Two weeks passed, Keenan and Jasmine had returned from Japan. After leaving the airport, they immediately asked the driver who picked them up to stop by Marta's house. Jasmine wants to meet her mother because she feels homesick and wants to give her a gift from Japan. even though her mother is greedy and uses her, she is still polite and caring for her mother who remains a pimp.

Keenan and Jasmine got out of their car which stopped in front of Marta's house. they immediately walked to the main door of the house, then knocked on it.

Knock... knock... knock..

After several knocks, the door remained closed. The house seemed deserted and as if no one was inhabiting it.

"Could it be that Mommy was away?".Jasmine peeked out the window and saw no sign of the house is inhabited. The house should have been crowded because her mother and several girls lived there.

"Maybe we should just go to the apartment. We'll come here again later this afternoon," said Keenan while looking in pity at his wife who looked disappointed because her mother wasn't home.

Jasmine sighed and then glanced at the paper bag she had been carrying. "Even though I want to immediately give these gifts to mom and other friends," she grumbled in disappointment.

"We'll come back later," said Keenan then grabbed Jasmine from the side and led her back to the car. but while walking towards the car, they stopped when they saw a luxury car stopped near their car.

Keenan and Jasmine stared at the figure who just got out of the car.

"Miss Nia," Keenan muttered as he looked at the middle-aged woman who just got out of the car.

"Keenan," Nia greeted with a smile then glanced at Jasmine a little awkwardly. 'My daughter, she is my daughter and she has become a wife,' she thought with a sad look.

Jasmine just smiled and nodded her head to Nia, because she only knew the middle-aged woman as Keenan's business partner.

"Why are you here?" Nia asked as she turned her head to look at Marta's house which looked deserted.

"Because this is my mom's house, but it looks like she isn't home," said Jasmine, a little disappointed.

Nia looked at Jasmine even more sadly, because she didn't recognize her as a mother and instead called Marta's name "Mommy".

'I'm your mama, not Marta,' she cried in her heart as if she couldn't accept that Marta was recognized as a mother by her daughter. But she didn't dare to tell the truth yet.

"Is Mrs. Nia also going to see Mrs. Marta?" asked Keenan with a suspicious look at Nia, because Daniel had already told him about Nia who turned out to be Jasmine's biological mother. Keenan didn't tell Jasmine because he wanted Nia to confess herself.

"Eh, yes. But if she's not around, what can you do?" Nia smiled awkwardly and kept glancing at Jasmine.

"Well then, we'll go back to the apartment first," said Keenan then invited Jasmine to immediately return to the car.

"Jasmine," Nia exclaimed when she saw Keenan and Jasmine going away, she seemed unwilling if Jasmine left and wanted to hug her, expressing her longing for her daughter.

Keenan and Jasmine turned to look at Nia.

"Why, Mrs?" she asked.

Nia felt nervous, her lips felt stiff, to tell the truth. Jasmine's gaze and innocence seemed to make her helpless full of guilt. "Em, if you have free time, come over to the house to have dinner together," she exclaimed casually.

Jasmine glanced at Keenan who just shrugged his shoulders as if resigned whether he would accept the dinner offer or not. She looked back at Nia who was waiting for an answer.

"Tonight we will come to mom's house if there are no other events," said Jasmine with a friendly smile.

"Well, my door is always open for you." Nia smiled in relief at Jasmine's response. However, her heart still hesitated, as if she was afraid that Keenan's wife would stop being friendly to her when she claimed to be her biological mother.

Keenan took Jasmine's hand. ." Then we'll leaving, Mrs. See you tonight," he said goodbye.

"Be careful," Nia exclaimed which was only responded with a nod and a smile from Jasmine and Keenan.

Jasmine and Keenan immediately returned to the car. The driver immediately took them to the apartment, because they would stay there before buying a new house.

Nia is still in front of Marta's house and stares at the car that brought Jasmine slowly away. Her eyes filled with tears because she couldn't tell the truth but wanted to hug her.

"Why cry? Why not just confess?" asked someone from behind Nia.

Nia immediately turned around and saw that it was Daniel who had been following her and placed his car parked far from that location.

"You." Nia was a bit surprised by Daniel's sudden presence.

"Why not admit it right away? do you want her to continue to think that pimp is her mother? At least she will be relieved because she is your daughter, a woman much more respectable than that pimp." Daniel tried to urge Nia.

Nia looked down at the street and replied, "I'm not ready yet. I felt really scared, to tell the truth because she was so innocent and I didn't want to make her life even more difficult later on."

Daniel smiled faintly and shook his head regretting Nia's way of thinking. "She will feel better after knowing this fact because she is ashamed of her status as the daughter of a pimp. Stop being pessimistic for better things!

Nia looked at Daniel who was so adamant about convincing her.. he took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly as if he was weighing her courage and throwing away her doubts.

"Keenan already knows all this but he will remain silent because only you have the right, to tell the truth. Don't let Keenan get annoyed and take Jasmine away, then you will lose the opportunity to embrace Jasmine as the daughter you've been looking for," Daniel shouted, intending to scare him he was impatient and desperate to get everything out and there was nothing to keep secret anymore.

"I will say it," said Nia, finally firmly looking at Daniel. "I'm going to say it and I'm not going to let her get any further away from me."

"Well, I hope she doesn't feel disappointed and is happy because her mother is not a pimp who always embarrasses her and only takes advantage of her," Daniel replied with a relieved smile.

"You can also come to have dinner with us, I will tell you everything later," Nia exclaimed.

"If it's not busy, I'll come," replied Daniel and then left Nia who looked back at Marta's house. 'Marta, did you go on purpose to get me back with my daughter, I hope you don't plant trouble with her before you leave,' she thought angrily because Marta had suddenly run away.

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