Arriving at the office, Keenan entered his father's room, but it was empty and looked deserted. The man sighed then sat on the sofa, then tried to contact his father.

After calling several times, the phone was finally answered.

"Hello, dad. sorry I'm late, where are you now?" asked Keenan angrily.

"Sorry, Mr. Ethan is talking to a client," someone answered over the phone. then

"Where?" asked Keenan.

"I'll share the location later, sir."

Keenan immediately hung up the phone, got up from the sofa, and walked out of his father's room. He was about to follow because he didn't want to disappoint his father.


After having lunch with her mother and brother, Keyra decided to go back to her room. The girl chose to sleep because she was tired.

She threw her body on her queen size bed which was covered with pink sheets with cherry blossom motifs, then played with her smartphone.

Drett... Drett,

just holding the smartphone, Keyra has received a call from an unknown number, she immediately answered the call.

"Hello, with who?" Kyra asked when she was connected to the caller.

"It's me, Aaron," Aaron answered over the phone.

Instantly Keyra smiled and remembered that when Aaron taking her, she had given her phone number.

"Yeah Aaron, what's the matter calling me?" she asked.

"Do you have an event tonight?"

"No, why?" Keyra asked back while changing her position so that she was on her stomach hugging the pillow.

"I'd like to take you out to dinner if you don't mind."

Keyra was silent for a moment, remembering that her meeting with Aaron had only happened once, she didn't want to randomly accept an offer for a date.

"Sorry I Can't."


"I just came back from Singapore, I wanted to spend time with family tonight," said Keyra, because she wanted to spend time with her family, especially since she hadn't met her twin since earlier.

"Okay then, I'm not forcing it."

somehow Keyra felt guilty after Aaron's words just now. "You just visit my house, maybe we can chat over tea at home."

"Okay, I'll come later at 7."

"Okay, then I turn off the phone," said Keyra.

"See you tonight."


Keyra immediately disconnected the call and put her smartphone in any direction, she stared at the ceiling of her room while imagining Aaron's handsome face and she couldn't make him disappointed.

"What is this, why does it feel like I have to accept his arrival, meet him? in fact, we just met." Keyra monologued with herself while imagining when Aaron asked her to meet him on the plane.


A girl sat quietly on Keenan's king-size bed which was covered with plain white sheets, there were two pillows and a thick blanket. the girl felt strange and did not deserve to sleep in that luxurious place, but her body was too tired to force her to lie down.

"Why is everything so difficult? I didn't expect mommy will sell me, mommy made me like any other girl she used to sell to old men to satisfy them. even though, I love her," the girl monologued with herself, cursing her unfortunate fate.


A girl just came home from college, she walked into her minimalist home. while in the living room, she passed a man of about 35 years of stature, wearing a gray suit without a tie. The man was handsome, but looked untidy and looked at the girl with a seductive gaze.

"Sorry, Mister. I want to go into the room, don't get in my way," pleaded the girl with her head down.

"Oh please;" replied the man immediately let the girl pass and stared at her out of sight.

The man walked towards the living room where a middle-aged woman was sitting casually on the sofa smoking her cigarette.

"Marta, don't you want to sell your daughter to me?" asked the man as he sat down on the sofa right next to the woman named Marta.

"Marco, did Tania not satisfy you that you wanted my daughter?" Marta asked then took a glass of red wine that was on the table.

"I'm tired of Tania and if you want to give your daughter to me, I will pay you quite a lot and I will make her my second wife," said the man named Marco then took the cigarette from Marta's hand, then smoked it.

"How much money will you give me if I sell my daughter?" Marta asked sensually, feeling Marco's chest.

"I'll pay as you wish," Marco replied then pushed Marta away from her because she saw the girl walking towards the kitchen.

"She's so beautiful, you have to give it to me," Marco exclaimed then took a check from his tuxedo pocket and handed it to Marta. "Write the nominal you want," he exclaimed.

Marta smiled faintly then took the paper and got up from the sofa. "I'm not going to give my daughter to you for just one payment," she said.

"I'll give you money every month," Marco said, holding Marta's hand so she wouldn't leave.

"New house?"

"If you want a house, I'll buy it for you," Marco said pulling Marta back to sit beside him.

"Okay, I'll write down the first price you have to pay for me," Marta replied then wrote the blank check with a nominal value of 500 million rupiahs.

"Do you mind if I ask this much?" Martha asked.

"No, it's very cheap, you can increase the price as long as I can marry your daughter tomorrow morning," Marco replied with the thought of taking the girl's chastity the first night. You bastard man!

"Okay, I'll ask for more money when she's your wife. Now go home, I have to persuade her to marry you," cried Marta.

"Okay, tomorrow I will come and your daughter must be ready for me to marry," Marco replied then got up from the sofa, he immediately left Marta alone.

After Marco left, Marta got up from the sofa and walked into the dining room. there, her daughter is having lunch with four girls whom she often sells to serve her customers.

"Jasmine," Marta called.

Feeling her name called, the girl turned to look at her mother who was standing leaning against the door frame.

"yes, Mom?" she asked.

"Starting tomorrow, you don't have to go to college anymore, because Mommy will marry you off to Mr. Marco," Marta answered firmly.

"But, Ma, I don't love him, he has a wife." Jasmine immediately refused.

the girl who was sitting with Jasmine just looked down and chose to remain silent, they didn't expect that the pimp would sell her daughter.

Marta walked over to Jasmine, then showed her the check she had gotten from Marco. "You can't refuse, because mommy has paid quite a lot. he will pay again after you marry him. tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Jasmine looked up at her mother with teary eyes.

"Yes, he will take you away from here, make you a mistress," explained Marta with a happy smile because she would get continuous money after her daughter married Marco.

"Mommy has the heart! I would never marry a man like him!" jasmine got up from the chair and ran to her room crying.

"You stupid child, he should be grateful because Marco will marry a rich man and will make him full of wealth!" Marta huffed in annoyance then walked to Jasmine's room.


jasmine hugs the pillow while crying. 'I can't choose from whose womb I was born, but why would the person who gave birth to me sell me to a married man,' she thought through sobs.

Marta came into the room then sat on the edge of the bed, she stroked Jasmine's hair gently as if lovingly.

"Jasmine, don't you love mommy?" Martha asked.

Jasmine immediately sat up and looked at her mother. "I love mommy but that doesn't mean I have to obey your crazy mommy's wishes. End this, M. I'm ashamed of my friends because my mama is a pimp, I don't even know who my dad is!"

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