Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 353 - A Mother's Confession

Ethan and Luna walked down the hospital corridor, but when they arrived in a hallway, they accidentally met Nia. The three of them stopped because of the chance encounter.

"Mrs. Nia," said Ethan.

"I want to see Jasmine soon," Nia exclaimed with a sad look on her face, then walked away leaving Ethan and Luna.

Ethan and Luna looked at each other as if they didn't understand why Nia also wanted to see Jasmine. What is their relationship? Even Ethan and Luna didn't know clearly because Keenan didn't tell anything about Jasmine and Nia.

"Let's go after Mrs. Nia," Luna exclaimed then took Ethan's hand, inviting her husband to immediately go to the room where her daughter-in-law is being treated.

"Why do you think Mrs. Nia met Jasmine?" asked Ethan as he followed Luna's steps.

"I don't know, we'll see later," answered Luna, choosing to see the reality directly rather than guessing.


Nia arrived in front of Jasmine's room. she immediately opened the door and looked at her daughter who was lying weakly with her husband who was waiting on a chair near the bed with their hands holding each other.

Keenan turned his head when he heard the sound of the door opening. .he saw Nia who was glued to the door with teary eyes and a tinge of sadness reflected on her face, which had aged quite a bit like his mother. The man immediately got up from the chair, then glanced at the middle-aged woman as if giving a welcome sign.

"My daughter." Nia looked sadly at Jasmine then immediately walked over to her. She immediately held her daughter's soft hand, gently stroking her hair lovingly.

"Keenan, why is she like this? What happened?" Nia looked at Keenan with a lot of curiosity about the cause of her daughter's injury.

"She was kidnapped and fell down the stairs," Keenan explained with a flat look as he looked at the sleeping Jasmine.

"Kidnapped?" Nia looked back at her suffering daughter with pity.

"This is all because of Marta, she is really greedy, money-mad, and only selfish!" said Keenan angrily, clenching his fists as if he wanted to immediately punch someone who was behind the kidnapping of his wife.

"Martha?" Nia turned to look at Keenan.

"She didn't return the money Marco gave to buy Jasmine and instead ran away. Since yesterday Jasmine was looking for her, but she ran away leaving a big problem with that damn man," explained Keenan then turned to look at his wife who was still asleep.

"She's so outrageous. I didn't expect her to be so cruel to my daughter," Marta annoyed then looked at Jasmine. "I'm sorry, love. Because of me, your life has become difficult...You must have gone through a lot of suffering, let mom make up for it by making you happy," she continued with tears slowly trickling down her cheeks.

jasmine felt wetness on her hands from the slightly warm water drop by drop, then she tried to open her eyes that were not too sleepy and saw a figure who claimed to be her mother last night.

"Mommy," Jasmine whispered, looking sadly at her newly admitted mother.

"Sweetheart." Nia tightly gripped Jasmine's right hand then got up from the chair, leaned over, and kissed her daughter's forehead. "I'm sorry ...."

"Why did you leave me with Mommy Marta?" Jasmine whispered, still in need of an explanation.

Nia was silent for a moment as if she was gathering the courage, to tell the truth. Keenan chose to leave because his wife and in-laws needed time together to talk heart to heart.

"Jasmine, I was forced to do that, because I gave birth to you without a husband. At that time, I had to go back to the village to visit your grandfather who was sick, but I promised to return after getting a job, earning a lot of money to support your future. I worked as female workers in Japan until I'm married Mr. Wildan." Nia started to tell her story slowly.

Jasmine patiently listened without looking at her mother. Her blank gaze was fixed on the ceiling of her infirmary.

"When you were maybe about two years old, I returned to Indonesia. I'm looking for you, want to meet you and will take you from Marta because Mr. Wildan accepts you even though you already have children, but it turns out that Marta has taken you away. At that time, I was confused looking for you everywhere, it was like you were lost in the earth." with tears in her eyes, Nia continued to tell everything.

Jasmine remained silent then glanced at her crying mother. "So who's my dad?"

"A man named Mike," Nia replied. Although embarrassed to admit that it was a shame that she was pregnant out of wedlock, she told the truth to be accepted by Jasmine as her biological mother.

"Where is he now? Why did he leave you?" Jasmine asked with tears in her eyes. .the thought of how her mother conceived and gave birth to her without a husband, seemed to make her feel sorry and unable to continue to be angry or refuse.

"He went somewhere. He left because he loved another woman who was carrying his child. At that time, I did not realize that I was also pregnant. He doesn't know about you at all. I'm sorry, I'm not a good woman." Nia's tears broke even more. She was ashamed of the disgrace that she had to tell her daughter.

"He doesn't need to know about me or us." Jasmine turned to look at her mother, slowly reached her hand over her face, and gently wiped her tears. "Mom don't cry anymore. Isn't your goal to find me? Then don't cry anymore."

"I'm sorry ...." Nia still can't stop crying. she kissed her hand then pressed it to her cheek. "I'm sorry, but at that time I was confused about where to leave you. Marta was the only close friend I have. but she turned out to be cruel. You must have gone through a lot of difficulties when you were with her."

"She is cruel, but sometimes she also loves me whether sincere or not. But it turns out that she is not my mother, and now I have found a good mother in front of me," said Jasmine with a sad smile, spreading her arms not too wide, as if inviting Nia to hug.

Of course, Nia immediately looked down and hugged her daughter who was still lying limp. They embraced in tears of emotion, releasing a longing that may have never been imagined. But the instincts of mother and daughter can't be denied, they look as if they miss each other for a long time.

from the door, Keenan smiled with relief seeing his wife was able to accept hee biological mother. Ethan and Luna gasped in relief, it turned out that Jasmine was not the daughter of a money-crazed pimp.

"No wonder they are similar, it turns out that they are mother and child," Luna muttered with her eyes filled with tears.

"Are you suspicious too?" asked Ethan as he glanced at Luna.

"Since I first met Mrs. Nia, I was surprised because she was very similar to our daughter-in-law," Luna explained then asked back. "Didn't you notice that?"

"I realized but I just kept quiet, let Keenan help them meet each other and reveal the truth," Ethan explained while glancing at Keenan who was walking over to Nia and Jasmine who were no longer hugging.

"Let's meet them," Luna exclaimed Then walked into the room followed by Ethan....

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