Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 213 - Misunderstandings That Make Them Dizzy


Ethan was still dizzy thinking about Luna, who had dinner with Bastian last night. Even though tries to busy himself to forget about problems like he usually does, he still can't get rid of the image of Luna's portrait with Bastian.

tock ... tock...

"Come in!" cried Ethan.

The door opened, Nathalie walked into Ethan with a file.

"Soon you will have a meeting with Mr. Hendra, sir," said Nathalie, glancing at Ethan, who didn't look well.

Ethan let out a shaky breath. "You just have a meeting, tell him that I'm not feeling well," he exclaimed later.

"But, sir...."

"Never mind, Nat. If you can represent it, just cancel it. I'm so dizzy." Ethan looked away, reluctant to accept Nathalie's excuse.

"Okay, if that is the case. because this is an important meeting, I will attend the meeting," said Nathalie resignedly, because if Ethan had shown such a disapproving expression, he couldn't even deny it.


Nathalie rushed out of Ethan's room feeling stoic. Yes, as a subordinate, you have to be steadfast in dealing with a boss who is not doing well.

After Nathalie left, Ethan leaned back in his oversized chair, closed his eyes, and tried to control his emotions. Because if not, maybe the things in front of him would be crushed because of his tantrum.


Ethan heard someone open the door to his room, but he didn't give permission. The man opened his eyes and stared in wonder at who had come.

"Damn... what dream am I? why is there such a cheap woman in my office?"

Ethan glared at the woman who was now standing directly across from his desk.

"Hi, Luna's husband, how are you after the separation? I didn't expect you to get a divorce." the woman immediately spoke nonsense, making Ethan even more annoyed.

"Who wants a divorce? Don't say anything carelessly!" Ethan snapped.

"Don't be too emotional, I got the news that you two will divorce from Luna's mouth. She's even started to get close to other men."

"Watch your tongue, Evelyn! Luna is a respectable woman, she won't say divorce without consulting me. And just so you know, Luna and I will never divorce!" Ethan confirmed with a sharp look. Evelyn's arrival spoiled his mood.

Evelyn took out her smartphone from her bag, then showed a portrait of Luna with a sexy male model. "Look at this, I know you don't like it when Luna dresses like this. But instead, she poses intimately with the male model. She should have refused the contract to keep your jealous feelings at bay!"

Ethan glanced at the photo of Luna with a man in workout clothes, looking affectionate and looking at each other. What infuriated him, even more, was that the male model touched Luna's bare waist.

'It's just a pose, I'm sure that Luna doesn't have a special relationship with the male model,' he thought while still trusting Luna.

Evelyn shifted her smartphone screen again until a photo of Luna having dinner with Bastian appeared. "Look at this, she even dared to have a romantic dinner with his ex-boyfriend. She doesn't think of you as a husband anymore. I feel so sorry for you, Ethan."

Ethan was silent with feelings of jealousy burning, then he remembered Richard's advice to stay calm, thinking maybe it wasn't a special dinner and sure that Luna would stay loyal.

"Enough... ENOUGH! Don't try to poison my mind, Evelyn. I trust my wife more than you! Better go and never come again!" Ethan glared furiously at Evelyn who was trying to influence him, his hand pointing at the door for her to come out.

"Ethan, why did you even kick me out? I showed Luna no good for you!" Evelyn instead circled the table to stand next to Ethan.

"Why come closer? Go away! I don't want to be near you!" said Ethan in a high-pitched voice and sharp eyes. He was sick of Evelyn who always approached him backstage, now suddenly came to his office.

Instead of leaving immediately, Evelyn sat on Ethan's lap and looked at his face with a sad look. "Ethan, don't you understand? I like you and I will be a better wife than Luna. Luna doesn't deserve you!"

Ethan glared at Evelyn as he tried to push her off his lap. "Get off my lap, Bitch!"

Evelyn instead wrapped her arms around Ethan's neck. Ethan struggled to try to get it off until he realized the door was open and he saw Luna staring at him silently.


Luna just stuttered, unable to say anything. He glared at Ethan with a smiling Evelyn glancing at her as if mocking her.


when Luna ran away, Ethan pushed Evelyn to the ground and hit the cake Luna threw earlier. As a result, Evelyn's clothes were smudged with disgust.

"You Bitch!"

Ethan immediately ran out of the room following Luna who had entered the elevator.

"Luna, WAIT!"

Ethan approached the elevator and it was already closed. He ran towards the emergency stairs until he almost fell several times.


In the elevator, Luna was still crying remembering Evelyn proudly smiling at her. "Why? Why are you with that damn Evelyn? She even hit me yesterday!"

Until the elevator opened, Luna immediately got out and ran towards the parking lot. She got into the car without asking Jack to drive her home.

Jack, realizing that Luna was already in the car, immediately approached and banged on the car window. "Mrs. Luna, open the door. Let me take you!"

Luna stared hatefully at the bodyguard. "It's useless you hired a bodyguard to not hurt me, but you hurt my heart instead." Luna immediately drove the car out of the parking lot, when she arrived on the road, she was driving at high speed instead of going home.

Ethan arrived on the ground floor gasping for air from the many emergency stairs. he ran towards the parking lot where Jack was restless because Luna was gone.

"Where's Luna?" asked Ethan frantically.

"She's gone, sir. I couldn't stop her," replied Jack

"FUCK! It's all because of that bitch!" Ethan kicked one of the tires of a parked car.

"Jack, get the security guard to drag the woman in my room. And don't let her set foot in this office again," Ethan shouted angrily.

"Yes sir."

Jack immediately entered the office, while Ethan got into his car and drove at high speed.

Jack and several security guards approached Evelyn who was walking out of Ethan's room.

They immediately grabbed Evelyn's hands and forced her out.


Evelyn struggled until Jack and the security guard let her go violently until she fell on the floor.

"FUCK YOU UP!" Evelyn cursed while glancing at Jack and the security guard.


Evelyn glared at Jack and the security guard who said rudely to her, she immediately stood up and walked towards the elevator with clothes smudged with cake.

"Hey, you don't deserve to go through there!" Jack walked over to Evelyn and pulled her towards the emergency stairs.

"LET ME GO!" Evelyn struggled, but Jack didn't care.

"You came out the stairs," said Jack.

Evelyn's eyes widened as she stared at the many stairs she had to walk to get out because Ethan's floor was on the twentieth floor. Her intention to tease Ethan instead discouraged him and had to struggle down many stairs and her clothes were very bad.


Luna drove her car to nowhere without direction. She cried and kept crying until she almost hit a hawker. She stopped and tried to calm herself down.

"What should I do? My husband is not a loyal man, I don't find the good side of him anymore. Possessive, angry, don't understand me, even making out with my enemy. I'm sick of him."

Luna returned to driving her car to a cafe, she stopped and entered the cafe with lazy steps, ordering some alcoholic drinks.

it seems that Luna will try to divert her sadness by getting drunk, because in the past when Edward hurt her, Vira always gave her alcohol so she could calm down a little and sleep soundly afterward.

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