Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 376 - Surprise From Jasmine

When the time was 12:25 pm, Keenan drove his car to the Keyra boutique. As promised, the man was going to meet his wife who was probably worried because she thought he was angry because she didn't want to be kissed. Aw, it turns out that Keenan is not angry. maybe he should be taught a lesson for making Jasmine panic.

"Surely she will beg, pamper me so I don't get angry, hihihi...." Keenan chuckled at the thought of Jasmine's panic, who had called him many times since this morning but started not calling again at nine o'clock.

'But why hasn't she called me again?' Keenan thought to himself. His brows furrowed as his eyes glanced at his phone which was located above the dashboard. No incoming messages or incoming calls. He began to be curious and increased the speed of his car so he could get there as soon as possible.

After about 10 minutes of traveling, finally Keenan arrived at Keyra's boutique and immediately parked his car in the yard. She rushed out of the car and walked into his sister's seemingly deserted boutique...Hmm, maybe the employees are having lunch and the boutique is only waiting for one male employee named Lucas.

Keenan searched the entire room to the break room but did not find Jasmine. He did not panic, thinking that maybe his wife was having lunch with the employees. .but instead of being curious, the man decided to ask Lucas who was sitting casually on the chair near the cashier desk.

"Heh, do you know where Jasmine is?" Keenan asked while leaning his thigh against the edge of the table.

"It's home," Lucas said casually, looking back at his phone.

"Go home?" Keenan looked incredulous. Why did his wife come home when this morning insisted on keeping the boutique? Did something happen? The man started to worry.

"She passed out, after being examined by the doctor, she was taken by your mother's driver," Lucas explained.

"Faint?" Keenan panicked.."Where's a mom now?"

"Lunch with the other employees," Lucas answered very casually. He didn't think of Keenan as a boss at all, but like a visitor asking a question.

Keenan, who was agitated by the news that Jasmine had fainted, immediately left the boutique. He got back in the car and drove it back home. The man tried to contact his wife several times while driving, but there was no response at all.

"What is wrong with her? Is she sick to the point of fainting?" Keenan remembered when Jasmine had complained of weakness and tiredness this morning. "Could it be that she was tired because yesterday she was busy taking care of Keyra's wedding?"

Keenan continues to wonder and fear if his wife is seriously ill from the impact when she fell from the stairs one month ago. He was also driving the car at high speed.


In a luxurious house with modern interiors and white nuances, Jasmine sits relaxing on the sofa in the living room while watching tv. She leaned back a little on the sofa cushions, then lay down with her eyes focused on the tv.

Because it was advertising, Jasmine turned to glance at the testpack that she had been carrying with her. She reached for the pregnancy test kit that was on the table near the sofa, then smiled crookedly as she held it.

"Keenan will definitely love it and I'm also very happy because I can be a mother," Jasmine muttered with a smile. She felt her belly which was still flat and imagined that there was a little angel that would be born in there and it would make the quiet atmosphere in her house colorful because of the sound of crying or laughing from the baby was about to be born.

"Since he's pretending to be angry, I guess I should pretend to be angry too," Jasmine grumbled as she remembered Keenan's sudden temper and made her dizzy...Moreover, having witnessed a meaningless debate between her biological mother and adoptive mother, her smile vanished and turned into a tinge of sadness.

"Should I immediately tell this good news to mommy? but it seems that only Keenan has the right to know this good news first because he is a father. Even though it's annoying!" Jasmine monologued to herself. Her hand was still gripping the test pack tightly.


Arriving at the house, Keenan immediately got out of the car and walked towards the main door. He immediately entered through the living room and living room, up the stairs to his room which was located on the top floor while glancing at the atmosphere of the house which seemed deserted.

'She must be resting in the room,' he thought as he continued to walk a little faster until he reached the top floor and stepped a few feet toward the bedroom door.

Keenan immediately opened the door and a smile grew on his lips when he saw Jasmine sitting in front of the dressing table looking in the mirror and combing her long hair. His wife looked healthy and normal, as she wasn't sick or had fainted.

"Honey," Keenan called as he walked over to Jasmine.

Jasmine didn't respond until Keenan stood behind her and hugged her.

"Why are you coming home?" Jasmine asked curtly.

"I'm worried about you," said Keenan.

"I thought you didn't care about me just because I WON'T TO KISS!" said Jasmine curtly, then got up from the chair, forcing Keenan to let go of his embrace. She walked over to the bed and climbed onto it, leaned back, and placed a pillow over her thighs.

.Keenan sighed in exasperation as she looked at Jasmine who looked angry at him. He immediately followed his wife and sat on the edge of the bed, right beside her angry wife's left leg.

"Honey, I didn't mean to be indifferent to you...I just ...." Keenan said softly but didn't know what reason to continue. Because he was deliberately ignoring his wife just for fun.

"Just what? You just walked away like you were angry and I panicked. You didn't even answer any of my calls, what did I do wrong? Is it just because I refuse to be kissed? That's illogical and it's only natural that I wouldn't want to be kissed in public!" Jasmine immediately became furious.

Keenan was awkwardly silent and didn't expect Jasmine to be angry and this was the first time she looked so angry.

"Why are you silent?" Jasmine asked curtly.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I was just kidding." Keenan grabbed Jasmine's right hand which was still holding it.

"Joking for hours isn't funny. I even fainted at the boutique just thinking about you. Lucky mommy came," said Jasmine with a groan.

Keenan sighed and then take Jasmine's hand, intending to hold it, but he was surprised when there was a small object held by his wife.

"Hey, what's this?" Keenan asked with a frown. he took the small test pack and saw that there were two little red lines there.

Jasmine couldn't continue her angry acting. Instead, she put a smile on her lips while glancing at Keenan who looked confused and slowly smiled because of the speechless.

"You...are you pregnant?" asked Keenan.

Jasmine just nodded while smiling so sweetly. So sweet that Keenan was blown away in happiness at this surprise. He immediately hugged his wife excitedly.

"Eghh, I can't breathe," Jasmine said as she pushed Keenan out of his tight grip.

Keenan chuckled and immediately looked down, kissing Jasmine's still flat belly. He was so happy and excited for Jasmine, who had acted angry with him.. .

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