A girl walks towards the plane that will take her to Jakarta. Who else if not Keyra, she walked with the other passengers who would also board the plane. even though the father has a private jet, the girl prefers to take a public plane, because if you take a private jet, it will feel very lonely if not with family.

wearing white jeans combined with a pink shirt, letting her long brown hair flow beautifully, wearing black and white shoes, and carrying a branded bag that looks simple, Keyra looks so charming, Luna's beauty is very resembled her.

Many agencies that had

overshadowed Luna when she was a model, offered Keyra to be a model too, but she refused and chose to deepen her talent in the art of drawing because she wanted to become a famous designer.

upon arrival on the plane, Keyra walked down the cabin until she arrived at her seat in business class to add to her comfort, she sat next to a handsome young man wearing sunglasses.

Keyra immediately put her seatbelt on according to the procedure, as well as the young man beside her also fastened the seat belt.

While waiting for the plane to take off, Keyra took her smartphone from her bag and then activated flight mode. occasionally she glanced at the man beside her who looked cool wearing sunglasses, a leather jacket and the man did not have the slightest beard.

"Hey, can you speak the Indonesian language?" asked the man suddenly.

"Of course," replied Keyra with a friendly smile.

"Wow, I thought you were a Caucasian, but I saw your face like a typical Indonesian girl." The man opened his glasses and smiled at Keyra.

"I'm a mulatto, my mom is from Batam and my dad is from Singapore," explained Keyra.

The man nodded in understanding. "My name is Aaron Dalton." The man extended his right hand to Keyra.

"Keyra Del Luna Darric Angelo." Kira greeted the young man.

The man smiled and shook his head after hearing Keyra's name. "Your name is so long, maybe I should write it down," he said.

"Just call me Keyra," said Keyra.

"Okay, Keyra," Aaron replied with a gentle smile.

The situation was quiet again when the plane started to take off, Keyra chose to relax reading a novel, while Aaron chose to watch a movie that was available on the monitor screen. occasionally they are glanced at each other and finally smiled when they accidentally looked at each other.


Jakarta, 10:30 am.

Ethan ended the meeting which was attended by several of his employees, but he restrained them from leaving and asked them to wait because he was about to introduce Keenan as the CEO of the company.

"Today I will make an announcement, there will be a new CEO at Angelo Corporation," said Ethan with a friendly smile.

Keenan immediately entered the meeting room and stood beside Ethan, the employees smiled understandingly and nodded as if agreeing if Keenan got the job. Some of those who have worked at the company for a long time must know Keenan because Luna has often taken him to the office with Keyra since childhood.

some new employees are dominated by beautiful girls who don't know Keenan, they see Keenan is very similar to Ethan, even more, handsome and taller and his smile can melt their hearts.

"Keenan who will be the second CEO of this company, I hope you will accept and agree to this decision," said Ethan wisely then looked at Keenan and nodded his head, as if to code his son to introduce himself immediately.

"Eghhmm." Keenan was about to introduce himself, he looked at the important influences in the company that he would lead with his father.

"I'm Keenan Zeyn Darric Angelo, I hope you can accept me as the second CEO and we can work well together in developing this company," Keenan said so politely.

one of the employees who was sitting with the others stood up and applauded, the others also stood up to applaud as a sign that they were glad to accept Keenan.

until a few moments later the meeting ended, all the employees walked out while welcoming Keenan to congratulate him. Ethan smiled with relief because his decision did not disappoint the parties. After all, Keenan was still very young, but he believed that his son deserved the position, because he was very good at business tactics.

"Dad, I'll have breakfast outside for a bit," said Keenan.

"Don't take too long, I will discuss company matters with you," replied Ethan.

"Okay, I'm leaving now," said Keenan then walked out of the meeting room, he walked down the corridor of the office building that his father chose which would be his, he walked towards the elevator where there happened to be a female employee who would also enter.

Keenan immediately entered and turned to look at the girl. "What floor are you going to?" he asked then.

"Two," the girl said with an awkward smile.

Keenan immediately pressed the number two button. The elevator closed and took him with the girl to the second floor, occasionally the girl glanced at Keenan who was so handsome and smelled of perfume.

"What's your position here?" Keenan asked breaking the silence.

"I'm Mr. Ethan's secretary," the girl replied.

"Are you Aunt Nathalie's daughter?" asked Keenan again.

"Yes," said the girl.

Keenan smiled and greeted the girl. "It's fun to work with you, Aunt Nathalie has also been helping my dad for years and now you are taking her place."

"Yeah, I'm also honored to be accepted into this company," the girl replied.

"What's your name?" asked Keenan.

"Hera," said the girl.

"Oh, what a beautiful name," Keenan muttered with a friendly smile.

Hera blushed to get a warm and sweet smile from Keenan, who had been very attentive since he was in the meeting room.

The elevator door opened, Hera immediately got out while Keenan was still inside and immediately pressed the button to the ground floor. before the elevator closed, Keenan waved and smiled as a goodbye to Hera. uh, if his attitude is always like that, he will make the girls drown in his charm.


After several hours of air travel, Keyra's plane landed at a famous airport in Jakarta. The girl immediately got off along with the other passengers, of course, Aaron who was walking behind her.

until arriving at the airport building, Keyra walked while dragging her suitcase towards the exit of the magnificent building, she walked while trying to contact her mother to ask to be picked up immediately.

"Hello, Mom..I've arrived, please ask the driver to pick me up immediately," said Keyra when she was connected to her mother.

"Yes, honey, mommy will tell Mr. Toni to pick you up immediately, wait a moment," said her mother from the phone.

"Okay, I turn off the phone, see you at home."

"Yes, Dear."

Keyra immediately disconnected the phone, she sat on a chair near the parking lot while playing with her smartphone. Suddenly a man tapped her shoulder.

"Keyra," said the man.

"Aaron." Kyra looked up at the man who turned out to be Aaron.

"Why are you here, hasn't anyone picked you up yet?" asked Aaron.

"I'm waiting for the driver to pick me up, maybe in 30 minutes it will come," explained Keyra.

Aaron nodded in understanding and looked back at Keyra who was so charming patiently waiting for someone to pick her up, her attention was turned to the car that stopped and the driver came out to her.

"What if I drop you off, my driver happens to have come to pick you up?" asked Aaron, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I don't want to bother you," said Keyra with an awkward smile.

"It's okay, just think of this as the fruit from the beginning of our acquaintance, I hope we can become friends," Aaron said with a reassuring smile.

keyra was silent for a moment to think, then glanced at Aaron who was so handsome and seemed sincere to give her a ride, then she glanced at her watch again.

'I have to wait for Mr. Toni to come in 24 minutes, I can dry here, I'd better take Aaron's car, he doesn't seem to be doing anything weird,' she thought.

"Keyra, just come with me, okay?" asked Aaron again, with a pleading look.

"Okay, I'll come with you," said Keyra with a smile.

Aaron immediately brought Keyra's large suitcase and put it in the trunk. Keyra immediately entered, as well as Aaron also entered and they sat side by side. the driver immediately drove the car to the house of Keyra's parents, namely Ethan's house.

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