Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 75 - Dipped In The Pool Tipped Intimate

Edward just arrived home He got out of the car carrying the groceries he had bought earlier.

When he entered the living room, he saw Gibran and Sarah sitting on the sofa with Viona as well.

"You back home, Edward." Say hello to Gibran.

"Yes, Dad. I'm worried about Viona," Edward replied as he sat down beside his wife.

"Then, daddy will go back to the office," said Gibran as he got up from the sofa. "Take care of Viona. Don't make her sad and have a lot of thoughts!" he exclaimed before leaving.

Edward only responds to his father-in-law with a nod.

Gibran immediately came out followed by Sarah. Meanwhile, Edward and Viona were still silent on the living room sofa.

"You buy anything?" Viona asked as she glanced at Edward's groceries.

"Just buy milk, fruit, and ice cream," said Edward while taking a cup of chocolate ice cream. He hopes Viona likes the taste that Luna also likes.

"Looks fresh, maybe it can reduce my nausea." Viona glanced at the fresh ice cream. it happened that Edward's house was not too far away from the mall. Then the ice cream hasn't melted yet.

"Let me feed you." Edward opened the ice cream and then spooned it with the small spoon that was already available.

Viona blushed. she felt delighted and happy at Edward's attention, which had started to look even more yesterday. The pregnant woman immediately devoured the ice cream with a smile glancing at her husband.

"You're good, why don't we always program children if it can bring our relationship closer?" said Viona while ate her ice cream. She also likes chocolate like Luna. At least Edward will not be disappointed and will be in a bad mood with her.

Edward just smiled in response to Viona's chatter. he felt obliged to pay attention to his wife because she was pregnant with his child. On the other pointer, he wanted to be nice to her solely to make Luna not hate him.

'I don't understand this feeling. I am imprisoned in this marriage and bond. but I feel I have to pay attention to you because the advantage I get is getting back on good terms with Luna. At least Luna will no longer be indifferent when she sees that I love you, even if it's just fake love. This is fake! there's no way I love a woman who took my freedom,' he thought as he continued to feed Viona.

Maybe Edward felt the vibrations of love with Viona. As his wife was sweet and spoiled him with nights full of love. however, he still felt proud to admit to himself because he was still ambitious to win Luna's heart back.


At night, Luna and Ethan sit and relax by the poolside of the house looking up at the stars. The night was beautiful, revealing millions of stars shining in the sky.

Luna lay on the lounge chair with Ethan. She leaned her head against her husband's chest.



"Touch them. The movement is getting stronger," said Luna when she felt the baby in her stomach kicking.

"Really?" Ethan started to feel his wife's stomach through the navy blue negligee with flowery motifs.

Luna laughed with amusement when she felt her twin babies move again. "They are moving again. I can feel life is truly magical in my stomach," she said as she touched Ethan's hand that was groping her belly.

"They are moving more because of my touch. Uh, I'm so pissed off." Ethan sat up and kissed Luna's belly.

"Hey baby, are you guys fighting over a place?" Ethan asks the baby in his wife's belly. He positioned his face just above the potbelly.

Luna just chuckled at Ethan's action, talking to her twin babies, who weren't even born yet. "Maybe they were playing together."

"I imagine they are two baby girls who will inherit your beauty. They will become Darric Angelo's princess and will be fought over by many handsome men," said Ethan while leaning back beside Luna. But his hand remains on his wife's belly.

"If they were two baby boys. They would be prince Darric Angelo with a generous nature and a charming face like you." Luna stared at Ethan's handsome face that always made her fall in love with him.

"If they were a baby boy and girl, I will educate them to take care of each other as mom and uncle Doni," Ethan remembers his mother, who also has a twin and has always been close and looks after each other until now.

"Yes, we will educate our children well

. so that the ridiculous things that we have experienced do not happen. I don't want my child to be hooked on alcohol and stay at hotels carelessly," said Luna. She was afraid that what happened to her would decline on her future child.

"Of course. we'll take good care of them," Ethan replied as he kissed Luna's forehead.

Because they were so busy chatting, they did not realize that the stars in the sky had disappeared because they were covered in clouds. Slowly it rained so that they hurriedly got up from the chair.

"Don't panic too much, you can slip it later!" exclaimed Ethan when he saw Luna walking briskly across the edge of the pool.

Not even five seconds after Ethan reminded her, Luna slipped and fell into the pool.

Byurrr ...

"OH God!" yelled Ethan as he watched his wife plunged into the pool. He immediately threw himself in to help her.

