In her room, Viona lay down while hugging a small photo of the ultrasound of her fallen fetus. Even though she tried to close her eyes to fall asleep quickly, she still couldn't. The image of when Edward was still being affectionate to rude, seemed to keep wandering through her mind. This year has been hard for her, painful events are more often felt than pleasant.

"If mom wasn't careless, maybe you would still be there and cheer me on at this difficult time." viona looked down at the black and white abstract photo with a small dot in the middle. Yes, it was her baby who was still small. Even so, she already felt very dear to her, felt lost over her miscarriage.

Drett ... dre.....

Viona's smartphone which was located under the pillow vibrated.

Viona immediately took the smartphone and saw, there was an incoming call from Dr. Frans. 'Why is he calling at this time of night?' She thought, then answered the call.


"Hello, Viona. you haven't slept or woken up because of a call from me?" asked Frans from the phone.

"I haven't slept yet," Viona replied as she put the small photo on the table. "So what?" She asked.

"Come out for a moment, I'm in front of your gate," said Frans.

Viona was startled and immediately got out of bed. She walked to the window and opened the curtains.

Frans, who was still wearing his medical attire, was standing, leaning against the car. 'Gosh! Why did he come at this time of night?' Viona thought as she swallowed her saliva.

"Viona, hello...."

"Hello, Frans."

Viona returned to focus on her phone with Frans while watching from the window.

"Come out for a minute, I have something important to say," Frans called out pleadingly.

"But it's late, Frans. We'll talk tomorrow." Viona looked furious. even though no one forbade him to go out at any time, she felt doubtful and unprepared. Moreover, she only wore pink pajamas with a picture of a teddy bear and her face was not wearing the right make-up to meet people she was not used to meet.

"I can't because tomorrow I have the assignment to go out of town to check on pregnant women in the countryside," said Frans, sounding irritated, then said again, "I beg you to come out for a moment."

Viona bit her lower lip as she continued to stare at Frans from the window. she could see that the man looked agitated because he wanted her to come out to see him.

Viona exhaled roughly, then decided to meet him,

"Okay I'm going out, wait a minute," she called.


The phone connection is disconnected. viona walked to the dressing table, then put her smartphone there. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, brushed her hair briefly, dusted her face with a little powder, and put on some lip gloss so she wouldn't look pale.

Seeing that she was not too bad and deserved to meet Frans, Viona immediately walked out of the room and headed out of the house. She opened the main door, walked through the terrace and courtyard.

seen Frans smiled at Viona who walked over, then asked the security guard to open the gate.

"What do you want to talk about?" Viona asked when she was outside the gate. Now and then he glanced around which was already deserted because at that time it was 11:25 night.

Frans glanced at the security guard who was still standing near the gate watching Viona. Perhaps he was being wary because his employer was meeting a stranger near midnight.

"Let's talk somewhere else, it's uncomfortable here." Frans went to open his car door, then looked at Viona with raised eyebrows.


"Where are you going, Frans? It's getting late." Fiona looked doubtful.

"Not far. Don't be afraid, I won't misbehave with you," said Frans with a reassuring smile.

viona was silent for a moment while biting her lower lip, thinking whether to come or not. But considering Frans' kindness, she felt he no longer hesitated to come along. It's only for a moment, who knows if it's really important to talk?

"Okay, I'll give you 15 minutes," said Viona.

Frans nodded, then invited Viona to get into his car. He walked to the driver's door, then quickly got in. The man drove his car to a small park not far from the luxury housing complex around Viona's house.

'What is he talking about, why did you invite me here?' Viona thought wonderingly, occasionally she glanced at Frans who was always smiling at her.

"We're here. Let's go out for a minute, you said you only gave me 15 minutes." Frank opened the car door.

Viona immediately opened the door and walked out. She was silent waiting for Fran to approach her.

"It's very quiet here," Frans muttered while leaning his body against the car body, he was standing right next to Viona.

"Of course, it's late, Frans," said Viona.

Frans smiled faintly, then said, "because I only have time at this hour. You can see, I haven't even had time to change in my rush to get here."

Viona glanced at Frans, who was still seen wearing medical clothes, maybe he hadn't showered or had time to go home. but still looks handsome and clean with a smooth face without the slightest beard. She admitted that the man was indeed more handsome and charming than Edward.

"Well, what do you want to talk about?" Fiona asked.

Frans exhaled roughly, then turned to Viona, staring at her intensely. He bent down slightly to take her hand, then held it to his stomach level.

"Viona..maybe this is too soon for you, but I feel like I have to say it right away because I don't want to leave with a heavy heart that hasn't been conveyed," said Frans.

"Just say it," Viona whispered with a pounding heart and her heart seemed to be beating fast.

"I feel that I love you, Viona," said Frans, staring intensely at Viona's face, which looked more natural and sweet because she was wearing pink pajamas. "I want to be more than just a friend. Eh... you know what I mean, I'm not good at saying this."

"You mean, having a relationship with me? As...." Viona was so nervous that she didn't know what to say.

"As your future husband, I want to marry you, after completing my duties in the village, Viona," said Frans.

"Married?" Fiona looked surprised. "You don't even recognize my nature, Frans..there's no way we can get married, I don't understand you either."

"Yes, I know that, Viona. We do need to understand each other's nature, but I want to be your future husband. Over time, we will understand each other and accept each other, until we will get married." France is reassuring.

"But, Frans ... I am unmarried, while you are still a virgin and your status is high for me. I feel that I do not deserve you." Viona let go of Frans's hand.

Frans put his hands on Viona's shoulders, looked into her eyes intensely, then said, "I don't care about your status. Unmarried or girl to me you are still a strong woman who I fell in love with."

"But, Frans... I just officially got divorced." Viona looked up at Frans with her trembling body. There is a sense of wanting to accept it, there is also a sense of doubt because they are still traumatized by previous experiences.

"We will go through the process of getting to know each other first, Viona," said Frans while taking a strand of hair that covered Viona's face because of the wind. "But I'm sure, we will feel right one day. Until you are sure you want to accept me as your husband."

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