
Jack, who was waiting in front of the main door of the women's toilet, suddenly gasped when he heard gunshots coming from inside the toilet. Without thinking, the man immediately ran in the direction where he heard the gunshot.



Jack could hear the sound of screaming for help from door number five, he immediately broke down the door.


Jack's eyes suddenly widened when he saw Luna slumped on the floor with bloodied feet and Sarah standing with a gun pointed at Luna. quickly the man ran to grab the gun from the woman's hand who was about to shoot the wife of her employer.

"Stop it!" shouted Jack as he pointed the gun at Sarah.

"Are you going to shoot me? Just shoot if you dare!" Sarah even challenged with a high tone.

"Argh...!" Luna groaned in pain holding her leg which was bleeding at the calf.

"This time you are still safe, I will come back to finish you off!" threatened Sarah by pointing at Luna.

Jack pocketed Sarah's gun, then he quickly grabbed Sarah's hand and put the handcuffs that he always had in his leather jacket pocket. "Don't dream, you will be in prison after this crazy act of yours!" he said with salt.

"Let me go!" Sarah struggled.

the security guard and several people started to enter the toilet. Of course, Alexa was the first to approach Luna, coincidentally she had finished Jack immediately handed Sarah over to be taken care of by the security guard.

"Gosh, you got shot!" Alexa and several other women stared in horror at Luna's bloodied feet. she saw the jeans worn by her cousin's wife were torn and dripping with blood.

"Let's go to the hospital," said Jack then immediately carried Luna and carried her out of the toilet followed by Alexa and several other women as well.

the other visitors who were in a condition of undergoing a series of treatments on their hair or face, shuddered in horror at the limp Luna in Jack's arms, even the blood from her feet dripped onto the floor leaving stains.

"I will kill you, I will kill you!" Sarah said while struggling because the two security guards held her hand which had been handcuffed by Jack. The security guard immediately dragged the stressed woman out of the toilet and was about to take her to the police station.

"Open the car door, the key is in my jacket pocket," said Jack when he arrived at the parking lot, occasionally he glanced at Luna who was wincing in pain, occasionally closing her eyes.

Alexa immediately took the car key from Jack's jacket pocket, she immediately opened the passenger door. Jack immediately put Luna into the car and Alexa also entered by sitting beside Luna.

Jack immediately got into the steering wheel, he immediately drove the car to the nearest hospital at high speed.

"Argghh ... this is very hurt," said Luna as she looked down at her feet.

"How did she hurt you? Gosh, your leg is bleeding so much." Alexa looked panicked and didn't know what to do, she looked at Luna who was weak from pain.

until a few minutes of driving, Jack found the nearest hospital. The man immediately parked his employer's car, then carried Luna, who of course was unable to walk.

The nurse immediately helped by bringing the gurney to Jack who was carrying Luna's small body. Luna was immediately placed on the gurney and then taken to the emergency room. Alexa and Jack continued to follow until they stopped at the door because the nurse stopped them.

"I'll call Ethan," Alexa said as she took her smartphone from her sling bag, while Jack chose to sit on the available chair.

"Hello, Ethan," said Alexa when she was connected to Ethan, she panicked and didn't know what to say, her cousin would be very shocked if she heard the news that his wife was injured.

"Hello, Alexa, what do you need to call me?" asked Ethan over the phone.

"Luna..." Alexa stammered.

"Luna, Luna why? What happened to her?" This time Ethan's voice sounded panicked.

"She was shot by Sarah, now she is getting help from the doctor," Alexa explained angrily. oh god, she was afraid that her cousin would be very angry because she was the one who took Luna to the salon until Sarah managed to hurt her.

"Geez, how come? Damn it, quickly send the hospital address, I'll be right there!"

The phone connection was cut off, Alexa sighed and then sat down beside Jack who seemed silent with a cold stare, she didn't know what the man was thinking. As a bodyguard, perhaps the man felt he had failed to protect his employer's wife.

"I'm going to the police station," Jack said then got up from the chair.

"Gosh, I forgot something." Alexa patted her forehead.

"Please pay for the cream bath and haircut, I haven't had time to pay because I panicked. Luna's bag is also still left there," Alexa exclaimed as she took several Rp. 100,000 bills from Jack.

Jack immediately took the money and then walked away leaving Alexa.


ethan approached Andrew who was with Nathalie discussing work matters, the man walked at a fast pace with an angry face, his jaw tightened, his eyes reddened, he was so afraid his wife would get seriously injured because Alexa only said that his wife was shot.

"Drew, please you see a client because I have to go to the hospital now," Ethan shouted angrily.

"Who is sick?" asked Andrew raising an eyebrow, Nathalie was curious too.

"Alexa said Luna was shot by Sarah," replied Ethan then glanced at his vibrating smartphone. "I have to go to the hospital now," he continued as he read the message that had just arrived, then quickly left.

Andrew didn't move and thought about Alexa's condition, he immediately contacted his wife.

"I have to call my wife, just a minute," Andrew said, looking at Nathalie.

Nathalie just sighed, then massaged her forehead which was slowly dizzy, she also felt dizzy because Ethan and Luna were always in trouble because there were people who didn't like their harmony, even the girl was almost shot when Edward brutally shot Ethan's office.

"It's a thing and all of this happened because of love," Nathalie muttered.

Andrew walked a bit away from Nathalie while calling Alexa.

"Hello, honey, what's going on? You're all right?" Andrew immediately asked when he was connected to his wife.

"I'm fine, it's just that Luna was shot while in the bathroom," Alexa explained from the phone.

"How come Jack didn't guard her so Sarah could hurt her?" Andrew asked, frowning.

"I don't know, when it happened I was finishing a cream bath."

"Thank God if you're okay, I'll come after my business is done," Andrew said as he looked at Nathalie who was waiting for him.


Andrew immediately hung up the phone.


Ethan was driving his car at high speed, his feelings were not good. the man imagined the scariest thing to happen to his wife.

"No ... no! She will be fine, she is a strong woman, she is a great mother, she is my wife, my dear. God, I hope the gunshotEthand to her is not too bad." ethan had a monologue with himself, the image of when he made love to Luna, when this morning was still feeding him and taking him up to the terrace seemed to keep wandering in his mind. He was too afraid to lose the wife he loved so much.

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