Luna stuttered and had a hard time keeping up with herself. Even though She can swim, she finds it difficult because she has a big belly and is in an unprepared position. lucky, Ethan immediately walked over to her and led her to the edge of the pool. By then it was raining heavily.

"I told you not to panic too much." Ethan stared worriedly at Luna, who was shivering with cold. He immediately led his wife to the shade.

"IRA! Please TAKE A TOWEL!" Ethan shouted, then refocused on staring at Luna, who was shivering. He immediately took off his wet t-shirt, then hugged his wife so she wouldn't be too cold.

"Was anything hurt or hit?" Ethan asked, looking down at the soaked Luna. he was worried that his wife had hit the edge of the pool.

"It's okay. I'm just cold," said Luna as she hid her face against Ethan's chest.

"Be patient for a moment, Ira is getting a towel!" exclaimed Ethan as he tightened his embrace.

A few minutes later, Ira arrived with two towels. She immediately passed the towel to Ethan. The woman looked at her master who was drenched with pity. Even though the night was very cold, it will feel even colder because fall into the pool.

Ethan immediately put the towel on Luna, then led her into the house to the room. He carefully led his wife up the steps. Because feet that are still wet will be prone to slipping.

"Ira, please make tea!" exclaimed Ethan as he continued walking toward the room.

"Yes, sir," said Ira. She rushed to the kitchen to make tea.


Arriving in the room, Luna immediately changed her wet clothes with the negligee that Ethan had brought her. After that, she wiped her wet hair with a towel, then lay down on the bed.

Ethan also changed clothes, then followed Luna in bed. He immediately enveloped his wife's shivering body and continued to hug her.

"It's cold," muttered Luna as she hid her head in Ethan's arms.

"Calm down. soon it will feel warm because I'll always hug you," Ethan said, then tightened his hug.

Knock... Knock ... knock...

"Come in!" shrieked Ethan. He knew for sure that it was Ira who knocked on the door, who he asked to make tea.

ira came into the room and put two cups of tea on the table, then immediately left.

Ethan released his hug to Luna, then got her a glass of tea.

"Drink this, it will make you warm," Ethan exclaimed as he handed the tea to Luna.

Luna immediately sat down, then drank the hot tea little by little.

"Let me hold it myself." Luna took the glass from Ethan's hand.

Ethan also immediately drank his tea little by little. His eyes were fixed on Luna, who didn't seem to be shivering too much anymore. "Is it better?" he asked.

"Yes," said Luna as she put the tea glass on the table. She again lay down on the bed and put on a blanket.

Ethan immediately finished his tea, then followed Luna lying on the bed. He also got into the blanket and hugged his wife again tightly.

"To be warmer I will always hug you. I'm worried you will get sick," said Ethan as he kissed the top of Luna's head.

"Just splashing into the pool won't make me sick. Don't worry too much," said Luna, looking up at Ethan. she smiled reassuringly at her husband.

"I'm afraid something unwanted happens. I love you more than anything."

"I'll be fine if you stay with me, Honey." Luna stretched Ethan's hug, then moved slightly upward until his face met hers.

Luna kissed Ethan's lips, which felt so cold. maybe the man was cold too but be gentle by keeping him warm.

"You're cold too," muttered Luna as she touched Ethan's firm jaw and stared intensely at the hazel blue eyes that always seemed to fascinate her.

"Not. I'm not cold," Ethan said as he hugged Luna back."You'd better sleep quickly. Tomorrow we'll leave early for the orphanage."

Luna smiled as she imagined tomorrow. "Oh yeah. I'm excited about tomorrow. Our babies must be happy because they are being celebrated for seven months with so many children in the orphanage."

Ethan smiled as he kissed Luna's forehead, then stroked her stomach and said, "if they are born, we will always invite them to learn to do charity from childhood like mom always invites whenever there is a charity event she holds every year."

"Is it true?" asked Luna, raising her eyebrows.

"Yes," Ethan briefly, then continued to tell, "Mom and Dad used to take me to orphanages, nursing homes, to places with low economies. they taught me to help others and not look at someone by their wealth or physicality."

Luna nodded in understanding. No wonder that her husband did not hesitate and could eat delicious only in a simple shop. It's all because of the good upbringing of his parents.

"We will educate our children as Mom and Dad teach you," said Luna and sank her head into Ethan's chest. Slowly she fell asleep in the warmth of her husband's loving embrace. Due to the chills, it gradually turned warm and comfortable.

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