Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 83 - On The Way Back To Jakarta

Six days passed. Now, Ethan and Luna are saying goodbye to return to Jakarta while Shandra and Arsha have returned yesterday, due to work matters that cannot be left too long because Shandra works not in their own company but someone else's company.

Luna burst into tears because she could not bear to leave her mother alone. Even though she and Ethan had invited her, the mother insisted on refusing because she wanted to stay in a house full of memories with her late husband.

"Come on, Mom. Come with me to Jakarta. their mommy will be close to me with Shandra. Can accompany me when I'm giving childbirth later." Luna continued to persuade her mother.

"No, Dear. Mommy Just stays here." Rita still shook her head refusing to come.

"I can't bear to leave you alone, mom!"

"Mommy is not alone, there is aunty Ratih who will accompany me at home." Rita hugged Luna, who was still crying, wanting her to come along. "Don't worry about mom, you focus on taking care of your health. Mommy will go to Jakarta when you give birth," she said while rubbing her daughter's shoulder.

"If there is anything or mommy wants to go there, please call me. Let Ethan or Arsha pick you up," said Luna as she let go of her mother's hug.

"Yes, Dear." Rita smiled reassuringly, then turned her gaze to Ethan, who had been unmoved by watching the moment of her separation from Luna.

Rita approached Ethan and grabbed his strong arm and said, "take care of Luna. You have to be more patient with her sometimes childish attitude. Don't leave her too often, because she's pregnant."

"Yes, Mom." Ethan nodded and smile.

Rita returned to focus on Luna and gave a message, "take good care of yourself and your pregnancy. Be an obedient wife and respect your husband. Mommy promise to come to Jakarta after mommy's grandchild is born."

Luna sighed and could only nod in resignation because her mother still refused to come with her. She hugged her mother again for a moment then took her off.

"We're leaving now, Mom." Ethan greeted his mother-in-law as well as Luna.

"Be careful," said Rita.

Ethan smiled and nodded while Luna was still sullen because she couldn't bear to her mother. however, she must still return to Jakarta now, remembering that if she buys time, her womb will increase and she will not be able to travel far.

The two of them immediately entered the taxi that had been waiting.

After he was ready to go and make sure no one was left behind, Ethan asked the taxi driver to drive his taxi to the airport where his private jet was parked.

Luna opened the window and waved at her mother. she cried seeing her mother who also waved her hand until it was further away from her sight.

"Don't cry anymore, Honey. Mommy will be fine. We can call often to check her condition." Ethan tried to calm Luna down. he grabbed her from the side and rubbed her arm.

Luna just didn't flinch and was still sobbing. The shadow when his father was dying and giving messages to often meet her mother seemed to keep flashing through her mind.

"But Daddy told me to see mommy often, now I'm leaving mommy alone. He will be disappointed with me," said Luna.

Ethan sighed and then responded, "Don't worry, Daddy won't be disappointed in us. Because we tried to persuade Mommy but it can't be endured if mom keeps refusing."

Luna looked up at Ethan. "When the twins are born, we come here often, right?"

Ethan nodded his smile and then responded, "Yeah, we'll come here often, or maybe since the twins were born, mommy will be interested in coming to live with us. She must always want to be around her grandchildren."

"Hopefully." Luna leaned back in the chair.

Luna did not flinch at the roadside view of her hometown from the car window. The shadows when her father took her for a walk with Shandra, while playing in the park with her mother, when she went to school with her friends, seemed to keep spinning like a tangled cassette in her mind. passing through the streets of Batam, making her reminisce about her childhood.


After almost an hour of traveling, finally, the taxi carrying Ethan and Luna arrived at the airport. Because the distance between Luna's parents' house and the airport is quite far.

Ethan immediately led Luna to the private jet that was waiting. He took his wife by the hand while dragging the suitcase.

While walking towards the plane, Luna held her head which felt dizzy. maybe because of crying too much and thinking a lot, she became dizzy and her health began to be affected.

Seeing Luna keep holding her head made Ethan worry and asked, "Why, are you sick?"

"Just feeling dizzy," replied Luna.

Ethan immediately gave his suitcase to the steward, then led Luna to the stairs to enter the plane. He immediately took his wife to the room so he could rest comfortably.

"You better sleep. When we arrived, I'll wake you up," Ethan exclaimed as he sat Luna on the bed.

"You are also here to accompany me!" cried Luna, holding Ethan's arm. She doesn't want a man who always makes her comfortable, leaving her even for a second. Moreover, at this time her heart was upset.

Ethan smiled and then sat beside Luna. "I'll stay here for you."

Luna immediately lay down on her side. Ethan got out of bed again to close the door. After that, he returned to his wife in bed.

Because the morning atmosphere is still cold, coupled with the air conditioner. Make Luna curl up and embrace her body. Ethan immediately lay down beside her, then put a blanket for both of them. He hugged his wife to make it warmer. His hands instead massaged the temples of the pregnant woman so that her dizziness would subside a little.

Comfortable with Ethan's hug and massage, Luna slowly fell asleep. Likewise, Ethan also slept while waiting for the plane that took him to arrive in Jakarta.


In another place, Viona experienced morning sickness again because she forgot to drink milk which made her not feel nauseous. Edward is not like Ethan who always buys milk for Luna.

Edward became even dizzier because of what he did with Sarah. The wild girl annoyed him but there was a sense of longing when he hadn't touched him for a long time. Who knows what he thinks and what Viona lacks? until he was seduced by Sarah who was just a wild girl without any wealth.

Since the forbidden night incident with Sarah, Edward can divert his feelings of wanting to be back with Luna. Although sometimes he still stalks Ethan's house just to see the state of his ex-lover.

"Honey, please buy me some milk for me, I won't be able to go to the office at this rate." With a limp and pale face, Viona walked over to Edward who was having breakfast.

"I have a meeting today, it's impossible to come home early," said Edward as he got out of his chair because he had finished breakfast.

"Can't you even feel shaky to buy it?" Viona asked irritably. she was annoyed that Edward had not noticed her for several days. Of course, it's because your husband has an affair with Sarah!

Edward sighed and then looked at Viona with pity who he realized she needed his attention. "Alright, later I will buy and deliver to the house," he said as he approached Viona.

"I'm leaving now." Edward kissed Viona's forehead for a moment, then said, "Don't think too much about work, it will make your situation worse."

Viona only responded to Edward with a nod.

Edward immediately walked out of the dining room toward the outside of the house. He walked around with a confused mind. 'What is this feeling? I feel like I have to pay attention to her, but my fire hates her too. That's where he kept the evidence. I couldn't stop thinking about Sarah and Luna either. why are those two women always bothering me?' he thought as he kept walking towards the car.

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