The cool morning atmosphere adds to the cold atmosphere of Bandung, which has been raining since last night, even now the sun is still hiding behind a cloudy sky, maybe it will rain again? If so, maybe Luna should stay in the hotel for a while like this.

Luna woke up and glanced at Ethan who was holding her possessively, the man seemed reluctant to let her move from his side. The woman could hear her husband's breath which was sexy and handsome."Hot daddy." That's the only word that can describe Ethan.


Luna touched Ethan's cheek then leaned down to kiss his forehead." Honey, it's morning, we better get ready to go home," whispered Luna.

"It's cold, I'm still comfortable like this," said Ethan in a lazy tone, he even tightened his embrace on Luna, burying his face into his wife's springy chest.

Luna sighed then yawned again, it seemed she was still sleepy too. The woman pulled the blanket up to cover her naked body with her husband up to her neck.

Finally, Luna went back to sleep, because the atmosphere was so cold and indeed very sleepy. Last night, Ethan kept her up until three in the morning, fighting in the heat for ten rounds. maybe her waist is sore too.___

Elsewhere, in a different hotel room, Alexa wakes up and realizes that Andrew is not with her. He glanced towards the bathroom and heard the sound of running water."He must be taking a shower," Alexa guessed then sat up, glancing at the bathrobe she wore last night on the floor.

Alexa smiled remembering how Andrew had treated her so gently, last night's kisses and kisses seemed to haunt her. The girl who is now not a virgin and has become a wife can't hide the happy hue on her face, she gets out of bed by covering her naked body with a thick, plain white blanket.

"Ouch...!" Alexa winced in pain and sat back on the edge of the bed when she felt pain in her lower body.


Andrew came out wearing only a towel to his waist, he approached Alexa who looked uncomfortable sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Why are you sick?" asked Andrew worriedly, looking down to find out the truth about what was going on with his wife.

"It's okay," Alexa replied with an awkward smile.

"Seriously?" Andrew confirmed.

Alexa nodded and stood back up. "I want to take a shower, you should also quickly change clothes, I want to have breakfast outside after taking a shower," she exclaimed.

"Okay," Andrew replied with a nod, but he still looked at Alexa with worry and gold.

Alexa walked back slowly and was still in pain. "Awww ...." she sat back on the edge of the bed.

Andrew was worried."I'll prepare warm water for you," he said then walked to the bathroom.

Alexa took a deep breath, then took her smartphone which was on the nightstand beside the bed.

"I have to ask Luna about ways to not get pain again," Alexa muttered then tried to contact Luna. Eh, but she disobeyed. 'It's embarrassing, I'd better look for info on the internet,' she thought. for a while looking for information on the internet.

Alexa's eyes fell on Andrew who had come out of the bathroom and approached her and immediately carried her.

"Drew, I can walk by myself, put me down," Alexa exclaimed while looking at Andre shyly. imagine, the tomboyish girl gets a sweet treatment, of course, contrary to her usual attitude with a brutal attitude.

"Just one step you're in pain, I can't bear to let you step many times and in pain many times," Andrew said then walked to the bathroom without lowering Alexa.

Alexa wrapped her arms around Andrew's neck. she couldn't hide her happiness for her husband's sweet treatment, even the smile never faded from her naturally beautiful face.

Arriving in the bathroom, Andrew put Alexa down. "Soak in that warm water, surely the pain will go away and..."

"And what?" asked Alexa who was still covering her body with the blanket.

"And we're going to Jakarta," Andrew replied then caught Alexa's not-so-chubby cheeks.

"Aren't mommy and daddy still at Ethan's?" he asked.

"Yes, they will return to Singapore tomorrow morning," Alexa replied a little sad because she would be separated from her parents. In fact, since the first never separated at all.

Andrew immediately pulled Alexa in his arms. "Don't be sad, we will often go there to visit them," he said.

"No need, it will cost a lot of money and I don't want to waste it," Alexa said as she let go of Andrew's arms.

Andrew smiled faintly then said, "Ethan's salary is more than enough just to support you and travel to Singapore every week."

"Really?" Alexa looked up at Andrew who was 15 cm taller than her.

"Of course, he paid me quite a lot, and that's enough to pamper you, buy whatever you want," Andrew explained with a relieved smile.

"In that case, hiring a maid would be fine too, right?" Asked Alexa considering she couldn't cook yet.

"You can, did you forget that at my house there is already a maid?" Andrew asked again.

Alexa smiled amusedly. "I forget."

Andrew pinched both of Alexa's cheeks with exasperation. "You're so sweet and I'm so excited. if you're not sick, I'll make love to you here," he said later.

Alexa widened her eyes and imagined her lower body, which had not healed, had to receive Andrew's huge talisman. "No, we'll do it when we've moved to your house," she said spontaneously.

"Oh, you already made a schedule. I can't wait to get you moving there soon." Andrew smiled then looked down and kissed Alexa's lips.

Alexa returned the kiss by closing her eyes, her hands slowly wrapped around Andrew's neck, until the blanket that wrapped her body fell unconsciously. She immediately let go of Andrew's kiss, then took the blanket to cover her naked body.

"Haha, why? Don't be shy, I saw it all last night." Andrew chuckled seeing Alexa still embarrassed by him.

"Eh, I just don't want you to be excited anymore while I still can't serve you," Alexa said nervously, then glanced at the bathtub that was already filled with warm water. "You better get out now, I have to soak before the water gets cold," she said later.

"How about we take a bath together, hm?" Andrew asked as he brought his face closer to Alexa's with a seductive smile.

Alexa instantly felt heat on her face, imagining that she would throw herself into the bathtub with Andrew. 'It's like in romantic movies, but I'm afraid he will enter me again,' she thought angrily.

Andrew smiled then stroked Alexa's hair fondly. "Don't think too much about it, because I was just kidding," he said then walked towards the door.

"Drew," Alexa called. She won't know why she doesn't feel willing to let Andrew go just like that.

Andrew turned his head to look at Alexa who was now three meters away from him. "What?" He asked.

"Em, bathing together seems like it would be fun," she said nervously. She is afraid of getting pain but is addicted to the intimacy that occurs when having a husband and wife relationship.

"Are you sure?" Andrew asked as he walked back to Alexa.

Alexa just nodded then took off the blanket that wrapped her body, then went into the bathtub. Andrew also happily followed after Alexa, although he wasn't sure he could stop himself from crushing his wife. 

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