Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 237 - Realize The Sincerity Of His Love

Luna just stared blankly, remembering how Ethan tried to help her even though he was in pain until he was finally shot. Currently, she is on the way to the hospital with Arsha and Andrew. Ethan had been taken by an ambulance which would have been able to get to the hospital sooner.

The sound of an ambulance siren from a distance seemed to make Luna's body vibrate and she sobbed again, never imagining that the sounding car was carrying her dying husband.

'What if Ethan doesn't survive? I really can't afford to lose him. My God, give him strength, to endure and give me a chance, a chance to be a good wife.'

the image of her always making Ethan sad the last few months, seemed to keep wandering through Luna's mind. Of course, she regrets, making a husband as good as Ethan hurt because of her selfishness.

Arsha, who was beside Luna, looked at her with pity because she only wore skimpy clothes that already looked shabby. The man took off his leather jacket and put it on his sister-in-law.

"Put it on, so it doesn't get cold."

"Thank you."

"Ethan must be strong, he will survive for you and your kids," said Arsha, trying to calm her down.

"He is so good, whereas I only always hurt him, disappointed him. How can I repay all of this? What if he ....?" Luna couldn't continue her words and sobbed again.

"Calm yourself, Luna. Stay optimistic that he will stay alive. Promise yourself to fix your mistakes, even Ethan has to fix himself too. you are both still unstable, maybe this is a warning from God that you have to start from scratch to become a family that prioritizes the togetherness and happiness of your kids." Arsha advised, occasionally Andrew who was driving glanced at him.

"Yeah, I hope this isn't the end of everything. I want to live longer with him until I'm old, I won't waste our time together," Luna responded by trying to surrender and be patient because right now that was all she could do.


After almost an hour of travel, the ambulance carrying Ethan arrived at the hospital and was immediately rushed to the operating room to remove several bullets lodged in his shoulder.

In the operating room, the team of doctors changed Ethan's position in the prone position and installed medical equipment to help him survive while removing the bullet that was lodged in his back, even yesterday's stab wound had reopened and the stitches were damaged due to Edward's blowoverpowering.

After a few minutes, the ambulance carrying Edward also arrived and immediately took him to another operating room to get the bullet that was lodged in several parts of his body. The man's condition was worse than Ethan's, there was even a little chance that he would survive.


Luna arrived at the hospital and immediately limped along the corridor which was very quiet because it was one o'clock in the morning. He was with Andrew, Arsha, Richard, and several other bodyguards.

Arriving in front of the operating room, Luna sat in the waiting chair accompanied by Arsha and Richard, while Andrew bought food and drinks for the others. Because since searching, the bodyguards haven't had time to eat or rest.

"What took you so long? Is Ethan critical?" Luna glanced at the operating room door, which wasn't open yet.

"Pray for him to be strong," said Arsha, then glanced at Luna's bloody feet, even though they had dried up. "Luna, you are injured. We should go to the doctor to treat your wound," he said.

"No, I'll stay here waiting for Ethan," Luna replied, even though she forgot that her foot hurt.

Arsha sighed looking at Luna who also looked shabby with skimpy and dirty clothes, then he glanced at Richard who also looked at Luna pityingly.

"Richard, you should call Ethan's maid to bring Luna's clothes here," Arsha exclaimed.

"Yes, sir," Richard replied.

Arsha got up and walked to find a doctor to treat Luna for in the waiting chair because Luna didn't want to be invited to move.


After calling Ira, Richard sat down next to Luna again. He looked pityingly at his master then remembered that he had promised to return the necklace Ethan had given him.

Richard reached into his leather jacket pocket to retrieve the small box Ethan had given him after a failed dinner with Luna. He was forced to accept the gift because it would be a shame to throw it away.

"Mrs. Luna, this is yours." Richard handed the small box to Luna.

Luna, who was still sobbing, frowned at the small box. "Mine?"

"Yes. Mr. Ethan wanted to give this to you as a gift for your wedding anniversary, but because that night you didn't come, he gave it to me. At first, I refused, but he would throw it away. So, I took it and promised myself to give it to you, it's yours." Richard explained.

Luna silently glanced at the small box then took it. she opened it and looked inside with tears in her eyes, it was a diamond necklace with a pendant that said "E&L" of course it was her and Ethan's initials.

Luna cried again and buried the necklace into her arms, she leaned back helplessly remembering her carelessness to forget the important day of her wedding anniversary with Ethan.

"Richard, I was so mean to him, but at that time I completely forgot and didn't hear a call from him. In the morning, I just read all the messages and I wanted to apologize, but instead, there was a woman who misbehaved with Ethan and in the end, I misunderstood."

Richard sighed, looking at Luna who continued to regret. "I know that, but he has nothing to do with the model," he said later.

"Yes, Richard, she was just Bastian's orders. All the chaos happened not only because of Edward but because of Bastian as well. and stupidly I've been so carried away by their trick that I don't trust Ethan, I'm so stupid."

Luna kept blaming herself while continuing to cry and cry. She wants to see Ethan and apologize for her behavior.

"He must forgive you because he loves you very much, I have witnessed all this time. During our stay in the apartment, he never stopped thinking about you, in fact, he often asked me for opinions on how to deal with your attitude. he's trying so hard to contain her jealousy and emotional attitude." Richard continued to tell the story, hoping that Luna would turn into a better wife.

"Hopefully he survives and I will be a good wife for him," Luna promised with all regret. "I'm going to stop doing things he doesn't like," she continued, wiping her tears.

Richard was relieved at the promise. "I'm sure he will stay because he's a strong man."

Arsha came with doctors and nurses who brought some medical equipment, they approached Luna and immediately treated Luna's feet on the spot.

The doctor came out of the operating room and approached Luna's group.

"With Ethan's family?"

"Yes, Doc."

Arsha got up and approached the doctor, while Luna was still receiving treatment for her foot.

"The patient lost a lot of blood, we need a donor for him because the stock of blood with a suitable group for him is very low," said the doctor worriedly.

"What's your blood type?"

"O positive," replied the Doctor. "If one of you has the same blood type as him, you can donate right now, because it's an emergency," he continued.

Arsha turned to look at the group of bodyguards there, as well as Luna.

"Does anyone have blood type O positive, I beg you to help Ethan by donating your blood," said Luna sadly. 

"My blood type is O positive." Richard stood up.

"Me, too." This time Johan also stood up.

"I beg you to donate your blood to Ethan, you are my hope. I will give you a bigger salary, I beg you to donate your blood," Luna asked.

"Of course, we will donate our blood voluntarily," said Richard then glanced at Johan who nodded in agreement.

"Thank you."

Luna smiled in relief full of emotion. Richard and Johan were immediately invited by the nurse to have their blood drawn according to what Ethan needed.

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