Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 388 - Three Months Passed

Three months passed, after a honeymoon full of pain and wounds, Keyra and Aaron immediately moved into a luxury house that Ethan had bought as their wedding gift. Keyra never told Aaron's attitude to anyone. She kept everything to herself because she didn't want to worry her family.

After the tortures given during the honeymoon, Aaron stopped torturing Keyra on the pretext of not being able to endure the pain because he was hurt every time he saw his wife cry but always wanted to torture her every time he looked at her face. the man diverted all those feelings by rarely coming home, satisfying his passion with a woman named Sonia.

Sonia is a girl Hans has chosen as a mate for Aaron. Because the man didn't think of Keyra as a granddaughter-in-law.

Aaron was forced to marry Sonia without Keyra's knowledge, and to buy a house for his wife not too far from his grandfather's house. every night if he needs satisfaction, he will meet his second wife, then if he misses Keyra, he will stay with Keyra but only stare at her without wanting to touch her or will make her cry.

Every day, Keyra keeps herself busy by managing her boutique with some of her colleagues. It was quite able to make her feel comfortable even though her household did not have a future. She could only surrender when Aaron would divorce her because she wasn't physically abused, she was very grateful.


Tonight, at one o'clock in the morning, Keyra was standing on the balcony in front of her room. She wore a blue negligee with a wide chest, combined with a transparent white robe, and pulled some of her hair back. The woman silently stared at the gate of her house, waiting for her husband who had not yet come home.

"Where is he going? Why for the past two months always come home late at night, sometimes don't even come home?" Keyra monologued with herself. She was worried that something would happen to Aaron. Even though she hated him, she still respected him as a husband.

Drett... Drett...

Her phone in her robe pocket rang. Keyra immediately took the phone and saw an incoming call from Aaron.

"Hello, Aaron. Where are you?" Keyra immediately asked when she was connected to Aaron.

"I'm accompanying mom in the hospital, maybe tomorrow morning I'll be home," Aaron answered from the phone.

"How's mom?" she asked. She knows of Aaron's mother who fell into a coma after trying to end her life. Occasionally she visited her mother-in-law. but if the grandfather found out, she would be expelled.

"Still the same as always. You don't have to wait for me. I'll be home tomorrow."

"Yes," said Kira.

The phone line was cut off without saying goodbye or saying goodnight.

Keyra exhaled roughly, then brushed her hair and looked up at the clear sky because the moon was shining completely. The moon is like itself always alone. A marriage that should make a person have a partner and no longer be lonely is far from the marriage that makes her fall into the abyss of loneliness and heartache that continues to hit. she longed for her single life, where she could be free and of course be able to live with her beloved family.


Aaron was in a room with a beautiful woman with shoulder-length natural black hair, thin lips, and not too sharp a nose. They slept together naked and only covered themselves with a maroon blanket with a small star pattern. Ugh, he must have made love to his second wife.

The woman who incidentally was Aaron's wife, Sonia, glanced at Aaron who had just made up a story on the phone. She was not surprised, because it always happened when her husband spent hot nights with her.

"Does she trust you?" asked Sonia.

"I don't know," Aaron answered with a straight look, then shifted his position to tilt his back to Sonia.

"You should just divorce her because your relationship has no future, Grandpa has also asked you to divorce her," Sonia exclaimed as she put her arm around Aaron's shoulder.

"I can't, she will be mine forever," Aaron replied blankly.

"Am I not patient enough to accept the status of a mistress for two months? Why are you holding on to her if you don't dare touch her?"

"I never forced you to be my wife. Remember that we married only because of grandpa, and I only made you an outlet," Aaron shouted curtly. 'And I will not divorce Keyra until I can find out everything that happened between Mom, dad, and Keyra's mother apart from Grandpa's story,' he continued to himself.

Aaron begins to feel that Luna can't be the only one who makes his mother crazy. And the attitude of Luna and Ethan who were always generous seemed to make him doubt their crimes as his grandfather had told him. He was still looking for news of their past.

Feeling lazy with Sonia's chatter who always asked him to divorce Keyra, Aaron got out of bed and immediately walked to the bathroom to clean himself up.

"He always prioritized Keyra, even though I was willing to give myself completely to him, becoming his mistress. Surely after this, he will leave!" Sonia squeaked in annoyance, glancing towards the bathroom where there was the sound of gurgling shower water.

after a few minutes of cleaning himself, Aaron was finished and immediately put his clothes back on, then took his car keys and phone which were located on the nightstand.

"Are you going to meet Keyra after you are satisfied making love to me?" asked Sonia grudgingly.

"Didn't you hear that I told Keyra earlier that I would accompany mom to the hospital? And I was going to the hospital!" Aaron confirmed, then quickly left the room, letting Sonia return to her solitude. Hmm, that's fair, because Keyra is also alone.


a middle-aged man around 50 years old was sitting staring at a woman his age who was lying weakly with medical equipment attached to several parts of her body to keep her alive. The man was wearing basic black pants combined with a gray shirt.

"Sarah, if I never said that the child you are carrying is mine, maybe you wouldn't hate me, so depressed and like this. I couldn't sleep peacefully for years just because I felt sorry for you. I can't even love another woman because only you are always in my heart," said someone who turned out to be Mike.

"I'm stupid, really stupid...I should never have left you in a depressed state! I was too naive, hypocritical, not daring to admit my fault to your father!" Mike kept cursing himself. He even almost cried while looking at Sarah's face, which was still beautiful even though she was old and had never been touched by make-up.

Mike took Sarah's hand, then kissed the back of it for a few moments with his eyes closed. "Get up, I want to apologize to you, even I am willing to prostrate at your feet. Let me make you happy with our child."

Mike continued to talk to Sarah who didn't respond at all.. He looked down and wept in regret.

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