Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 284 - Looking At Sarah Who Looks Weird

After bathing together, Andrew and Alexa prepared to leave the hotel where they were staying. Alexa already looks beautiful wearing a knee-length cream dress combined with a pink top, letting her long reddish hair flow beautifully with her slightly long bangs. The woman looks very feminine and deserves to be called a wife.

Andrew, who was already wearing basic pants and a white shirt, looked at Alexa with a smile on his face.


"Beautiful," Andrew said as he approached Alexa who was putting her dress which she wore last night into a large suitcase.

"Isn't it usually pretty?" asked Alexa with a blushing smile, she couldn't hide the happiness of Andrew's compliments and gentle treatment.

"You are always beautiful and more beautiful when you become my wife," Andrew replied then hugged Alexa from behind. "Does it still hurt?" he asked while feeling Alexa's lower body.

"No," Alexa said briefly then closed the suitcase that only fit for one dress. "Seems to have gotten used to it," she continued.

"That means we...."

"Could be late tonight," said Alexa before Andrew finished his sentence.

"Not afraid anymore?" whispered Andrew.

"No, even when I take a shower I'm not afraid, right?" Alexa turned to look at Andrew then tiptoed to kiss his lips. Looks like she's getting wild and will probably be wilder than Luna. Just so you know, while soaking in the bathtub with her husband, she can't refuse to serve him.

Andrew smiled with relief then kissed Alexa's lips gently while holding her cheek. Alexa returned the kiss with her hands reflexively wrapped around her husband's neck.

"I feel like wanting to do it again and again, I understand why Ethan and Luna enjoy every moment they're alone together," Andrew said while feeling Alexa's lips, which were sexy and wet from a kiss with him.

"They did because when they first got married they weren't like us," Alexa replied, remembering the story of Ethan and Luna.

"Isn't Luna already pregnant, so she has to marry Ethan?" Andrew asked.

Alexa sat on the edge of the bed then replied, "yes, but they didn't make love again until five months of marriage."


"Yes, Ethan has to make Luna fall in love first. I only found out when they loved each other," Alexa explained.

Andrew nodded in understanding then glanced at his watch which showed 09:33 am. "Honey, we should go back to my parents' house for a while to say goodbye, after that, we go to Ethan's house," he said.

"I'm still nervous about meeting my mother-in-law," Alexa said, bending her face.

Andrew chuckled glancing at Alexa who now looked gloomy. "Don't be afraid, Mommy is like Mrs. Dina who is humble and likes you as a daughter-in-law," he said with confidence.

"Really? How do you know that mom likes me?" asked Alexa.

"Because only you are worthy of me, you are unique and accept me as I am. Which mother-in-law is not grateful to have a daughter-in-law like you?" Andrew reassured while embracing Alexa from the side.

"But I can't cook." Alexa was gloomy again.

"No problem, you can learn to cook with Sintia," said Andrew.

"Ha? Who is Sintia?" Alexa asked with a probing look.

"She's the maid at home," Andrew replied.

Alexa nodded in understanding then sighed. "Well, we're going home now," she said.

Andrew nodded in agreement. Alexa immediately took her bag, while Andrew carried a suitcase containing Alexa's wedding dress. They immediately got out of the hotel which had been a silent witness to their sacred night together.


Ethan drives his car at high speed towards Jakarta, occasionally he turns to Luna who still looks angry. The man wanted to stop at a cafe or restaurant because he was very hungry but hesitated because he was afraid that his wife would be very angry.

"How about we buy souvenirs for the people at home, for Keenan and Keyra too?" asked Ethan for an opinion.

"It's up to you," answered Luna, still curtly, reluctant to even glance at Ethan at all.

Ethan nodded and chose to remain silent because if he spoke it would only fuel Luna's anger which was difficult to extinguish. The man stopped his sports car at a mini-market, then turned to look at his wife who was still looking away.

"Aren't you coming down?" asked Ethan.

"No," said Luna.

Ethan sighed then decided to go down and shop by himself, he walked into the mini-market that wasn't too crowded.

"Today's going to be a chocolate party," Ethan muttered as he walked down a shelf filled with various kinds of chocolate snacks, various types of chocolate cakes, chocolate milk, and cocoa powder, and all ingredients all chocolate.

'I'll make her favorite chocolate cake, hopefully with that, she won't be angry anymore,' thought Ethan hopefully.

Luna plays her smartphone in the car while waiting for Ethan who is shopping, she smiles seeing Shandra's Instagram post which shows a portrait of a baby boy wearing a tiny sweater and wearing a hat.

"He will be Keenan and Keyra's brother," Luna muttered imagining her niece who was not even one month old. Yes, Shandra gave birth right after returning from Singapore. That's why Shandra couldn't attend Andrew and Alexa's wedding.

After seeing the post, Luna put her smartphone back into the small bag she always carried.

"Ethan took so long, what are you shopping for?" Luna chuckled in annoyance while glancing at the door of the mini-market. Instantly Luna froze when she saw a familiar figure coming out of the mini-market.


Luna immediately got out of the car and chased Sarah who was walking across the street.

"Sarah!" Luna called while crossing the street which was quite crowded with vehicles. Until arriving at the other side of the road, Luna could not find Sarah.

"Where is she? She went so fast." Luna looked around looking for Sarah's whereabouts, but couldn't find her. She decided to cross back to the mini-market.

Ethan, who had finished shopping, saw Luna walking from the street with an angry look on her face.

"Where are you from?" asked Ethan.

"Chasing Sarah," replied Luna.

"Sarah? Where did you see her?" asked Ethan a little frantically.

Luna leaned her body against the body car then replied, "Didn't you see it at the mini-market? I saw her coming out of the mini-market, I chased her but the street was too busy, when I crossed, I couldn't find her anymore."

Ethan looked at the road that was indeed crowded with passing vehicles. "That means she lives around here. K will ask Richard to find information about her in this area," he said.

"Yeah, I'm very curious about the condition of her son." Luna nodded in agreement because after returning from Singapore, she and Ethan wanted to meet Sarah and see how the baby was, but when they got to Hans' house, the house was empty and sealed.

"We'd better go home first," Ethan shouted then got into the car and put his shopping in the back seat. Luna also immediately entered and sat beside Ethan. They immediately continued their journey back to Jakarta with a different atmosphere.

Luna is no longer angry because she is curious about Sarah, she wonders why Sarah goes to the mini market on foot. Sarah looked pale and dressed less neatly and extravagantly than usual.

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