Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 192 - Ethan And Edward's Annoying

"Are you jealous seeing them together?" Frans asked when Edward and Sarah had left the room.

"No," replied Viona with a flat look as she put the paper bag containing the food on the table.

Frans smiled faintly when he saw Viona's expression which was covering her annoyance when she saw Edward and Sarah together, he didn't deny that his lover might still feel a little jealous when saw her ex-husband with his new wife. the man understands, it is not easy to forget people who have made love in marriage bonds, there will be jealousy or irritation that will arise when they meet again and bring another partner.

"If you're jealous or upset, I can understand that, Viona." Frans pulled Viona to sit on his lap.

"Frans!" Viona was surprised by Frans' aggressive attitude. "Don't be like this, later a nurse or someone comes in, I'll be embarrassed!"

"No one dares to enter without confirmation from me, dear." Frans touched Viona's pink lips with his thumb, then kissed her for a moment.

Viona, who could not refuse, could only accept the kiss while replying.

"Sweet." Frans bit Viona's lower lip.

"Kissed early in the morning," Viona muttered, glancing at Frans, who always took the opportunity to kiss her in the morning when they met.

"It's a shame to miss it." Frans smiled faintly, wrapped his arms around Viona's waist, then glanced at the paper bag on the table. "What did you bring?" he asked.

"Breakfast for you," said Viona as she let go of Frans' arms, she got off her lap and sat on another chair across from the table.

"It's like having a wife, breakfast is served every morning," said Frans with an amused smile. "When are you willing to marry me, dear?" he asked.

"I don't know," replied Viona as she took the food box from the paper bag.

"Are you not convinced of my love and seriousness?" Frans asked while watching Viona who was opening the food box. his girlfriend brought crispy chicken with chili sauce and rice, then brought two small boxes of Coco pandan dessert.

Viona just smiled faintly, glancing at Frans, who almost every time she met asked her to marry. the man seemed impatient to be her husband, even though she was sure, but still wanted to feel the beauty of dating.

"It's better to have breakfast first because in 30 minutes I will go to the office," said Viona while preparing a portion for Frans, as well as for herself.

"Honey, don't keep me waiting too much," Frans exclaimed, glancing at Viona with pleading eyes.

"There comes a time when I will accept you, Frans. We still have to introduce ourselves to our family, because their blessing is very important," Viona said seriously.

"My family is in Switzerland, would you like to come with me to introduce yourself?" asked France.

"Of course," replied Viona casually.

Frans smiled in relief, then asked again, "when are you willing to go there?"

"Before New Year's Eve, it looks like enjoying New Year's Eve there will be very impressive," replied Viona with a faint smile. She imagined seeing the beautiful fireworks that were always scattered in the sky on New Year's Eve in that cold country, with the man in front of her who always made her comfortable.

"That's a great idea, I will order tickets there well before the new year," Frans said enthusiastically. He imagined that would propose to Viona in front of his extended family, then watch the fireworks together with feelings of happiness. because he was sure the young unmarried in front of him would accept it.


Edward drove his car back to Hans's house because he had to drop Sarah first before leaving for the office. the man was driving at high speed, staring ahead with an uneasy feeling.

'It's that easy for other people to be happy in my suffering. Ethan, Luna, Viona, Mommy Dina. Everyone seems happy without ever considering me in this world!' Edward thought as he increased the speed of his car.

"Don't be too fast," cried Sarah, who had been watching Edward being annoyed. "Are you jealous that Viona has a boyfriend?" She asked.

"No," Edward snapped.

"Then why is this? You should just take it easy."

"Shut up, Sarah! Or I'll drop you off here," Edward shouted with a sharp glance.

Sarah exhaled roughly, looked away, and chose to remain silent while gazing at the view of the busy streets of Jakarta because it was still early, many people started their activities. there was an upset in her heart because she just felt relieved of her husband's attention, had to run aground again because accidentally met Viona.


In his office, Ethan, Andrew, and several police officers investigate the room that exploded last night. there isn't a single piece of evidence that points to Edward as the culprit, which makes it hard to catch him.

Because accusing without evidence, will only expose him to a case of defamation.

"So it was a bomb, not a short course or anything?" asked Ethan to make sure. now he and the police have moved to his workspace.

"Yes, sir. Based on the evidence of the remnants of the explosion from inside, we believe it was a bomb. Luckily the bomb was not of high strength," explained the police with authority.

Andrew just thought about who could be blamed for last night's events, because all this time he also understood that Ethan had no enemies other than Edward.

Ethan remained motionless while massaging his forehead because he felt dizzy. unknown perpetrator, suspicious of Edward, Luna's attitude that always blames herself and sometimes blames him, endless jealousy because Luna is always close to other male models, as well as many important files that are damaged, even lost due to the explosion. oh my god, that guy can get frustrated!

"Then do an ongoing investigation, because I feel so threatened," Ethan exclaimed.

"All right, sir," replied the policeman. "Then we say goodbye," he continued.

Ethan nodded, the police immediately left. Andrew sat down in the chair opposite Ethan's desk. He looked at Ethan with pity, who was dizzy because of the problems that kept happening, from the household, as well as other terror cases.

"You must be patient. Everything will be revealed." Andrew tried to strengthen.

"I suspect Edward," Ethan said blankly, then glanced at Andrew. "Find a spy to investigate him," he cried.

"Okay, I suspect him too, because he's your only enemy," Andrew replied.

Ethan sighed. "I never intended to be against him. everything just happened unexpectedly."

"Still he should be arrested after we have evidence of his crime," said Andrew.

"After this, come with me to hire a bodyguard. I have to make sure Luna and my kids are safe. because I'll be busy in the office taking care of the chaos caused by last night's incident," said Ethan curtly. He was really upset and stressed by what happened, but being patient was his choice. Because if not, maybe anything in front of him would be destroyed because of his tantrum.

Andrew nodded obediently because that was his job as Ethan's right-hand man.

Ethan got up from the chair and walked out of the room. "We should have breakfast, after that goes to the bodyguard service company," he said.

Andrew followed Ethan obediently.

Ethan walked away blankly. What scared him was the words of Luna, who complained that she was tired because Edward kept pestering her. the man did not want his wife to give up and leave him because even though he was always ignored, he still loved her. ugh... that means you have to struggle!

'I will make you endure and feel comfortable again. I won't let you suffer because it all started with my actions that presumptuously snatched your chastity,' he thought regretfully.

"You're the one driving, I'm so dizzy," Ethan shouted as he reached the parking lot.


Andrew immediately got in the car and sat in the driver's seat, while Ethan sat in the passenger seat.

While on the way to the restaurant, Ethan just stood still feeling tired and his eyes filled with tears. he remembered how much Luna had suffered because of Edward's abandonment, then he snatched her chastity unconsciously, ignored her because of blind jealousy, let her struggle to conceive with feelings of depression is loneliness, forced cesarean section, fell down the stairs, and is currently not back comfortable because Edward was still holding a grudge. Ethan continues to be haunted by all the suffering Luna has witnessed.

'I'm a disaster for you, Luna, but let me prove that I can make you comfortable and not afraid anymore. I hope you don't give up because of this problem,' Ethan thought without realizing it, clear tears escaped from his eyelids. The man with the dashing body was crying without caring for Andrew, who might have seen him through the glass

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