In the afternoon after finishing preparing for tomorrow's thanksgiving event, Ethan and Luna took the time to visit Ananta's grave. They asked Alexa and Andrew to look after the two babies while Anna and Gita were bathing or whatever.

Ethan sat crouched staring at the gravestone of his father-in-law who had died a few months ago. There was a sense of guilt that seemed to be a hard slap for him, it was because he remembered his promise before his mother-in-law died.

'I'm sorry because I have not been able to keep my promise to be a good husband, as well as make Luna happy. I've been making her suffer all this time. If you were still around, maybe you would beat me up. But I promise to fix everything.' Ethan stirred in thought.

Luna sprinkles flowers with teary eyes. In the past, she was very close to her late father and had been forgiven for making the family ashamed of her pregnancy before marriage.

'Dad, don't be mad at me for not being a good wife. Even if Ethan has hurt me, I will try to forgive. I'll be a good mother just like Dad wanted me to be.'

Ethan raised his hand and closed his eyes while reading a prayer with Luna who says Amen, for a while. They immediately got up again.

"Let's go home, the twins will be fussy looking for you," said Ethan while embracing Luna's shoulder.

"Daddy should have played with the twins. This regret seems to be irreplaceable by anything," said Luna while looking at the tomb of the late Ananta.

"Patient, Honey. if you're sad, then daddy won't be at peace in heaven," Ethan coaxed.

"Could it be that dad was sad too when you ignored me and got sick?" asked Luna blankly.

Ethan sighed, then replied, "perhaps if dad were still alive he would beat me up and not let me come back with you."

Luna turned to look at Ethan who had hurt her heart. she stared intently at her husband's handsome face that had once stolen her heart, but when all that had happened to her, the admiration faded a little and it became awkward to be too sweet. "Promise in front of daddy to atone for all those mistakes. I do forgive you and want to fix everything, but I have to make sure you won't repeat it by making a promise on daddy's grave," she said with teary eyes.

"Okay, I'll promise," replied Ethan as he crouched back down with his hand holding the tomb of the late Ananta.

"Promise because of the sincere intention of your heart, not because you are afraid of karma, to daddy or me. Promise because you intended to prove your love," Luna exclaimed while glancing at Ethan who was ready to make a promise.

Ethan nodded, then focused on his late father-in-law's gravestone while placing his hands on it.

"I Ethan Darric Angelo promise, swear in front of dad for all the sincere intentions of my heart. I will never hurt Luna or leave her even if she makes a mistake. I will always defend her with all my heart as husband and father to Keenan and Keyra. I will comply with her wishes and give her what she asks for."

Ethan stood back up and looked at Luna. "I promised, honey. Don't be afraid of me anymore, because I will fix everything. The purpose of my life is only to make you and the kids happy," he said with confidence.

Luna smiled and nodded. "You should because you are the only mine and your responsibility is to make me happy."

"Don't be afraid of me anymore," Ethan exclaimed as he grabbed Luna's hand.

"No, maybe you will be afraid," Luna replied with a mocking smile.

"Why?" asked Ethan.

"Because I like to ask what you sometimes don't like," answered Luna. "Remember. You promised not to refuse my wish forever," she exclaimed with a triumphant smile and then let go of Ethan's hand.

"Are you going to ask to be apart again?" asked Ethan angrily.

Instead of answering, Luna walked towards the car. Ethan immediately followed her and again asked, "what do you want, honey? tell me please."

"Make me feel heaven on earth," said Luna with a mocking smile.

"In what ways?" Ethan asked, frowning. he didn't seem to understand Luna's wish that was too enigmatic.

Luna stopped and turned to look at Ethan who looked confused. She chuckled and pulled him to the car. "I want to travel to several countries by cruise ship because you are very rich," she said as she continued walking.

"I'll do it," replied Ethan with a relieved smile, because it was easy for him.

"But...." Luna stopped and looked at Ethan.

"But what?" asked Ethan.

"Invite all the workers at home, so they can feel happy too," Luna exclaimed as she pulled Ethan back on his feet. "You also have to hire a doctor to come with us so that you can continue to treat my stomach and a gym instructor to train me in sports so that I can restore my stretched stomach to be slim," she continued with an amused smile. because it is very expensive and will drain her husband's money even though it will not run out, at least it costs a lot.

Ethan was silent for a moment as he continued walking. He was thinking that the trip was not just for the two of us, but he wanted to go in a romantic atmosphere.

"Why are you quiet? Do you mind?" Luna asked.

"No. I'll do whatever you want, as long as you're happy," replied Ethan with a relieved smile.

"Good, because the Ethan I know is generous and obedient." Luna smiled contentedly, then kissed Ethan's cheek.

when they got to the car, they immediately got in and drove back home in a relaxed manner. During the trip, Ethan was still unmoved with a feeling of anger. He remembered Luna's words that he would become an advertising model with another man and his two babies.

"When are you going to start contracting with the agency?" asked Ethan.

"Maybe after coming back from here," answered Luna without turning her head.

"Do you have to be with another man?" asked Ethan.

"I will propose you if you are willing," said Luna while glancing at Ethan who looked worried if she would play a role with another man.

"If you can't that's fine too." Ethan was humble.

Luna sneered at the stoic Ethan. but she chose to remain silent because she liked to see him look jealous. The woman need not be afraid of being dumped again, because her husband has sworn an oath on his father's gravestone.


While crossing the mini market, Luna asked Ethan to stop for a moment. She wants to buy pampers for Keenan and Keyra because the stock at home has run out. Moreover, tomorrow there is a thanksgiving event, the two babies must wear camperso as not to wet anyone who is carrying them when they accidentally pee.

"Wait here a moment," Luna called out before getting out of the car.

"Yes," said Ethan.

Luna immediately came out and walked into the mini-market. She took the basket and started to get the things he needed besides pampers, and got some chocolate-flavored snacks, cakes for everyone in the house. The young mother also bought some drinks with a variety of flavors, she intended to eat together because it was her birthday.


Feeling her name called, Luna immediately turned to look for someone who called her. She smiled when she found a burly man with a smooth face without a beard with haircut style hair. The man was wearing black basic pants combined with a white shirt. he looks very neat and charming.


Luna approached the man named Bastian, then hugged him for a moment. "Wow, you look like a successful man now." Luna looked at the man in awe.

"You're getting prettier too, Luna. It's been a long time since we've seen each other." Bastian smiled at Luna.

"We haven't seen each other in almost three years and you look very different," said Luna with a friendly smile.

"You too, you must have become a successful model like you want to be," Bastian replied. He doesn't seem to know that Luna is married and has lost her career.

"Yes, Bass. but I was only briefly in my profession."

"Why?" Bastian asked with a frown.

"Because I have to get married," answered Luna with an uncertain expression. Because with that marriage she got a husband and the gift of two babies, but she was also sad because she lost her career.

Ethan walked over to Luna who was talking to a man. He walked with sharp eyes as if he didn't like what he saw

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