The next day...

Ethan was getting ready to go to work. Currently, she is having breakfast while holding his two babies who seem reluctant to be left. Of course, he had to be fed by Luna.


"Looks like they're hungry." Ethan glanced at his two babies who always looked at him when he took every bite from Luna.

"Anna and Gita are preparing porridge for them," said Luna as she continued to feed Ethan.

"When can they eat meat?" asked Ethan as he ate.

Luna chuckled, then she said, "They only have four teeth, how can you eat meat?"

"Smoothed may be possible."

"They can, but they will still get nutrition such as nutrition from meat if they eat porridge with a special flavor variant," explained Luna.

"What flavored porridge do they often eat?" asked Ethan then took a bite from Luna.

"Chicken taste, sometimes also red rice taste, there are many flavors," answered Luna then poured water for Ethan because the meal was finished.

"Let them be fed first," said Luna as she grabbed Keyra from Ethan's lap, then took her to the living room where the babysitters had prepared breakfast for her.

After giving Keyra to Gita, Luna asked Anna to take Keenan who was still with Ethan.

Ethan immediately walked out of the house with Luna escorted to the front door. The man looked down at his wife who was so elegant wearing a pink dress with long hair flowing beautifully.

"Honey, I'm leaving now. don't go out alone, if there is a need that requires you to leave the house, take Jack or Johan," Ethan exclaimed as he brushed away a strand of Luna's hair that was caught in the wind covering her cheek.

"Has Sarah not been found?" asked Luna angrily.

"Not yet, Richard's still looking for her," replied Ethan.

Luna sighed and then adjusted Ethan's gray tie to match the suit he was wearing. "You also have to take care of yourself, she could attack you," he shouted.

"Everything will be fine if we take care of each other, I'm leaving now," said Ethan then kissed Luna's forehead.

"Be careful," Luna exclaimed then kissed Ethan's cheek.

Ethan immediately left Luna, walking towards the car that had been prepared by the driver. when he was about to get in the car, Ethan looked at the gate and remembered the figure who was standing in front of the gate last night, then he turned to glance at Luna who was still on the drain smiling at him.

'Hope it's not Sarah, I hope Sarah doesn't mean to hurt my wife,' he thought then smiled at Luna.

Ethan immediately got in the car and drove out the gate to the office not far from his house.

While driving, Ethan tries to contact Richard by connecting a headset to his smartphone.

"Hello, Richard," said Ethan as he connected with Richard.

"Hello, Ethan."

"Have you been able to find Sarah?" asked Ethan as he focused on driving.

"No, she's very slippery! There is information that shows she is now in Jakarta," said Richard, sounding furious.

"Is that true?" Ethan remembered the figure at his gate last night.

"Yeah, she got on the bus."

"Richard, please get some people to check around the area near my house, last night I saw someone standing in front of the gate," shouted Ethan.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know, I feel strange because it was very late, around one in the morning but when Jack came to her, she ran away. Jack didn't catch her, but Jack knew she was a woman," said Ethan very seriously.

"Could be Sarah."

"Send extra bodyguards to protected my wife and kids," Ethan exclaimed.


"I turned off the phone," said Ethan then hung up the phone. He stepped on the gas to speed up the car in annoyance.

"What exactly does Sarah want? Why does she always throw tantrums, as if she doesn't want to see other people happy!" Ethan huffed in annoyance as he hit the steering wheel of his car.


At Andrew's house, Alexa just woke up. It is now more than seven o'clock, even her husband has prepared himself to go to work at Ethan's company.

"Are you going to start work today?" asked Alexa who was still lying on the bed covering her naked body with a blanket, because last night she had fun with her husband. You know, they are newlyweds.

"Yes, we are going on a honeymoon after some important matters that I have to finish have been sorted out," Andrew replied while wearing his black tie commensurate with his black suit.

Alexa sighed then covered her entire body with the blanket up to her face. 'Newly laid off work, Ethan is going too far, forcing my husband to keep working,' she thought irritably.

"Since Mrs. Sintia hasn't come yet, I've made breakfast for you," Andrew said as he turned to Alexa.

Andrew smiled faintly when he saw Alexa who was fully covered by the blanket, he went over to his wife and opened the blanket that covered her.

"What's wrong with you?" Andrew asked then sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing Alexa's forehead lovingly.

"I don't like being at home alone," Alexa replied in a spoiled tone.

Andrew sighed then leaned down and kissed Alexa's forehead. "Tomorrow there will be Mrs. Sintia who will accompany you at home. For now, you are alone or just go to Ethan's house," he said.

"I'm dizzy, maybe going to the salon for a cream bath," Alexa replied then sat down.

"Well then, you better take a quick shower and we'll have breakfast together," said Andrew patiently. His father and mother-in-law told him to be patient with Alexa for a reason that's Alexa's lazy and spoiled attitude. He doesn't even understand the obligations of a wife in the morning, but the man is patient because he loves his wife.

"Bathe me," Alexa called out as she put her hand on Andrew's shoulder.

Andrew smiled slightly then pinched Alexa's cheek. "If I bathe you, it might take two hours and I'm off the job," he said.

"Because that's my goal," Alexa replied with a mischievous smile.

"Hmm, but I have to leave today, poor Ethan, must be a hassle."

"You don't feel sorry for me, I'm the most unfortunate wife, just married, I've been left from work and have to be at home alone." Alexa sulked again, turning her face away. gosh, if Andrew had indulged her spoiled attitude, maybe it was nine o'clock before he could go to work.

Andrew sighed, looking confusedly at Alexa who didn't want to be left at work. The man took his wife's hand and looked at her pleadingly.

"Honey, I'll try to talk to Ethan to extend my leave. For today I'm going to work," said Andrew.

Alexa was silent for a moment, remembering the promise she had made to Andrew, to always accept even though Andrew would be very busy being Ethan's assistant. and now after getting married, she even forgot and acted spoiled, as if she had forgotten the advice of her parents.

"No need, you can work as you please and I'll wait for you until you get home," she said knowing that her attitude should be more mature.


Alexa nodded then said, "Maybe I'll go to Ethan's house if I'm bored."

"The ideal wife like this." Andrew smiled in relief then embraced Alexa lovingly.

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