don't let Ethan find out that you work there and you live here."

"Yeah well, I'll be careful," Sarah replied.

"Then I'll go home now," Edward said goodbye.

Sarah just nodded in response, then went into the apartment. Edward immediately walked to the elevator and will go home.

While in the elevator, Edward thinks that Viona will be angry because she came home at night again. The man immediately took the cellphone in his pants pocket, then contacted his wife.

"Hello, honey. I'm on my way back home, do you want me to buy something?" asked Edward when he was connected to Viona.

"Em, I don't want anything," Viona answered from the phone

"What if I buy cake, do you want?" asked Edward again. he deliberately offered Viona something so that when he returned home, his wife would not immediately put on a sour face.

"Maybe, the important thing is you go home quickly," Viona replied.

"Yes, honey." Edward immediately hung up on the phone. he sighed thinking about the fate of his marriage to Viona as he walked out of the elevator.

 'Luna already argued with Ethan. This is a good time to get her back. But I couldn't ignore the child Viona was carrying, because it was my inheritance. If I can get Luna back, maybe I will divorce her while still caring about the child. And Sarah, I'm going to throw her out of here after I get that proof, 'Edward thought with delusion. how did he know that Sarah also would ensnare him so he could not move?


When Shandra and Arsha were home, Ethan ventured to meet Luna in the room. He didn't care how much later she would kick him out. Because he missed wanting to sleep beside him.

when he got to the room, Ethan saw Luna just coming out of the bathroom. his wife looked at him and just ignored him, then fell back on the bed.

Feeling ignored, Ethan remained silent but moved after lying beside Luna who had his back to him

. he wanted to hug her as usual but was afraid it would make her even angrier. Because it was lucky not to be kicked out.

"Honey," said Ethan. Because he is bored if he keeps silent while still being awake.

"Why?" said Luna, sounding harsh.

Ethan didn't flinch. think of a topic of conversation that wouldn't upset Luna. But before Ethan had time to talk again, Luna immediately got out of bed, then walked to the bathroom.

Until a few moments of waiting, Luna did not come back. Ethan was worried and immediately got out of bed following his wife into the bathroom.

"Honey, are you okay, why did it take you so long?" Ethan asked through the door.

Argghhh ...

There was a groaning sound from inside. Ethan immediately forced the door open and saw Luna sitting huddled on the floor holding her big belly.

"Honey, what's wrong with you?" Ethan asked frantically. He squatted and looked at Luna, who was grimacing in pain.

"It hurts," replied Luna as she continued to hold her stomach. "There's a little blood spot," she continued.

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