At two o'clock in the afternoon Indonesian time, Ethan and Richard were resting at a cafe, they sat eating snacks while drinking coffee. Ethan had to take a short break to drink coffee so he could hold back his sleepiness, occasionally the man yawned and his eyes were a little red.

"Are you sick?" asked Richard.


"No, I'm just sleepy," replied Ethan then drank his coffee little by little.

"I think we'd better go back to the first hospital I visited with Mrs. Dina," said Richard while holding his chin, he seemed to be thinking.

"Why to go there, obviously Sarah and the baby aren't there?" asked Ethan.

"This is a strategy, sometimes a thief will run to a place where the police have been, thinking the police will not come back to that place again," explained Richard, likening Hans to a thief.

Ethan smiled faintly at Richard who likened Hans to a thief. "Ghost, but he's not a thief. Where would a thief steal his grandson?"

"Just an illustration. I'm pretty sure he's in that hospital," said Richard.

Dirt... dret...!

Ethan took his smartphone which was in his leather jacket pocket, then saw an incoming call from Frans.

"Hello, Frans," said Ethan when he was connected to Frans.

"Ethan, I've found the hospital of Sarah's baby," Frans said over the phone.

"Where?" asked Ethan enthusiastically.

"Ananda hospital. You better hurry here, because Mr. Hans is not accompanying the baby, I am waiting for you."

Tut... tut... tut.

The call was disconnected, Ethan immediately pocketed his smartphone back in his leather jacket. the man hastily finished his coffee.

"What is it?" asked Richard.

"Let's go to Ananda hospital now. The baby is still there," Ethan called out.

"My guess is correct." Richard also quickly finished his coffee.

Ethan got up from his chair and walked towards the parking lot followed by Richard. the man walked in while calling Tony.

"Hello, Tony, please take mom to Ananda hospital, now," Ethan called out when he connected with Tony.

"All right, sir," Tony replied over the phone.

Ethan immediately hung up the phone then got into the car, Richard also got in and immediately drove the car to Ananda hospital.


At the hospital, Frans and Viona were looking at Sarah's baby who was still in the incubator. Although not yet fully recovered, Viona insisted on joining Frans to visit Sarah's baby.

"He is very small, even smaller than Keenan and Keyra when they were born." Fiona looked at the baby boy pityingly.

"But he is already healthy, it's just that his weight is less than the standard size of a normal baby," said Frans, who knows so much about babies or pregnancy. The man glanced outside the room. "Ethan took a long time, if Mr. Hans found out, this baby would be taken away again," he continued nervously.


Frans turned to a beautiful doctor who was standing at the door, then approached him.

"How much longer will your friend be here? I broke the agreement by telling you where this baby is." The doctor looked furious. Maybe Hans had asked her to keep the baby's whereabouts a secret.

"If you get into trouble because of this, I will be responsible," Frans said seriously.

The doctor sighed and then glanced at Viona who had been watching Sarah's baby who was in the incubator.

"You said your wife was sick."

"She hasn't recovered yet, but is very adamant that she wants to come to see the baby," Frans explained.

The beautiful doctor nodded understandingly, then said goodbye to leave. Frans tried to contact Ethan again who never came, but when he tried to call, Ethan was seen walking up to him from a distance of about 15 meters.

"Where's my nephew?" asked Ethan enthusiastically.

"It's inside," said Frans, pointing to the nursery.

Ethan immediately walked into the nursery with Richard and Frans.

"Oh my God, he is so small and looks weak." Ethan looked at the baby with pity, he could see the baby was breathing unsteadily.

"Is Luna also coming here?" Fiona asked.

"No, she's still in Singapore," replied Ethan then turned to look at Frans who was standing behind him. "Is he going to be all right?" he asked.

Frank nodded. "He will be fine if he stays in the incubator until his body is strong. there is no abnormality, he is just malnourished and underweight," he explained later.

Naturally, the baby is malnourished, because while in the womb, the mother rarely eats or drinks and also because of the confused mind due to not accepting the death of the father.

"Where's Sarah?" asked Ethan.

"The doctor who told me about the whereabouts of this baby, Sarah is still critical and in the VIP room, Mr. Hans does not allow anyone to enter," explained Frans.

Ethan shook his head disapprovingly and mentioned the glass incubator, his eyes brimming with tears as he watched the baby get closer. 'If your father were still alive, he would be very happy to see you,' he thought regretfully.

Frans approached Viona. "We'd better wait outside," he called.

Viona nodded in agreement and left the nursery, leaving Ethan to stare at the baby alone.


Dina walked down the hospital corridor, she seemed rushed and enthusiastic because she was about to meet her grandson whom she had been looking for since yesterday. Arriving in front of the nursery, Dina approached Frans and Viona who were sitting in the waiting chair.


Viona immediately stood up and greeted Dina, as did Frans. "I also just found out Sarah's baby is here. So I came to see how she was," she explained.

Dinah nodded in understanding. "Yes, mommy wants to see the baby, now," she said then walked into the baby's room.


"He's so weak and small, Mom." Ethan was still staring at the baby.

Dina approached and looked at her granddaughter with pity. "Unfortunately, if Edward were still alive, he would love him very much," she said with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, Mom, although evil, Edward also has a soft heart. I can't help but regret his departure. Too bad for the baby, he was born without a father, even his mother is in critical condition." Ethan couldn't bear to imagine that if Sarah didn't survive, the baby would be an orphan.

"Sarah still critical?"

"Frans said so, but I don't know where she was treated," said Ethan.

Dinah sighed. "Hopefully Sarah gets better soon and can take care of the baby."

"If Mr. Hans allows, I want to take care of him, Mom. Luna certainly won't mind," said Ethan, continuing to stare at the baby.

"That's impossible, Tan. His grandfather just hid his whereabouts from us," Dina replied in a desperate tone.

Until a few moments Ethan and his mother saw the baby, they took advantage of the time when Hans had not arrived. they did not intend to take the baby even though they had been looking for it since yesterday, because the baby had the right to be cared for by its mother.

"Mommy will pay people to always monitor this baby when we return to Singapore. At least, mommy will know the situation even from afar," said Dina.

"Yes, Mom."

Drett, drett.

Ethan picked up his vibrating smartphone, then saw there was an incoming message from Richard who was outside the hospital.

__Quickly go, Mr. Hans is heading to the room, now__

Ethan put his smartphone back, then asked his mother to leave immediately. because if Hans found out, he was worried that the baby would be taken away somewhere.

"Hope you get well soon and become a strong child, grandma will always miss you," said Dina in her sobs while taking pictures of the baby in the incubator several times. she couldn't hide her sadness at having to be separated from the baby she'd been looking for since yesterday.

"Yes, Mom. I'm sure we will meet him again one day, he will be strong like Edward, he will survive and be a brother to Keenan and Keyra," said Ethan with tears that he didn't realize were falling.

Ethan and Dina immediately left the room before Hans arrived, as did Frans and Viona. They passed through another corridor so as not to run into Hans.

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