Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 184 - Ethan's Disappointments

When got home, Luna immediately took a shower and put on pajamas with plain pink long sleeves, and let her hair flow beautifully without wearing make-up on her face. She rushed over to the twins in the downstairs room who were probably already asleep while Ethan was taking a shower.

"Anna, are they cranky?" asked Luna when she passed Anna in the living room.

"No, Ma'am. It seems they are used to staying all day, so they don't fuss anymore," answered Anna politely.

Luna breathed a sigh of relief, even though it was the first time she came home too late. "Tonight you just sleep in your room, let Keenan and Keyra take care of me," she said.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Anyway, where's the Gita?" asked Luna.

"Sleep in the room, Ma'am. she's not feeling well," answered Anna.

"Really? Is she tired?" asked Luna, raising her eyebrows. she feels bad when her babysitter is sick because of the hassle of taking care of her babies.

"Looks like she caught a cold," replied Anna.

Luna sighed, then massaged her forehead because she felt tired and dizzy from lack of sleep too. "Later I will call the family doctor to come to check it out," she said.

"Yes, ma'am."

Luna immediately went to the twins' room, while Anna returned to her room.

Arriving at the twins' room, Luna approached them one by one in the crib. 'Sorry, love. Mom came home late. Tomorrow I promise to come home early and play with you," she said sadly, then kissed them one by one.


It looks like Ethan already looks fresher because he has taken a shower. He wore silver basic pants combined with white blush and had combed his hair neatly. The man approached Luna who was seeing Keenan and Keyra who was still sleeping.

"Did they just sleep?" asked Ethan.

"It's been possible since I came here, they're already sleeping," answered Luna languidly, then walked to the bed not far from the baby's crib. "I'm tired, I want to sleep," she said as she lay down, then hugged the bolster.

Ethan sighed, then followed Luna on the bed, lying down beside her "Tomorrow is the weekend, will you still work?" he asked.

"There is a shooting schedule at two in the afternoon," answered Luna without turning her head, she was in a position with her back to Ethan.

"How about we take Keenan and Keyra to the playground, do you have time?" asked Ethan as he put his arm around Luna's waist.

"Maybe I can, because I also want to entertain them before I go to work," Luna replied, then removed Ethan's hand from her waist. "I'm so sleepy, honey. Don't ask for your rights, I'm tired," she continued languidly.

Ethan sighed, then moved his back to Luna. "You almost have time for me lately."

"Are you complaining? You said it doesn't matter if I return to my career, yes, I'm like this when I'm busy, the most important thing is that I still have time and kindness for Keenan and Keyra." Luna spoke curtly without changing her position. She felt tired, even worse because Ethan quipped busy.

"But I'm your husband," Ethan whispered.

"Yeah, I know. But do I have to pamper you every day? I used to need you, but you ignored me, I kept quiet! So don't complain too much about now and then, didn't you promise?" Luna started to get annoyed and distanced herself from Ethan.

"Why even insinuate old problems? Yes I know I was wrong, you don't need to keep sarcasm at me. I've tried to fulfill all your wishes." Ethan glanced at Luna who increasingly felt different to him. his wife was only good at certain times.

Luna sat down, then looked annoyed at Ethan who interrupted her rest. "Aren't you tired? Don't want to sleep? Why are you looking for trouble when I need a break?"

Ethan stared at Luna who was starting to look angry. "Okay, I'll shut up," he said, then covered his face with the pillow.

Luna lay back down again, trying to close her eyes again, but it became difficult because she was already dizzy. After all, she had had a short sleep and was disturbed by Ethan.

Ethan couldn't sleep yet, he stayed under the pillow feeling disappointed, 'must like this be your husband? You have forgotten your promise to remain a good mother and wife,' he thought.

Luna, who couldn't sleep, just didn't move while playing with her smartphone. She looked at the photos taken a few days ago and posted them on Instagram. there are many comments of support and praise from her fans who are happy for her return to the modeling world.

'She prefers to chat with fans than with me. Oh God, I have to be self-aware because she deserves to be happy like that because I used to take her happiness away,' Ethan secretly glanced at Luna who was doing a live broadcast on Instagram. He tried to contain his anger at being ignored.

Until midnight, Luna could only sleep while Ethan had been asleep since earlier. there were no hot scenes there was only Ethan's deepening disappointment in Luna.


In the morning, Ethan got up first because his two babies had woken up too. He didn't dare to wake Luna, because it would only make her annoyed and angry. so he invited the twins to enjoy the cool air again in the garden next to the house while giving him formula milk that Anna had made because Gita was sick.

Luna blinked in the glare, she squirmed, then got up lazily from her bed. The young mother walked to the crib to see the twins, but they were gone.

"Ethan must have taken her out and fed them with formula milk," Luna muttered curtly because she didn't like it when her child was formula-fed, even though she was still at home.

Luna walked to the upstairs room, then to the bathroom to wash her face. After that, he changed her clothes into sports clothes, then came back out to Ethan who was giving milk to Keenan and Keyra.

"Good Morning." Ethan saw Luna who was fresher and changed clothes.

"You should have woken me up, let me breastfeed them because if I'm at home, they don't need to drink formula milk," said Luna with a disappointed look, then carried Keenan and rocked him.

"I think you're still soundly asleep, I couldn't bear to wake you up. And you'll be angry if your sleep is disturbed," replied Ethan while feeding Keyra milk with a pacifier.

"I won't be mad if I wake up quickly for them, because they need me." luna kissed Keenan who was already looking bigger, could even laugh when she tried to comfort him. The baby was almost able to prone then lay back down again and looked even more adorable.

Ethan sighed, glancing at Luna who always blamed him. 'I need you too, Luna. I miss you being sweet and always spoiling me,' he thought with a sad look.

Ethan missed every moment when Luna upped him. Feeding him, sleeping in his arms, always being sweet, even obeying all his wishes. the man felt he had lost the beautiful side of his wife who had been with him for almost a year. Even the honeymoon plans were delayed again because his wife preferred to be busy with shooting schedules and reasoned that Keenan and Keyra were still too young to be invited to travel around several countries

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