At night, Luna had just put Keenan and Keyra to sleep. She is at home all day because there is no schedule and she is not feeling well. 'If it turned out like this, I wouldn't drink that damn champagne,' she thought to herself.

currently, Luna was in the upstairs room, cursing herself for having gone mad because she saw Evelyn on Ethan's lap, instead of drinking champagne, even though she realized the drink was intoxicating and she wasn't used to it. The incident made her remember when she was drunk and mistakenly entered Ethan's room, then a hot scene occurred without her knowing it.

'It's a good thing Bastian didn't take this opportunity to harass me, at least what happened in the past doesn't happen again.'



Ethan entered the room wearing only shotts and shirtless, he looked sweaty and the muscles in his stomach, chest, and arms seemed to be increasingly tempting women's faith, it seemed he had just done sports when he wasn't in the office anymore.

Luna looked lazily at Ethan who was now walking towards the bathroom, seeing him sexy like that even reminded him of Evelyn who had sat on his lap. The woman turned away and chose to play with her smartphone.

'Going back to being cold, what can I do? I have been given freedom, I have fulfilled all my wishes, I even tried to remain patient even though she was close to her ex. If Evelyn hadn't come, maybe tonight would have been a good night for us.'

Ethan was frustrated with Luna's cold attitude again, he went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting his body splashed with cold water, removing the plasters stuck to his arms and neck.

in the room,

Luna played on her smartphone, saw a collection of photos during fashion shows, during photo shoots, and much more. Sometimes, she smiles seeing her self-portrait return to popularity in just a short time. at least seeing the portraits of the realization of dreams, made her forget a little about her family problems.

Drett ... drett ....

Suddenly there was an incoming message from Bastian, Luna immediately read the message.

___sorry, for being presumptuous and being unpleasant. I promise I won't do it again, but still be my friend, I won't force you to accept me again___

Luna let out a shaky breath. 'Men are only good at making promises, almost all of them. As far as I know, it's only dad and Arsha who don't have a bad trace in my eyes,' she thought.

Luna chose to ignore the message and continued playing with her smartphone by reading online novels.


Ethan came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel up to his waist, he glanced at Luna who was still cool with her smartphone. The man immediately took the clothes in the closet, then put them on, combed his hair which was still a bit wet, then followed his wife to the bed.



"Can't I touch you?"


Seeing Luna who was still cold and reluctant to be touched, Ethan chose to remain silent and lay down some distance from Luna. At least, he was grateful that his wife didn't leave and let him sleep beside him even though she didn't want to be touched.

Ethan tilted his position, looking at Luna who was busy reading without caring that she was sad. "Are you still mad at me?"

"So what?" asked Luna curtly.

"What should I do to get you back to how you used to be? I miss the sweet and caring you, you as usual..." Ethan was so sad.

"The old Luna is already dead, just when you ignored her and let her dissolve in solitude!" Luna emphasized.

"I know I was wrong, but is there no forgiveness from you for me? Do you hate me so much that you don't want to go back to how it used to be? You're different." Ethan looked at Luna with teary eyes, he seemed to be tormented by his wife's attitude, his longing for the harmony that used to be shackled.

"I tried to forgive, but again you were careless and hurt me." Luna moved to change her position with her back to Ethan.

"What should I do to get you back? I'm really in pain if this continues?" Ethan began to sob.

"I don't know, I just want to calm down. Don't spoil my mood, I've had enough of what happened to us lately! I can't get rid of that damn model image when I see your face!" Luna got out of bed and walked out of the room, leaving Ethan alone in grief. Oh my God, she had the heart. I hope Ethan can be patient.


In her room, Sarah cried and kept crying. The image of last night, when Edward spoiled her seemed to keep wandering through her mind.

"It's only been a while since I felt the warmth of our family, why do you even have to languish in prison? your brother is so outrageous! just for the sake of being happy with Luna, he had the heart to imprison you!" Sarah had a monologue with herself, cursing Ethan's outrageous attitude. If she had known, 

Ethan would have done that because Edward had overstepped his bounds. She only knows about the case of cutting the brake cable to make Ethan hurt, about Bom and others, she doesn't know.

"Luna is a disaster! If Edward and I can't be together, then Luna can't be happy with Ethan either!"

Sarah is really angry every time she remembers Luna's face which has always been a scourge for her household. I don't know what she will do to Ethan and Luna, it seems that a grudge has begun to burn in her heart for not accepting Edward's imprisonment.


in the detention jail, Edward slept curled up on the floor without wearing any mat. The three occupants who had beaten him did not give him a mat or pillow, it made him want to lie down on the cold floor, feeling his body achy from being beaten.

'God has been so unfair to me, making Ethan always a winner. He has everything, even the woman I love has chosen him.' Edward didn't flinch while imagining how smooth Ethan's life story was, compared to his own.

'God has also taken my mother, father ... I was always alone, my life seemed meaningless. Mommy Dina only gives false attention, for me, no stepmother loves her stepdaughter as much as her biological child! She's not fair!'

Edward cursed his fate again while feeling the cold atmosphere and his aching body. Edward was just a poor man, maybe if he had a biological mother who was still alive and didn't think badly of Dina as a surrogate mother, he could control himself from envy and jealousy.


Luna moved to Keenan and Keyra's room, she wasn't ready to be touched by Ethan yet, because she still remembered what happened this morning.

Luna missed her mother and sister who always gave advice when she was in trouble. She contacted her sister. Because if she contacted her mother, she was afraid that she would be a burden and would make her mother sick.

"Hello, Sis," said Luna, when she was connected to Shandra.

"Hello, Luna. It's a lot of calls at this time of night."

"Yeah, I'm just missing it, we rarely see each other." Luna didn't talk about the problem, she remembered that her sister was pregnant, it was unethical to tell her about her burden. She was afraid that her sister would think about it, considering that every time she was hit by a problem, she would be bothered to solve it

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