Arriving at Edward's apartment, Viona immediately got out of the car and walked into the skyscraper. She walked down a corridor that wasn't too crowded because maybe the residents of the apartment were working. The woman entered the elevator and pressed the button for the floor where her husband's apartment was.

Arriving at the intended floor, Viona immediately got out of the elevator and walked towards the main door of Edward's apartment. She saw a burly man with a thick beard and wearing sunglasses and formal attire, standing guard at the door.

"Who are you?" Viona asked with a probing look.

"I'm Ms. Sarah's bodyguard," the person replied.

"Sarah?" Viona frowned, then opened the unlocked door.

Viona looked for Edward's whereabouts in the kitchen and the living room, up to the bedroom. When she just opened the door, she found her husband making out with a girl she was not familiar with. the girl was Sarah who was moaning with pleasure at the pounding after a beat of Edward's manhood.

Sarah managed to melt Edward with a wild attitude that immediately asked him to make love. Without him knowing it, there was Viona who was watching the hot action on the bed.

Viona's eyes went wide when she saw Edward cheating with Sarah. Her heart was broken with hatred and disgust. She immediately shouted at her husband with teary eyes.


Edward suddenly stopped his passionate activity and turned in the direction of the voice calling him.


Edward looked at Viona who was standing at the door and crying. For some reason, there is a feeling of guilt and a sense of having to calm him down. he immediately put his clothes back on and walked over to his wife.

Viona was disgusted and sick of seeing Edward's lecherous actions. She immediately went out of the apartment with hasty steps and burst into tears.

"It turns out that Luna is not the only one you love. You are a bastard, Edward! I can't tolerate your actions this time, because it's better for you to divorce me."

Viona walked down the corridor of the apartment building while monologued with herself until she entered the elevator. Suddenly she remembered Luna, who had been pushed to her death.

"Gosh... I've even done evil to Luna even though it's not wrong. It turned out that Edward did have a relationship with another girl. I'm so stupid! I have to go back and help her."

When the elevator door opened, Viona immediately got out and jogged down the corridor of the magnificent building until she arrived at the parking lot. She didn't seem to realize that running could also put her frail pregnancy in danger. The woman immediately got into the car and drove it towards Ethan's house at top speed.

"Oh God, what if Luna and the baby don't survive. I will be very sinful and have to go to jail. I have to get there soon!"

Viona increased the speed of her car until at the crossroad she didn't notice the red light was on and a car was about to cross.


Finally, Viona's car collided with a private car that was about to pass again.

Immediately blood gushed from her head which hit the steering wheel hard. Because when just got up, Viona was in a hurry and panicked thinking about Luna's safety for her actions until she forgot to put on the seat belt.

Slowly the quiet streets became crowded with crowds of people, police, and ambulances trying to help Viona and the other car drivers who were also injured. The pregnant woman was immediately rushed to the hospital.


Ira has arrived home. She immediately got out of the car while carrying a paper bag containing the chocolate cake Luna's ordered. The woman walked towards the main door which was not closed.

"Why is the door open? Is Mrs. Luna outside?" Ira looked around left and right. She looked around looking for her employer's whereabouts in the garden next to the house because usually she often watered the flowers there.

Ira decided to go into the house and walked towards Luna's room across the living room. Her eyes successfully widened when she saw Luna on the floor with her head and thighs bleeding.

"Oh my God, Mrs. Luna!"

Ira approached Luna and crouched down to see her. She glanced at her master's lower body which was bleeding fresh.

"She's bleeding!"

Ira was very panicked, then stood up and ran to Tony who was wiping the dusty car window.

"Mr. Tony! Please... Mrs. Luna. She fell from the stairs!" said Ira in a high tone.

hearing the beautiful employer he admired was injured, Tony immediately ran to Ira who immediately walked with fast steps towards the living room.

"Gosh. This is dangerous!" Tony stared at Luna's condition when he arrived in the living room.

"Quickly pick it up and take it to the car. We have to take her to the hospital immediately!" Ira shouted in panic.

With all his might, Tony carried Luna's body and took her to the car. Ira followed behind while trying to contact Ethan. However, her employer did not pick up the phone from her.

Arriving at the car, Ira got in first and used her thighs as a cushion for Luna's head. She looked at her beautiful woman who had very bad luck.

"Quickly call Mr. Ethan!" cried Tony. He quickly got in and sat in the driver's seat and drove the car to the nearest hospital.

Ira kept trying to contact Ethan several times and finally got connected.

"Hello, sir. Mrs. Luna...." Ira couldn't finish her words. instead, she cried because she realized Luna had regained consciousness and complained of pain.

"It hurts... it hurts... Aghh"

"Why, what happen to my wife?" Ethan asked over the phone sounding panicked. Maybe he had heard his wife cry.

"Mrs. Luna fell from the stairs. Now Mr. Tony and I are on our way to the nearest hospital," explained Ira in her sobs.

"How is that possible? Didn't you oversee or guide her?" asked Ethan sounding panicked.

"I was just...."

Before she could answer, Ethan had hung up the phone. Ira's gaze returned to Luna who was wincing in pain while holding her distended belly.

"Just be patient, Mrs. We are on our way to the hospital," said Ira sadly.

She felt guilty for leaving Luna alone at home. the blood that continued to seep on her employer's negligee and flowed down his calves seemed to make her even more panicked.

"Mr. Tony, you have to hurry. Mrs. Luna is bleeding profusely." cried Ira.

Tony immediately drove the car faster. occasionally he looked at the glass above to see the state of Luna.


Ethan, who almost left for Bandung City, immediately drove his sports car at high speed to the hospital closest to his house.

During the trip, Ethan couldn't stop chuckling in annoyance cursing himself for leaving and not obeying Luna's wishes this morning.

"How stupid I am? I shouldn't have left you and realized your strange behavior earlier. I hope you and our future twin baby are doing well."

it only took a few minutes of driving, Ethan had arrived at the hospital grounds. That's when Tony just arrived. He immediately ran to the car and carried Luna towards the hospital in a hurry.

"Hold on, Honey..."

That was all Ethan could say as he was panicking and very worried. He put Luna on the gurney the nurse had prepared and pushed her towards the ER. Walking hastily, the man followed the gurney carrying his wife until he stopped in front of the emergency room.

"Please... Hold on to me. I love you... I love you so much, Honey."

Ethan looked sadly at Luna who was crying in pain. He kissed her forehead before being brought into the ER for help.

There was regret and pain in his heart like being stabbed by a sharp sword. His eyes filled with tears as his wife disappeared from his sight. 'Oh my God... I beg you to save her... she's the only woman I love after my mother!'

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