"Jasmine," Keyra called as she walked down the hall of the apartment. She found Jasmine coming out of the room in a white dress, her hair in a ponytail and a small bag slung over her shoulder.

The woman stopped when she saw Keenan's twin was a few steps away from where she was. "Keyra? What's wrong?"

Keyra approached Jasmine and asked, "You want to go? Where?"

"I want to go to mom's house," she answered simply...

Of course, Keyra knew who Marta was because Keenan had told her about it. That's why Keyra looked at Jasmine with disapproval.

"Why was that woman there again?"

"Don't get me wrong, Keyra.. I just want to look for evidence there," said Jasmine, who already understood Keyra's gaze.

"Looking for what evidence?" Kyra asked with a look of disapproval.

Jasmine gulped. She wanted to answer, but felt nervous and stammered.

"Tell me, Jasmine." Keyra looked at her twin brother's wife with firm eyes. Of course, Jasmine's guts shrunk when she was looked at like that. Will she think Keyra is evil?

Her eyes darted back and forth before answering quickly. "I have to look for pictures of my infancy as evidence."

Fortunately, Keyra's hearing is still functioning very well and she understands what the girl in front of her is saying. Keyra nodded, then asked her again.

"Does Keenan know?"

Jasmine shook her head slowly, biting her lower lip. Keyra exhaled and began to raise her voice to scold her sister-in-law.

"You're already married, Jasmine. Everything you do has to be with Keenan's permission, especially when you go out. How about ..."

"Don't, Keyra, I beg you ... This is my business, and Keenan can't know yet. So don't tell Keenan, I don't want to bother him anymore," said Jasmine while holding Keyra's hands. .she felt that she had troubled her husband a lot and did not want to drag him into the anxiety caused by her curiosity about the truth of her identity.

The girl looked at Jasmine with furrowed brows. Keenan is her husband and of course, would like to be bothered. he was willing to give one billion when he was not married.

"Keenan must be happy if you bother him," Keyra squinted by raising her eyebrows.

Jasmine shook her head. "But, I don't like it when Keenan helps me too much. I also want to be independent, Keyra."

keyra sighed in exasperation, then let go of her hand which was held by Jasmine and made the woman gloomy.

"Tell me where is Marta's house! I'll take you there," cried Keyra, taking out her car keys from a small bag, then twirling them. She was very relaxed looking at her overly innocent sister-in-law.

"Keyra?" Jasmine's eyes lit up with joy.

Keyra seems to have two personalities, she was angry then suddenly turned into a gang with her. She is grateful for having a sister-in-law who is the same age as her.

Keyra nodded with a small smile. "Really. Aren't we already family?"

Keyra took Jasmine's hand and led her out of Keenan's Apartment. They walked together like friends, down the hallway of the magnificent apartment to the elevator.


until a few minutes of traveling in Keyra's sports car, Keyra and Jasmine arrived at Marta's yard and got out of the car. They looked at the minimalist house that looked deserted like last night like it was still uninhabited.

Jasmine and Keyra walked towards the main door of the house. "Looks like mom isn't home. I've been here twice and things are still the same." Jasmine grunted as the door was still locked.

Keyra snorted angrily staring at the wooden door in front of her. she kicked the door with her foot while muttering in annoyance.

"Shit! We can't go in, Jasmine," Keyra complained to Jasmine, who was silent staring at the door.

Jasmine walked forward and grabbed the padlock that locked the door. "Yeah, I know it's padlocked too..do you have hair clips or iron wire, Key?"

"What for?" she asked.

Jasmine raised her hand and looked at Keyra with a smile. "Well, just give it if you have it. Keenan will replace it later. Let him buy a lot for you."

Keyra opened her small bag while grumbling, "Just watch out if Keenan doesn't change my hairpin." She handed her a black hair clip that happened to be in her bag. It was her favorite hair clip.

Jasmine smiled, then pulled an expensive branded hair clip that made Keyra yelped in surprise on the spot.

"Good grief, Jasmine!" Keyra stopped Jasmine from trying to break her hair clip.

"It will be replaced by Keenan," he exclaimed. now that the hairpin was straight enough, Jasmine's hand pointed the hairpin at the lock and twisted it.


"Yeah." Jasmine cheered softly with a triumphant smile.

"Wow, genius!" praised Keyra when she saw what Jasmine did. she hugged her sister-in-law's back as she said, "Keenan doesn't have to change it too it's okay."

The woman who was opening the lock shook her head with a smile showing a row of white and neat teeth. "No, Keenan will replace it because I promised."

"Okay if you insist."

Jasmine went first into Marta's house which was where she used to live, followed by Keyra who looked at the atmosphere in the house which seemed simple, there was an ashtray full of cigarette butts and beer bottles on the table. .it must have been Marta's drink before she ran away.

"This house is empty?" Keyra looked around to see the house that was starting to get dusty because the owner had left it.

'Did Marta run away? But why?'

Keyra wondered while following Jasmine who was walking into a room.

Jasmine immediately rummaged through Marta's closet, which no longer contained many clothes. this led her to discover the fact that her mother had indeed left because the usual suitcase on the cupboard wasn't there either. The dressing table was empty without leaving any make-up equipment that was always neatly arranged there. the girl felt sad, her body trembled and her breath began to rush unstable.

'Why did you leave without saying goodbye? Am I not your daughter that you left without telling me, does you no longer love me?'

Slowly, Jasmine's eyes filled with tears as she searched for the blanket among the piles of sheets and other fabrics that were neatly folded in the closet.

"This blanket." Jasmine took a small old blanket then reached into her small bag and took the photo that Keenan had given her from Nia last night. she likened the blanket in the photo to the blanket she was holding now.

"Have you found it?" Keyra asked when she saw Jasmine silently staring at the blanket and also the old photo. 'Whose photo is it?'

Jasmine was silent with her heart pounding, her breath caught, her legs trembled weakly until she sat down on the floor clutching a small pink blanket that smelled musty because it had been in the closet by another cloth. Luckily there were no cockroaches there.

"So she's my mother... but why was I raised by Marta?"

"Who is your mother?" asked Keyra who heard Jasmine grumble. She also sat on the floor holding her sister-in-law's shoulder.

"Jasmine, tell me?"

"Mommy Marta is not my biological mother, because someone claimed to be my biological mother and gave evidence of this photo. The blanket in this photo is the same as this blanket." Jasmine showed the photo and the blanket to Keyra who immediately took it.

"I was suspicious from the start and it turned out to be true. She doesn't deserve to be called your mommy because she has the heart to sell you," said Keyra by nodding her head.

Jasmine just stayed silent with tears that she didn't realize were falling. The image of when she was a child and raised by Marta with a little violence but sometimes also loving and caring, seemed to keep flashing through her mind. She didn't know what to do, admitting Nia as a mother was awkward and she also needed an explanation.

"Jasmine, you have to be patient. But this fact is better because it turns out that you were not born from the womb of a pimp who is crazy about wealth." Keyra rubbed the shoulder of Jasmine who was sitting languidly on the floor.


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