A girl with a tomboy style walked out of the airport while dragging a suitcase. She wore white jeans combined with a black t-shirt with large size like an oversized one and tied her hair in a ponytail. her face is like a western girl with a sharp nose, small lips, long eyes, and wavy hair that makes her look naturally beautiful.

"I've arrived, where are you?" the girl asked someone on the phone.

"I'm behind you, Alexa," Andrew said with a smirk at the tomboyish girl, then hung up.

Alexa immediately looked back and rushed to hug Andrew. "I miss you so much."

"I missed you too, Alexa." Andrew tightened his grip for a moment, then let go. he looked at the tomboyish girl he loved with a radiant face and implied a happy hue.

"We'd better go straight to Ethan's house. I haven't seen him again after driving him home last night," Andrew said as he took over Alexa's suitcase.

"Come on, let's go, I want to see how things are," Alexa replied as she walked out of the airport followed by Andrew.

Arriving outside the airport, Andrew invited Alexa to get into his car, then drove to Ethan's house.

"Eh, better stop by my house for a bit." Andrew glanced at Alexa and asked. "You can drive Ethan's sports car, right?"

"Yes," said Alexa.

"The car is at my house, you should use that car when you go to Ethan's house," said Andrew.

"Okay, no problem," said Alexa casually while eating the gum that was always available in her trouser pocket.

Andrew smiled, glancing at Alexa, who was impressed as she was and was getting more beautiful. because after the last meeting at Ethan's house a few months ago, he never saw her again because he hadn't had the chance to meet her in Singapore.


Ethan drove his car to Andrew's house. he will invite the employee as well as his friend to follow Luna to Batam because if he is alone, he is still not very healthy. The man began to feel nauseous and weak and had not even had time to eat anything.

arriving at Andrew's house, Ethan immediately got out of the car and walked to the main door, then knocked.



Seen a middle-aged woman when the door was opened.

"Is Andrew home?" asked Ethan politely.

"Mr. Andrew is going to the airport, he said he wanted to pick up his friend who had just come from Singapore," the woman replied, bowing her head slightly.

Ethan was silent for a moment. It seemed that he thought his plans weren't going well because Andrew wasn't home.

"Well here he comes." the woman stared at the car that had just entered the yard. It was Andrew's car which must have Alexa in it.

Ethan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Andrew get out of the car. But he frowned when he saw Alexa also got out of the car.


"He said he was sick... why are you even here?" Alexa approached Ethan who was still at the door with the woman.

"I have to go to Batam this afternoon," said Ethan angrily looking at Alexa who suddenly came without giving any news. "Why did you suddenly go to Jakarta?"

"Of course because I want to meet Luna and the twins," replied Alexa who was now in front of Ethan.

"Don't at the door, I want to come in," said Andrew.

Ethan immediately entered along with Alexa and Andrew. while the middle-aged woman also came in and immediately made tea for them.

"Luna and the kids aren't home," said Ethan as he sat down on the sofa.

"I know," Alexa said as she sat down next to Ethan. "I wanted to go straight to Batam, but Andrew said you were sick. And Aunt Dina asked me to visit you first because she was very busy," she explained.

"I have to surprise her." Ethan looked furious.

Alexa looked at Ethan who still looked weak and pale. "What surprise?/you're still sick. If you insist on going there today, it will only be troublesome."

"I'm feeling better and I'm going to take medicine to get better soon," said Ethan then glanced at his watch, which said it was 10 in the morning. "I have to buy a gift and a cake for her immediately," he continued as he got up from the sofa.

"Waitt. Have you had your breakfast and drink your medicine?" Alexa asked as she forced Ethan to sit back down.

Andrew just stared at the boss and cousin who were interacting.

"Not yet," replied Ethan.

"You'd better have breakfast first. Incidentally, there is food," said Andrew.

"Yes. If you don't have breakfast and take medicine soon, I hesitate to take you to Batam," said Alexa while looking at Ethan with pity.

Ethan didn't budge for a moment, then said, "Okay, I'm going to have breakfast after that one of you helped me find a gift for Luna. Because three o'clock we should be at the airport."

"Okay. I'll help, let Alexa rest here," said Andrew while glancing at Alexa who probably really needed a break because she had just come from Singapore.

"Yes. I have to sleep for a while since last night I couldn't sleep," said Alexa.

"Don't tell Luna about our plans," Ethan shouted, glancing at Andrew and Alexa.

"Okay," Andrew said as he got up from the couch and said, "it's best to have breakfast now because we don't have much time."

Ethan nodded in agreement, and so did Alexa. The three of them immediately walked towards the dining room which was not as big as the dining room at Ethan's house. Because Andrew's house is still relatively minimalist.


in Batam, Luna was sitting while looking at her two babies who were being cared for by her babysitters. She felt uneasy because Ethan's number couldn't be reached. Of course, because by now Ethan had turned off his phone so he could surprise her later.

"I'd better call Ira," Luna muttered. She immediately contacted Ira to ask how Ethan was.

"Hello. Is Ethan okay?" asked Luna when she was connected to Ira.

"Still looks weak, Mrs. Now instead of going somewhere," answered Ira sounding irritated.

"He left when he was sick?" Luna asked with an increasingly worried expression.

"Yes, Mrs. He hasn't had breakfast yet," answered Ira.

"Oh God, where is he? It's the weekend, he can't go to the office." Luna muttered as she paced around in confusion. "Ira, when Ethan is home, please let me know," she cried.

"Yes, Mrs "

"I'll turn off the phone first."

Luna immediately hung up the phone. He immediately approached the two babies who were not funny more. Because after being given medicine, they want to drink milk or suck milk again.

"Let me take them for a walk around here, you guys have breakfast first," said Luna while taking the black baby stroller that Rita bought a few days ago.

"Okay, ma'am," replied Anna. she immediately put Keenan into the baby stroller, as well as Gita also put Keyra as comfortably as possible and put a blanket on. Because the air is still a bit cold and they are also still a bit feverish.

Luna immediately pushed the baby stroller containing the two babies to leave the house. She invited the two little angels to enjoy the fresh morning air which was still very fresh. Because it's just a little day, ititely feel hot.

"Where the hell is Ethan, is he angry again and will ignore me? Duh, why am I scared now? he should have come long ago to show his seriousness, but so far he hasn't come, even sick." Luna had a monologue with herself while pushing the baby stroller around the house

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